New World Damage Types
In New World, while your stats and attributes along with your overall build do contribute to your performance, that doesn’t always help to stay effective.
There is a proper mechanism in place. Damage is classified by type, with each type dealing more damage to a specific enemy while being immune to the others.
You might have an overly efficient DPS build that does a lot of damage, but if the variables are not modified correctly to match with different opponents you face, you won’t be able to do much.
Largely the damage types are classified into 2 types
Physical Damage
Elemental Damage
You’ll find three Physical and six Elemental damage types in New World.
Physical Damage
Physical Damage is the amount of damage your weapon deals to the enemy when it hits them. Physical damage is built into all normal (non-magical) weapons’ attacks. You can divide Physical damage into three further sub-types
All of these are built-in to your weapons attacks so you don’t have to bother placing them. To make things more interesting, these damage types can be modified to increase the amount of damage dealt.
The Slash damage type could be made using Axes, Swords, Hatchets, and Rapiers. Strike is landed using Bows, Spears, Muskets, Rapiers, and Swords. Lastly, Thrust damage is done using Warhammers.
Elemental Damage
By default, Elemental Damage is only found on magical weapons. This does not prevent them from being added to a non-magical weapon.
All you need are gems or perks to add elemental damage to a non-magical weapon. There are several options to do it, all of which are explained here.
The first option is to convert your weapon damage to elemental damage. The second option is to add a small amount of elemental damage along with the weapon damage.
Lastly, you can pull it off if you have an elemental damage chain near to the enemy on the hit.
Elemental damage types include the following six
For Arcane, Lightning, and Void damage type you’ll have to use gears and perks.
New World Damage Type Chart
With the different types of damage explained and out of the way, here’s how to improve your damage type to do even more damage per hit. When you damage a mob, an icon appears next to the damage value. There are now two possibilities.
If there are two small arrows above the icon, it indicates that you are dealing more damage and that the enemy is more vulnerable to that type of damage.
If, however, the arrows appear below the icon, it indicates that the enemy is resistant to that type of damage. As a result, your attacks will deal less damage.
They are color-coded as well. The color white denotes normal damage. Blue indicates reduced damage, while yellow indicates increased damage.
Another way for enhancing the damage types is by using coatings on your weapons. This, however, is only for the damage made through a particular weapon.
Here is a list of all the mobs and the types of damage to which they are most vulnerable and resistant.
Best Damage Type – Lightning
Worst Damage Type – Fire
Best Damage Type – Arcane
Worst Damage Type – Ice
Angry Earth
Best Damage Type – Fire
Worst Damage Type – Lightning
The Lost
Best Damage Type – Nature
Worst Damage Type – Void
Best Damage Type – Thrust
Worst Damage Type – It is resistant to none, so it has no worst damage type
Using this information, you can plan ahead of time and prepare accordingly before, to get the most out of combats or expeditions in New World.
The original residents of Aeternum, the Ancients are represented by the skeletal Ancient Guardians you'll find surrounding old ruins and other buildings of interest.
They're mostly found in Weaver's Fen, Windsward, Mourningdale and First Light. Islands of Blades.
They are also the main enemy in both the Starstone Barrows and the Lazarus Instrument.
These monsters are mostly found in or around ancient ruins and can be quickly identified due to their skeletal nature. They take reduced damage from Slash and Fire damage but take increased damage from Strike, Void, and Lightning damage. This makes the War Hammer the ideal weapon for these encounters as it deals all Strike damage. If you are using a Fire Staff, we recommend either partially elemental converting to Lightning damage by socketing a Topaz Topaz gem or switching to a different weapon when facing Ancients.
There are two Expeditions that feature Ancient foes. The Starstone Barrows, located in Everfall, is an Expedition that has a recommended level of 35. You can obtain a Quest that grants you a Starstone Tuning Orb Starstone Tuning Orb by completing the Side Quests in Everfall. The second Expedition is The Lazarus Instrumentality, located in Reekwater, which is an endgame Expedition with a recommended level of 60. While most of the foes within the Expedition are Ancient-type, the final boss is uniquely typeless. You can obtain a Quest that grants you a Lazarus Tuning Orb Lazarus Tuning Orb from both The Shattered Mountain and Reekwater.
Resistances & Weaknesses
➕ Receives 130% Lightning damage ➕ Receives 120% Strike damage ➕Receives 115% Void damage ➖ Receives 85% Slash damage ➖Receives 60% Fire damage
The Corrupted are one of the primary antagonists in New World, and form an important part in the game's PvE content.
Sprouting up everywhere, you'll have to band together with friends to take them down, although they can be found in pockets you can take solo - you can identify them by their red coloring.
They also make up the main body of enemies in both The Depths and the Dynasty Shipyard.
You can recognize a Corrupted due to the red theme that always accompanies them. These enemies are fairly abundant in New World and in the story are portrayed as the primary antagonists. There are a lot of different Corrupted foes ranging from mad farmers to fearsome bears or terrifying demons. As you venture further north through Great Cleave and Shattered Mountain you will find new and fearsome Corrupted foes. The city of Myrkgard sits at the farthest north point in Shattered Mountain and is the home base of the Corrupted. If you venture there expect to encounter fierce resistance. Corrupted take reduced damage from Strike and Ice damage but take increased damage from Thrust, Nature, and Arcane. If you are using an Ice Gauntlet, we would recommend either partially elemental converting to Arcane damage by socketing a Sapphire Sapphire gem or switching to a different weapon when facing Corrupted foes.
