Space Colonies

Space Colonies

Space Colonies

Space Colonies image 1

Space Colonies are colonies founded by countries on a planet located in Alpha Centauri star system.

Each player has a colony in one of the countries Alpha Centauri colonies. Each country from Earth has own colony territory in Alpha Centauri habitable planet.

Space Colonies Info:

Every player starts with his own space colony in his own country space territory.

For a fee any player can move his space colony, can even move it on another country teritorry.

To move the colony the player visits the colony map of the country he wants to join it's colony, then he clicks on the map to move colony in an available space. Note that if it's wild territory on map then you need to choose another available space on the map to move it since you can't move colonies on wild spaces of territory. Wild territories have a distinct graphic on map with fields, forests or mountains.

In a player space colony the owner can build buildings that does different things.

Command Center building produces tritium, polymers and titanium gathered from all over the colony. Based on level it also increases the storage space of your colony.

Colony also produces passive tritium, polymers and titanium of 10 each every 10 minutes besides what you manually gather from the Command Center.

Fusion Power Plant building is the building where Energy Boosters are produced for the space colony owner. Level 1 Fusion Power Plant produces 5xQ1 Energy Boosters; Level 2 Fusion Power Plant produces 5xQ2 Energy Boosters; Level 3 Fusion Power Plant produces 5xQ3 Energy Boosters; Level 4 Fusion Power Plant produces 5xQ4 Energy Boosters; Level 5 Fusion Power Plant produces 5xQ5 Energy Boosters.

Health Center building is the building where Health Kits are produced for the space colony owner. Level 1 Health Center produces 5xQ1 Health Kits; Level 2 Health Center produces 5xQ2 Health Kits; Level 3 Health Center produces 5xQ3 Health Kits; Level 4 Health Center produces 5xQ4 Health Kits; Level 5 Health Center produces 5xQ5 Health Kits;

A player may choose to move his colony to another location on the map with a cost for move of 2500 Money and 5 Gold.

Weapons Factory building is the building where Weapons are produced for the space colony owner. At level 1 the building produces 1 from each of the weapons types and with each new level it produces 1 more weapons of each type. Max level for this building is 50.

Each weapon can be used in battlefields to give a bonus percent to total damage when you fight. The bonus is 10% for Q1 Weapons, 20% for Q2 Weapons, 30% for Q3 Weapons, 40% for Q4 Weapons, 50% for Q5 Weapons. The durability of each weapon is 1 being used for each fight you do based on which quality you have selected.

Each colony building can be upgraded to produce more or better quality products.

A player can move his colony produced products to own storage to be available for usage from the Command Center building.

To produce Energy Boosters and Health Kits the Fusion Power Plant and Health Center buildings use tritium, polymers and titanium produced by the Command Center.

Recruitment Center building is the place where you recruit soldiers needed to attack other space colonies.

To recruit soldier from Recruitment Center you need to have the required tritium, polymers and titanium.

Using the produced soldier in space colony, a player can attack other players colonies on any country map. If he wons he will get rewards of money, gold and fame if the respective attacked player colony was not attacked more than 3 times for that day. The player also gets tritium, polymers and titanium if these resources are over the protected storage value of the colony which is 45 in value at the start of colony and increseases whith the level of the Recruitment Center.

Recruitment Center also allows to store a part of your units in the Vault to keep them protected from attacks. The higher the Recruitment Center, the more units you can choose to protect in vault. You can withdraw and add units in vault each 12 hours of cooldown. If there are incoming or outgoing attacks for your colony you can't use the store units in vault.

All new players have an attack protection of 5 days from the date they join the game so they're colony can't be attacked and they can't attack other colonies in the first 5 days

If you won a fight you earn 200 Money, 2 Gold and 500 Fame.

If you won a fight 1 power is added to your country and if the opponent has at least lvl 20 and have logged in in the last 5 days his country loses 1 power.

If you fail a fight you lose 100 Money and 1 Gold. The defender gets 0.5 Gold, 250 Money and 250 Fame.

If you fail a fight 1 power is removed from your country and if the opponent has at least lvl 20 and have logged in in the last 5 days his country gains 1 power.

In an attack between colonies the player with any remaining troops after the fight get's the rewards and wins the fight.

The troops a player can get in it's colony are: Q1 Recruits Units, Q2 Recon Units, Q3 Infantry Units, Q4 Engineering Units, Q5 Armored Units.

Each of the troops have the following attack: Q1 Recruits Units = 1 Attack, Q2 Recon Units = 2 Attack, Q3 Infantry Units = 3 Attack, Q4 Engineering Units = 4 Attack, Q5 Armored Units = 5 Attack.

Each 10 levels of the Recruitment Center increases the number of troops that can be recruited one time, also increases the required resources but you can recruit more units.

If more than 3 fights with same player daily you will not get money, gold, fame and power after more than 3 fights with that player.

If you made more than 20 fights on same day you will get no more money, gold, fame and power rewards for attacks but you will get resources.

If not more than 10 attacker power of total in attacking units for a battle then attacker doesn't get money, gold and fame, only resources.

You can only attack same player a maximum of 20 times per day.


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