Hella's ODF Guide

Hella's ODF Guide


Hello o/

So you purchased ODF huh? GREAT CHOICE!

This guide is mainly intended to help new players understand some of the key aspects of playing ODF, but even if you aren't new to ODF you may find something interesting in this guide, whether you are struggling to earn money quickly enough, or you need some car setups to make your time with ODF more pleasurable whilst you learn to tune for yourself, or if you just want to hear from an experienced player on how to approach these areas of the game.

Let's begin!...



Firstly make sure your controls are setup to your liking which means diving in to the setting menu and testing what works for you and your setup which includes trying out which assists you prefer, there is no shame in using them, I use steering assist, some do not but either way the only important thing here is to choose what feels the best for you, don't worry about people who try to look down upon other players because they don't use a wheel or use assists.

Your priority should be making drifting in ODF as fun as possible for you!

I have seen people on all devices drift very well so it doesn't matter if you are on keyboard, controller or a wheel, you can be a drifting master!

Note: I will touch upon how brake assist is not recommended in a tandem or drift train in the "TANDEM AND SPEED DIFFERENCES" section of this guide.


Once you have your control settings sorted it is time to focus on your car's setup, this can be a complex area if you do not know what each setting does but there are great people in the community who will happily share their setups with you and/or offer tips and help you troubleshoot your car's setup, just ask in game chat or join a Discord server with people sharing their setups.

Over time you will get a feel for tuning your car and find you will no longer need much help in this area at all.

YOU CAN USE THE SAME TUNE ON ALL CARS! Usually you will only need minor tweaks to the tune for certain cars but for the most part you can just use the same setup ON ALL CARS!

So once you have found a setup you like then the process of setting up new cars is very simple and easy, just use that setup you like as your base setup then modify if required.


You can find in this guide how to earn big amounts of money/points by reading the "

HOW TO EARN BIG MONEY..." section of this guide but in general the basics of earning money and points is to raise your XP multiplier as high as you can which involves drifting for as long as possible and getting as much speed and angle as possible to raise your drift star rating.

Tandem with other players also boosts the amount you will earn so get close to other drivers, just not too close as to cause an accident! you wouldn't want to lose all those points and money now do you :)

Points guide table:

Cash block 300 points max (small rectangle blocks red/yellow)

Clip point 150 point max (small orange posts)

Reverse entry 600 points max

High speed drift 300 points max

Smash 150 points max (hit small objects such as barriers)

Full send 150 points max

Big angle 150 points max

Hit ball/dice 600 points max

Jump drift 600 points max

Kick the traffic 1500 points max

Cowboy 300 points max (hit a cow on the side of the road)

Speed and angle matter for all of the above!

You don't need to hit the maximum score for each thing, just try to get the most score you can.



In the early game the main upgrades you want to invest in are steering and engine power, everything else can come later and is not as essential as steering and power are.

Soon you will find yourself with multiple cars tuned to your liking and able to concern yourself with tandeming with higher level players and joining drift trains and maybe even competitions, for guidance with that please read the "TANDEM AND SPEED DIFFERENCES" section of this guide.


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There are many ways to earn money in ODF but if you want to maximise the amount you earn then this is the best way to do so solo or with a friend:

Before you begin please note because you can not spread the money you earn in a single run amongst all your cars so there is no point earning more than you need to fully upgrade and customise one individual car (roughly 500k points which equates to 100k cash) which can be done within roughly 20 minutes using this method and YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE DRIVING THE CAR YOU WANT TO ACQUIRE MONEY FOR TO EARN MONEY FOR THAT CAR!

The faster you drive, the more angle you have, the more clipping points and balls you hit the more you will earn!

Step 1.

Choose your best/easiest car to drift with.

Step 2.

Choose a circuit to spawn at that hasn't got many players on it using the map in the main menu by moving the circle to the area you wish to teleport to.

I recommend the yellow line at Watari Airport which can be found on the Japan map due to that circuit being very open with lots of space to make mistakes as it is built upon a runway and its high speed nature lends to maximising your earning potential.

You can choose other locations but again I recommend the easiest and fastest circuit you can find for this money earning method which for me is Watari airport's yellow circuit which is shown in the screenshot below.

Step 3. (optional but boosts earnings)

If you have a friend to tandem with that you trust not to crash you out then get them over to help you, this is not essential but it will speed up the process by boosting the amount you earn.

