Hello! You maybe see my guides for R6. And now, I made a guide for PUBG! I know that I not very good at PUBG but maybe my guide will help you to win! And autistic arts as always! Enjoy!
My R6 guides
You buy this game and don`t know how to play it? I will tell you how to WIN!
First you need to select nickname and make a character. It is the easyest part. Then select mode.
Mods description below
And game has 2 mode of view TPP (THIRD) and FPP (First)
(don`t forget that you can see enemeys when you stay near the corner, and enemeys can see you too)
You select mode? Good! Now its time to start game! Press "Ready" and go!
You spawn at lobby and wait 1 min until game started.
At least when the game start you fly on the plane with 100 other players. You must open map "M" and select place where you want to land. There are many people in big towns as always. You may select 2-3 small houses and lend there to loot in safety. Or you can land in big town and start a big MESS (and be killed in 1sec)
When you selected place you must jump out of plane where you be nearby. You will fall until you open parachute. You can open it earlyer to fly farther
When you landed you must go find weapons and supplies.
In first you must find weapon and some meds.
In second armor.
And in third attachments.
When you had all loot you must go and kill anyone you see and be the last survivior.
Oh, and don`t forget about zone.
In some time in map will appear the zone - the big white curcle. In 5 mins the blue circle will narrow to white circle. Then will appear new white curcle, smaller then first. And first white zone turn blue. And it will repeat until all world be blue zone.
When you are out of blue circle you will take damage every second so you need to go in it as fast as you can. The blue zone moves not evenly, it move faster where it long away at white zone.
Nowdays there is 2 maps at PUBG - Erangel and Miramar. When you play you must memorize places to play better.
Normal speed and good cover.
Big speed and good cover too. (buitifull drifts with Deja vu)
Small speed so you can be shooted easily. Not good at all!
Fast speed and big patency. However you will be easy mark. Best on Miramar.
Not good speed but big patency and normal cover
You hadn`t any cover but you can drive 130 km and do flips. Best vehicle (if you can control it).
For control use "space" and "Ctrl".
Speed boat - fast water travel!
hydrocycle - fast water travel! (but need more fuel)
Know Your Wepon
Now, I will tell you about all wepons that contain in PUBG.
The Crowbar, Machete and Sickle are all the same weapons, you can get they if you couldn`t find Pan.
The Pan is the top melee in PUBG that kill ANYONE (and anything) in 2 shots. And it can stop any bullet that fired directly at pan. So, always bring pan when you can.
P92 and P1911 are bad pistols that had small damage but P92 had 15 ammo so prefer it.
P18C can shoot auto so it more like submachine gun... bad submachine gun
R1895 and R45 are revolvers which had big damage and small ammo. But if you can shoot in head it is very powerfull weapons. R1895 can be found only at erangel and R45 at Miramar.
S686 is very powerfull wepon that can kill everyone in head. Buts remeber that you had only 2 shots (but it enought)
Sawed-off like S686 but smaller damage.
S1897 had more ammo than S686 but shoot slower.
S12K like S1897 but shoot faster. Best shotgun!
Mini UZI is very fast SMG but with small damage and bad accuracy.
Ump had good damage for SMG and good accuracy.
Tommy gun is best SMG with good speed and biggest damage for SMG. Very powerfull on short distances.
Vektor has very low ammo so you need extended mag for it.
SCAR-L I think it is the best non-airdrop assault rifle. Many attachments and good accuracy. With 4x scope - sniper rifle.
M16A4 - I named it "bad m16" bacause it had small space for attachments and can`t shoot auto. So it only usable with 4x and single to do headshots.
M416 - i named it "good m16" bacause it had many attchments and can shoot auto. But I prefer SCAR because it has better accuracy.
AKM - big damage and very big recoil. Powerfull on short distances. On long distances - only single. You must control scope like AK in all games.
Crossbow - one shot one miss. It can oneshot everything but it really hard to hit the mark. You must aim higher because arrows fly down. And easy kill on short distances.
