This guide will detail the zombie's damage, speed values and misc information.
Guide To Zombies
Animation & Speed
Each animation that the zombie has is different, by the pose he has and by the speed.
Not all the zombies are "frozen" in one speed value, check this out.
- Walk 1: Very common and slow, low priority.
- Walk 2: Common and slow, low priority.
- Walk 3: Common and even more slow, low priority.
- Walk 4: Common but quite a bit fast, medium priority.
- Walk 5: Unusual but slow, low priority.
- Walk 6: Common, quite fast, medium priority.
- Walk 7: Common, really fast for a shambler, high priority.
- Walk 8: Unusual but slow, low priority.
- Walk 9: Common but slow, low priority.
- Walk 10: Unusual, gets to be fast at the middle of the animation, medium priority.
- Run: Only for fallen survivors or runners, pretty common and extreme priority.
- Crawl: Only for zombies that can't use their legs anymore, not so common but high priority.
Attacks & Damage
Each zombie attack delivers a different amount of damage, runners always does more damage rather than a regular zombie, so always prioritize them!
- Attack A: Basic attack, can finish off a survivor if he's really in low health (red health/monochromatic vision) and has a low chance of opening a wound in somebody
- Attack B: Intermediary Attack, can finish off a survivor if he's in medium health (dark orange health).
- Attack C: Advanced, a runner can finish off a survivor if he's in medium-high health (light orange), if you're lucky you can try to dodge the first attack that he does, if you don't, you'll more likely lose 80 of your health, or 30 if a shambler does this attack
Crawlers and the zombified childs has some difference when it comes to damage, see below
Crawlers are easy to take down, unless if you're playing in windowed mode and don't have the brightness option, they'll be a serious problem, take them down once you see them.
Children does a very low amount of damage but don't ignore them!, they can easily dodge/ignore your melee attacks, plus scratching you and making you bleed to death.
Flaming zekes or, flaming zombies. These guys will completely turn into a runner and do the double of the damage, always keep your distance while throwing a molotov.
A shambler, runner or zombie soldier will always die after twenty seconds of burning.
The most boring part of the guide, I think. it's just tips:
- Tip 1: Always take down the zombie with the "walk7" animation first, you may not notice but they're still pretty fast for a shambler, specially if you're doing a objective such as using a welder to unlock a door in cleopas or using the fire extinguisher to clear the fire in broadway. Most times that I get infected it was because of these bastards.
- Tip 2: Taking 2-3 hits of a shambler and getting bitten after that, it's very likely that you'll be infected, depending of the difficulty.
- Tip 3: Brightness is your friend against a crawler, I like to play and windowed mode since that I use the "no-browser" option for steam, since the new interface just eats the ram. But because of that, they blend-in/camouflage with the scenario pretty well, specially in dark areas. Vignette may also give you a bit of disadvantage, for me it does its a huge one, so I recommend you using Dysphie's No Screen Vignette mod. You can also remove the screen shaders but it's very un-recommended since it disables the infection screen and the black & white vision.
- Tip 4: Flaming zombies are always dangerous, you can easily take one down with any melee weapon, even with your hands. Always push them before attacking, you don't want to risk a hit by them, if you survive you'll be more likely bleeding or in a really bad shape.
- Tip 5: No, just because there are child zombies doesn't means they're weak, in fact, a group of children of the undead is extremely dangerous (example being, Broadway2's basketball court), a few hits they do to you, you may be already bleeding, it's even worse when their "dads/mothers" are with them and they're always runners.
- Tip 6: Got infected and already planning your suicide?, don't lose hope that easy, you have one minute and twenty seconds of life before turning and you'll have +3 minutes once you take a phalanx pills. Precious time if you ask me.
- Tip 7: You can't hit a zombie because the hit-registration is really bad?, yeah I feel you. Always aim in the zombie's hair/forehead, works for me. It always guarantees a decent head damage against him.
- Tip 8: Runners are easy to dispatch if you have a fast melee, doesn't even needs to be strong. A hatchet, baseball bat, pipe, wrench or knife can already take 2-3 runners down, just don't forget to push before attacking, and also charging your melee.
- Tip 9: Always predict the direction that a Runner/Kid will run towards you, if you predict it right and hit before the zombie gets there, you'll kill him very easily, leaving him no time to recover.
- Tip 10 (gold tip): Many people doesn't knows this but, if you see a area that is swarmed by zombies (example, the underground part of Fema), kill some zombies and run back to where you came from, the .nav system of nmrih is wanky and likes to delete many zombies in a area to spawn them where you're going. After you do that, get back immediatelly and do what you have to!
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