Step 4.

Start drifting, just remember to make use of OUTLAW MODE as much as possible, yes OUTLAW MODE is disorientating due to the filter but it boosts the amount you earn, if you think you are going to crash then turn off OUTLAW MODE to help avoid crashing out and losing your points, better safe than sorry!

(From my experience when testing this with a friend with me using OUTLAW MODE and them not using it, using it pays out roughly 30% more for the same time/distance so it's worth it if you can use it safely!).

Step 5. Cash out



As you can see in this screenshot you can earn millions using this method, boredom and bad drivers are your enemy, listen to something ie music or podcast and avoid other none trusted drivers like the plague and you will be rolling in money in no time!

!!! THE PAYOUT RATE IS 20% !!!

FOR EVERY 100,000 POINTS YOU EARN 20,000 MONEY which is the standard in the game no matter where you are or what you do.

The key principle behind earning money is getting your multiplier as high as possible, so if in the first lap you are earning 10,000 points then by the end you could be earning 100,000 points for the exact same lap purely due to your multiplier being so high, the longer you keep the chain going the more you earn per lap!

Miss Hella's CAR SETUPS

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Feel free to try these out on any car you wish as your base tune, personally I prefer the slower one :)

Performance parts are important here so make sure to purchase the relevant performance upgrades shown in the individual setups!


Here is a nice relatively fast setup that I have used a lot in the past and keeps up pretty well with faster cars/drivers:

SLOW*ish SETUP *UPDATED S14 as of 15/10/23*

This is my go to setup, very smooth and always nice to use on the majority of cars in ODF:



First and foremost not all drifters like to take the same lines and not all drifters drift at one speed/pace!

Some may like to drift at the fastest speeds possible and some like the slow life so don't worry about keeping up with faster drivers unless you are competing in competitions which most of us are not!


If you are trying to compete or you want to keep up with the fastest drivers you will need your car to have all performance upgrades maxed out.

Try to carry your speed throughout the course, avoid braking, and focus on taking the fastest line available.

You will need to have a competitive setup otherwise you will struggle to keep the fast pace, again setups can be found in Discord servers such as in D&F's setup tab (which I recommend joining the D&F server) or another group that has setups shared for other members to use and/or you can ask for setups from other drivers in-game to apply to your own car. Failing those 2 options you can refine your own setup and experiment to find the fastest tune possible, I would focus on your differential, aerodynamics and gearbox setup or go to the "Miss Hella's CAR SETUPS" section of this guide to use my tried and tested car setups which includes a relatively fast setup and a moderately paced one too!

Steering assist can offer a small speed boost so you may want to consider giving that a try.

OUTLAW MODE does offer a speed boost but this is only temporary so you can not rely on it to keep up with the fastest cars/drivers but it can be very useful when chasing to close a gap, just be careful not to crash due to the filter OUTLAW MODE uses, also see the bottom of this section for further information on using OUTLAW MODE when drifting with other people.


For me no, no I do not and you don't have to be either!

I use stock tyres on the majority of my cars and focus purely on my line and style which is a great fun way to play ODF!

Why do I use stock rubber? Well they make the departure rate and transition speed feel noticeably smoother and slower which makes it easier and also means you can enjoy the moment a little more, going quickly is fun but I personally prefer the slower pace offered by stock tyres, I am not racing to a finish line rather I am simply enjoying the moment.

I even on some cars only run max power and steering and leave everything else bone stock, sometimes it's fun to drive a heavy car with little grip, after all drifting is all about managing the weight of a car and balancing on the limit of grip, having a car close to stock spec in many ways offers more fun than a fully upgraded car, cheaper too!

There are plenty of us playing ODF who are not super fast so there will always be other people to tandem with who drift the same speed you do, find them and your enjoyment tandeming will increase immensely rather than trying to chase people in super fast cars or using lines and styles faster/different to your own.


Using brake assist can alter your line when braking whilst chasing the car in-front of you so it is advisable to disable it.

Using OUTLAW MODE in a drift train especially if you are in the middle of the train is generally not recommended so it's wise to stay clear of using it in this situation.


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This guide only covers a small part of ODF, there are other aspects not covered here and the game is constantly seeing changes as it develops and grows.

But!... hopefully this little guide will help you understand some of the main aspects of this game and helps you have even more fun in ODF!

Thank you for reading, see you in the game :)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049124935					

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