Kar98k - name it "karak". Very powerfull sniper rifle that can one shot in 1, 2 helmet, but it shoot very slow. Need 4x or 8x or 15x.
SKS - good fast shooting sniper rifle. Need compensator to minimalize recoil. And also need 4x or 8x or 15x scope.
Mini 14 - dast shooting but small damage. Prefer SKS. Also need compensator and 4x or 8x or 15x scope.
Winchester - very bad rifle. Couldn`t place scope, slow shooting. Only normal thing - big damage. I don`t recomend it at all. (only if you want to wild west duel)
VSS - very rare SR with smallest damage for SR but it can shoot auto and had a good scope and supressor, so only thing you need is expentended mag. Very powerful on short distances and can be good at long. My onelove rifle.
DP - bad accuracy but big mag. Can be used for rush. (have 47 ammo like yours chromosomes)
AR attachments to automatic rifle, SR for sniper rifle, SMG for submachine gun.
When you point on attachment (at inventory) the weapons that you can put it on will be highlighted.
Put compensator on auto weapons (and fast sniper rifles), flash hider to slow wepons, and use supressor to hide your position. Use vertical grip to minimilize recoil, horizontal to fast using scope.
All equpment in PUBG divide on 3 ranks.
First armor protect you from small damage, a third can save your life.
Kar98k oneshot you in 1,2 helmet. Only AWM can oneshot you in 3 helmet.
For backpack everything is simple. Better backpack - more space.
The first aid and bandage can heal you only to 75% of all health. (bandage heal small, first aid to 75%) To heal least 25% you need to use energy drink or painkiller. (restore small hp every ~5s) 2 energy drinks allow you to run faster small time.
The med kit is very rare but it restore full HP (using slowly). The adrenaline can rostore many HP and allow you running faster like with 2 energy drink. (only in airdrops)
Frag granade - most usefull granade in PUBG. Throw it to blow the enemeys that hide in house or cover behind the stone. (use "R" to pull the pin and it will detonate in 5 sec)
Flash granade - not very usefull granade which can be use when you rush enemeys. (not work on medium distances)
Smoke granade - good granade that used when you need to heal your teammate under fire or on last zones.
Molotov coctail - used to block wey of enemeys.
When you playing at some time arriving airdrop. A plane drop a box with rare loost which can be found only here. There always many people hunting for it.
To loot airdrop you must have a car. Drive fast as you can, fast loot and drive away. And be carefull of snipers!
The weopons you might find only here
AUG - very good assault rifle which had very small recoil so you can shoot on long distances. Had many attachments.
GROZA - best assault rifle at game with very fast speed. Only supressor can be attach.
M249 - had many ammo (100) with big speed. Can be used only on short or medium distances. You may take only ammo.
Mk14 EBR - sniper rifle with big damage, good accuracy and auto shooting mode. Best choice for medium distances. Requre 4x or 8x or 15x.
M24 - best accuracy, big damage, slow speed - tipical sniper rifle. But can`t oneshot in 3 helmet. Need 8x or 15x.
AWM - best SR in game. Biggest gamage, big accuracy. slow speed. Only weapon that can oneshot in 3 helmet.
Now I will show you some tactics for game!
Drop in Hot zone
Drop in big town. it like suicide You need to fast loot any weapon (not pistol or melee) and go to kill them all!
When you kill all in town go to zone and kill others.
(if this tactic didn`t working you is a noob)
Drop in peacfull place and loot weapon. Then find a car and go to the center of zone. Select house and go to small room like bathroom and sit here and wait. When the enemays arrive you just open the door and kill them. Shotgund best for this tactic. Don`t forget to close the doors and don`t break windows.
Peace loot
Drop on road and fast find a car, then go to far town where you can`t drop from plane. There will be nobody (or few man) so you can loot easily. Then just go to center and use another tactics.
Feel like learn something and ready to win? So go and do winner winner chiken-dinner.
If I helped you please press like and add in favorite.
And add me to friends if you want play together! Goodbye!
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