Parkour Costumes

Parkour Costumes


First off I need to lay out two things.

First of all, I'm sure you can get everything in the game without doing crazy jumps or anything if you get far enough and unlock enough costumes; however, that's just not as fun for most people. Some people just want to feel proud of being places before they think they're supposed to.

Secondly, to get the first and most important costume you need to get to World 6 which means you need to have obtained 20 golden statues/trophies already. This is quite a breeze, and as soon as you see World 6 you can beeline for 6-2. This is where you'll get the first costume.

First Costume

Parkour Costumes image 5

The first costume is the Floating Cat Costume which, honestly, is the primary "parkour" suit due to its long floating ability to cross huge gaps. One of the key features of it is that your time spent in the air is based on how long you hold down the "A" button (or whatever button you use). This means that you can "feather" your floating to cross much larger gaps by tapping the action button repeatedly, and this also means you can cross slightly bigger gaps than you're probably "supposed" to with it. Below on our way to the second costume I have a brief demonstration of this.

Second Costume

Parkour Costumes image 8

Gif preview of reaching this costume below.

The second costume you'll likely want to use is the Double Jump costume from 2-2. To get this legitimately you'll need to have 50 trophies/statues I believe, but we can do it with just 20. This costume, as you might have guessed, allows you to double jump; however, due to how the jumping in this game works you keep both jumps after falling off of land/platforms. This helps you get a little extra distance when traversing with it (although nowhere near as good as the floating cat costume) and takes a little stress away for any tight jumps you might be trying to make.

The costume itself is found just before the checkpoint in 2-2, but to get up there without it (or the costume you're supposed to use) you'll need to reach the checkpoint and climb up to the ledge to the left of it. Then simply jump and slightly feather your floating like in the gif and you shouldn't have much trouble. I did it first try, so it's really not that bad.

I spent like twenty minutes trying to figure out how to properly embed in here but none of the guides worked so here are external links (one as a community upload the other not)


I didn't go into too much detail for this, but if even one person wants me to then I can go and make a full video showing me going through the level(s) in question and obtaining the costumes. It's a bit tedious, but I also personally recommend hanging around them and farming a couple while doing something else between their respawns (like playing a mobile game or watching a video). Ever since I got the floating cat costume I just can't go anywhere without it, and I've had so much more fun.

If I worded anything poorly or something doesn't make sense, please let me know so I can help!

Have fun exploring!
