Devastator - This Is Not A Shotgun

Devastator - This Is Not A Shotgun

Why Use A Rifle As A Shotgun?

Because we can!

More seriously, it works well with the Devastator and its Seismic Commander set's bonus.

You should be able to solo-farm comfortably most 15th lvl Expeditions with this.


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To be honest, for most people it will feel more like you are playing with a rocket launcher, since you need to reload between each shot, than a shotgun.

Plus :

You never run out of ammo.

A nice amount of damage dealt.


You can make artillery-like shots...

You can hit two different points in one shot if you get the hang of it since the two Mods fire differently.

Minus :

You need to be careful not to be interrupted while reloading so frequently.

Your weapon is basically useless when NOT reloaded...

Skill And Tree

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Earthquake to apply Bleed and do damage. Golem for defence, but mainly to get the 45% Anomaly Power bonus to strengthen Earthquake. Third skill as you like.

I would like to play Gravity Leap with the Despair Mod, but currently it isn't working for me so I can't recommand it...


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Bleed, lots ot Bleed. Untamed Power is always nice when you play with Bleed and high Anomaly Power.

More damage on Bleed.

Even more Damage on Bleed.

You can use any 3-5 pieces of the Seismic set, but I recommand 3: chest and pants and any third, and then having cooldown reduction on the last two. Casting two or three Quakes every 6.7s is gorgeous.

Then you want Status Power on every pieces to make good use of those Bleeds!

If you feel like you are too squishy, you can easily swap Anomaly Echo, Power Assimilation and Second Quake with more defence-oriented Mods. But you shouldn't, as your Bleed should be enough to heal you through most things solo-encountered.


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