Team Communication and Coordination

Effective Communication

In professional PUBG, communication is everything. Use clear and concise callouts for enemy positions, such as “two enemies northwest, 300 meters, near the blue house.” Keep your teammates updated on your status, especially during fights. Use the in-game compass and map markers to coordinate movements and strategies.

Coordinated Strategies

Work as a unit. When attacking, focus fire on one enemy at a time to quickly reduce their numbers. Use flanking maneuvers to surprise opponents and create crossfire situations. When defending, spread out enough to cover multiple angles but stay close enough for mutual support. Always revive downed teammates promptly, but ensure the area is safe first.

Role Assignment

Assign roles based on each player’s strengths. Have a designated sniper for long-range engagements, a close-quarters specialist with shotguns or SMGs, and a support player who carries extra meds and throwables. Flexibility is important, but knowing your role helps in executing strategies smoothly.
