Most Important Policies List

What Policies To Get

The social policies you should get are quite simple and you never need to get anything else once you have them researched.

1. Construction Goods

- You will always need basic construction material and those materials feed into everything else up the production chain.

2. Food Production

- You will always need food and this makes anything that makes food more efficient from hunting lodges to orchards.

3. Immigration Incentive

- You always want more people.

4. Education Focus

- This will make schools more efficient and have more people attending them.

5. Natality

- You always want more people.

You should always have Immigration Incentive and Natality on your Policy list. But there might be a time in the game where you wont have enough influence to have them on unless you remove some of the other policies.

I suggest removing Education focus, Construction goods and Food Production in THAT order if you need to make room.


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