Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing)

Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing)

Finding Your Save Data

Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 1

Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 2

You can find your savedata by opening a windows explorer tab and pasting the following into the address bar, and then press enter;


This will bring you to the folder where your savedata is located, the file you want to edit is called save.dat


Modifying Your Save In Two Clicks!

Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 8
Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 9
Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 10

Unlock all words/phrases for your Player Card (Save Editing) image 11

Download this powershell script[cdn.discordapp.com] , and place it in your save folder.

Don't worry, this script does not contain any harmful code, you can even open it up yourself in any text editor such as notepad to confirm this!

Rename your save.dat file to save_original.dat, your save data directory should now look like this;

Now, right click the P4U_PC_Unlock_All_PCard_Words_And_Phrases.ps1 file, and click on "Run with Powershell".

This will now create a new save.dat file, and you're done!

Copy your save_original.dat file somewhere safe in case you ever want to do other modifications to your save data in the future, and delete the save_original.dat and P4U_PC_Unlock_All_PCard_Words_And_Phrases.ps1 files from your save folder!

You should now be able to see all words unlocked ingame and be able to make your own title out of all of them!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2781011115					

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