Consumable Guide

Consumable Guide

Survival Mode Consumables

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In Survival mode there are two consumable slots available per loadout. Potions and scrolls eligible for Survival mode are sold in the store and may be purchased with skulls.

PotionsPotions provide benefits on use and buffs that continue until death. Use them early to get the full benefit of the buff, use them in a pinch for their main effect, or both!

Most potions may be used more than once per match but each has its own limit. Some examples below:

Potion of Luck

Potion use: temporarily increases coin income.

Potion buff: increases coin from combos.

Limit: 5 per match.

Potion of the Guardian

Potion use: allows additional guardian placement.

Potion buff: mana and health per second.

Limit: 1 per match.

Potion of Caffeination

Potion use: restores all cooldowns.

Potion buff: cooldown reduction.

Limit: 3 per match.

ScrollsScrolls provide powerful, short-term team benefits. That's right, scrolls can affect an entire team of 2 or 3, rather than just the player that uses the item.

Unlike potions, scrolls may only be used once per match. Some examples below:

Scroll of Invulnerability

Temporarily makes the whole team invulnerable.

Scroll of Repair

Repairs all barricades to full health and temporarily makes barricades immune to damage.

Scroll of Resurrection

Instantly respawns all dead heroes and provides a reduced respawn buff for all players alive at the time of use.

Scroll of the Empty Rift

Temporarily reduces the value of enemies entering the rift to 0 points.

Sabotage Mode Consumables

In Sabotage mode, consumables can change everything. Building on the use of potions and scrolls in Survival mode, Sabotage boasts a massive list of additional spells, minions, and bosses that can wreak havoc for the opposing team of War Mages.

In Sabotage mode, players select one spell and one boss or minion card at the start of each wave rather than with their loadout.

SpellsSpells are powerful effects cast against enemy players or in support of allied minions. Some spells require selecting a player or a location to cast the spell, others are randomly chosen or affect the entire team.

Mana Drain

Drains the enemy team's mana

Team Dance

Causes the enemy team to stop and dance. Heroes drop aggro and cannot attack until the the effect ends.

Minion Stealth

Causes allied summoned minions to become invisible.

Mesmerization Spell

Select 1 enemy hero and mesmerize them.

Minion Heal Staff

Places a staff on the enemy team's battleground that heals minions in a radius.

Ogre Spudge

Sprays a noxious substance all over the enemy team's camera.

MinionsMinions are everything from kobold pups through shield trolls and they are summoned into the enemy team's battleground to augment the waves of attacking enemies.

BossesBosses are the biggest, baddest enemies around. Summon your very own Bulgod, Swiftyhooves, or Mercenary onto the battlefield to strike true fear into the heart of the opposing team.


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