![Pokemon GO - Complete List of all Pokemon image 0](https://gameplay.tips/uploads/posts/2016-07/thumbs/1468429030_pokemon-go.jpg)
How many Pokemons are in the game? In Pokemon GO you can catch the 151 Pokemon, like in the Original Pokemon. Lets look at the list bellow.
Complete List Of All Pokemon
Bulbasaur (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Ivysaur (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Venusaur (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Charmander (Type: Fire) Charmeleon (Type: Fire) Charizard (Type 1: Fire, Type 2: Flying) Squirtle (Type: Water) Wartortle (Type: Water) Blastoise (Type: Water) Caterpie (Type: Bug) Metapod (Type: Bug) Butterfree (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Flying) Weedle (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Poison) Kakuna (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Poison) Beedrill (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Poison) Pidgey (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Pidgeotto (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Pidgeot (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Rattata (Type: Normal) Raticate (Type: Normal) Spearow (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Fearow (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Ekans (Type: Poison) Arbok (Type: Poison) Pikachu (Type: Electric) Raichu (Type: Electric) Sandshrew (Type: Ground) Sandslash (Type: Ground) Nidoran? (Type: Poison) Nidorina (Type: Poison) Nidoqueen (Type: Poison) Nidoran? (Type: Poison) Nidorino (Type: Poison) Nidoking (Type: Poison) Clefairy (Type: Fairy) Clefable (Type: Fairy) Vulpix (Type: Fire) Ninetales (Type: Fire) Jigglypuff (Type: Normal) Wigglytuff (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Fairy) Zubat (Type 1: Poison, Type 2: Flying) Golbat (Type 1: Poison, Type 2: Flying) Oddish (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Gloom (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Vileplume (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Paras (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Grass) Parasect (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Grass) Venonat (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Poison) Venomoth (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Poison) Diglett (Type: Ground) Dugtrio (Type: Ground) Meowth (Type: Normal) Persian (Type: Normal) Psyduck (Type: Water) Golduck (Type: Water) Mankey (Type: Fighting) Primeape (Type: Fighting) Growlithe (Type: Fire) Arcanine (Type: Fire) Poliwag (Type: Water) Poliwhirl (Type: Water) Poliwrath (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Fighting) Abra (Type: Psychic) Kadabra (Type: Psychic) Alakazam (Type: Psychic) Machop (Type: Fighting) Machoke (Type: Fighting) Machamp (Type: Fighting) Bellsprout (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Weepinbell (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Victreebel (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Poison) Tentacool (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Poison) Tentacruel (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Poison) Geodude (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Ground) Graveler (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Ground) Golem (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Ground) Ponyta (Type: Fire) Rapidash (Type: Fire) Slowpoke (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Psychic) Slowbro (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Psychic) Magnemite (Type 1: Electric, Type 2: Steel) Magneton (Type 1: Electric, Type 2: Steel) Farfetch'd (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Doduo (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Dodrio (Type 1: Normal, Type 2: Flying) Seel (Type: Water) Dewgong (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Ice) Grimer (Type: Poison) Muk (Type: Poison) Shellder (Type: Water) Cloyster (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Ice) Gastly (Type 1: Ghost, Type 2: Poison) Haunter (Type 1: Ghost, Type 2: Poison) Gengar (Type 1: Ghost, Type 2: Poison) Onix (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Ground) Drowzee (Type: Psychic) Hypno (Type: Psychic) Krabby (Type: Water) Kingler (Type: Water) Voltorb (Type: Electric) Electrode (Type: Electric) Exeggcute (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Psychic) Exeggutor (Type 1: Grass, Type 2: Psychic) Cubone (Type: Ground) Marowak (Type: Ground) Hitmonlee (Type: Fighting) Hitmonchan (Type: Fighting) Lickitung (Type: Normal) Koffing (Type: Poison) Weezing (Type: Poison) Rhyhorn (Type 1: Ground, Type 2: Rock) Rhydon (Type 1: Ground, Type 2: Rock) Chansey (Type: Normal) Tangela (Type: Grass) Kangaskhan (Type: Normal) Horsea (Type: Water) Seadra (Type: Water) Goldeen (Type: Water) Seaking (Type: Water) Staryu (Type: Water) Starmie (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Psychic) Mr. Mime (Type 1: Psychic, Type 2: Fairy) Scyther (Type 1: Bug, Type 2: Flying) Jynx (Type 1: Ice, Type 2: Psychic) Electabuzz (Type: Electric) Magmar (Type: Fire) Pinsir (Type: Bug) Tauros (Type: Normal) Magikarp (Type: Water) Gyarados (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Flying) Lapras (Type 1: Water, Type 2: Ice) Ditto (Type: Normal) Eevee (Type: Normal) Vaporeon (Type: Water) Jolteon (Type: Electric) Flareon (Type: Fire) Porygon (Type: Normal) Omanyte (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Water) Omastar (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Water) Kabuto (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Water) Kabutops (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Water) Aerodactyl (Type 1: Rock, Type 2: Flying) Snorlax (Type: Normal) Articuno (Type 1: Ice, Type 2: Flying) Zapdos (Type 1: Electric, Type 2: Flying) Moltres (Type 1: Fire, Type 2: Flying) Dratini (Type: Dragon) Dragonair (Type: Dragon) Dragonite (Type 1: Dragon, Type 2: Flying) Mewtwo (Type: Psychic) Mew (Type: Psychic)
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/147-complete-list-of-all-pokemon.html
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