Areas of high Corruption can inflict Corruption damage to the player. When in these areas a Corruption meter will appear on your screen and tick down over time. Once the meter reaches zero you will take damage and the meter will reset to full. The rate at which the meter depletes will depend on the level of the corruption zone and buffs on the player that help resist corruption. Corruption Tinctures and Elixirs allow you to reset your Corruption Affliction and gain resistance to Corruption for a short period of time. There are also perks that can be found on armor that increase the amount of base Corruption Resistance you have.
There are two Expeditions filled with Corrupted foes, The Depths and Dynasty Shipyard. The Depths has a recommended level of 45 and is located in Restless Shore. You will go through this Expedition as a part of the Main Quest line. Dynasty Shipyard is located in Ebonscale Reach and has a recommended level of 55. Ebonscale Reach is home to several new types of Corrupted foes so be prepared to face a large amount of these within the Expedition. You can acquire a Dynasty Tuning Orb Dynasty Tuning Orb from completing Side Quests in Ebonscale Reach and from the Main Quest Line.
Resistances & Weaknesses
➕ Receives 130% Arcane damage ➕ Receives 120% Thrust damage ➕ Receives 115% Nature damage ➖ Receives 85% Strike damage ➖ Receives 60% Ice damage
Angry Earth
Dryads, terrawolves, and more -- the Angry Earth are the dryads of Aeternum, creatures made of wood and other natural elements who consider our presence an infection.
Edengrove is their home territory, but you'll find them in the Bronzegrove area of Brightwood and in several pockets of Reekwater.
They're also the main enemy in the Garden of Genesis.
The Angry Earth is the land of Aeternum's answer to the Corrupted. These tree-like foes are aggressive in their defense of nature. The Angry Earth has also recently started being associated with a disease known as the Blight. Discovering why the Blight is spreading is part of the storyline for the Angry Earth zone of Edengrove. The Angry Earth are also the last monster family that you will encounter in New World as they do not appear until Brightwood. Some Angry Earth foes are able to be chopped up for wood using a Lumber Axe. Angry Earth take increased damage from Slash and Fire but are resistant to Thrust and Lightning damage.
Areas of high Blight concentration, which are typically look like yellow clouds near the ground, can inflict the Blighted debuff on players. When entering one of these areas a Blight meter will appear and tick down over time. Once the meter reaches zero you will be Blighted which is a 3-minute affliction that does some damage over time and drastically reduces incoming healing. It is highly advisable that you avoid being Blighted at all costs. Blight Tinctures and Elixirs allow you to remove Blighted and gain resistance to it for a short period of time. There are also perks that can be found on armor that increase the amount of base Blight Resistance you have.
The Garden of Genesis, located in Edengrove, is the only Expedition to feature Angry Earth foes and has a recommended level of 60 making it an endgame Expedition. The Blight also plays a major role in this Expedition so we recommend that you bring at least a few Blight Tinctures or Elixirs to cleanse yourself of the Blight. Completing Side Quests in Edengrove and Shattered Mountain will lead you to a Quest to enter the expedition.
Resistances & Weaknesses
➕ Receives 130% Fire damage➕ Receives 120% Slash damage➖ Receives 85% Thrust damage➖ Receives 60% Lightning damage
The Lost
Those doomed to live forever, The Lost are the ghosts, wights, and other undead beings you'll encounter on Aeternum -- including all those pirates lost to the waves.
They are very often in higher concentrations in the regions of Monarch's Bluffs, Brightwood, Reekwater, Weaver's Fen, Restless Shore, and Cutlass Keys.
In addition, The Lost are the main enemy in the Amrine Excavation.
The Lost are populated with people who have gone insane due to coming back to life one-too-many times. In New World no one truly dies due to a mysterious power of the island of Aeternum, the land on which the game is set; some lose their minds during this process and become Lost. The Lost feature zombie-like foes and ghosts. They are resistant to Thrust and Void damage, but are weak to Strike, Ice, and Nature damage. The ghost-type enemies can be particularly scary due to their fast movement speeds and ability to have elemental damage attacks that drain your Stamina or stun you.
New World's first Expedition, The Amrine Excavation, features Lost-type foes. Within the expedition you will fight zombie-like enemies, ghosts, and even large monstrosities. We recommend being at least Level 23 for your first foray into this expedition. You can obtain Tuning Orbs for this Expedition from the Main Quest line and from Side Quests in both Windsward and Everfall.
Resistances & Weaknesses
➕ Receives 130% Nature damage ➕ Receives 115% Ice damage ➕ Receives 110% Strike damage ➖ Receives 85% Thrust damage ➖ Receives 60% Void damage
The wild animals of Aeternum, Beasts are found everywhere.
From predators like wolves, bears and wild cats to prey such as turkeys, boar and bison, you'll find yourself facing off against them time and time again.
Beasts are the natural wild animals that you would expect to find roaming the world in a non-magical setting. Wolves, Boars, Alligators, and Bears all fall into this category. In higher level Territories you can find Corrupted versions of many Beast-type foes, these count as exclusively Corrupted-type and may behave differently than their non-Corrupted versions. They are only weak to Thrust damage and are not resistant to any type of damage.
Resistances & Weaknesses
➕ Receives 120% Thrust damage ✖️ No obvious resistances
Increasing Bonuses Against Enemies
In addition to enemies' natural resistances and weaknesses, there are multiple ways you can increase your damage against certain types of enemy.
One of these is by using Coatings on your weapons.
A concoction made through the Arcana trade skill, when consumed they apply a percentage bonus to damage when fighting that type of enemy.
They typically come in four strengths:
Common [x] Coating - 9% bonus damage
Strong [x] Coating - 11% bonus damage
Powerful [x] Coating - 13% bonus damage
Infused [x] Coating - 15% bonus damage
You can also craft Trophies with the Furnishing trade skill, that you can display in your home for additional bonuses.
The Combat Trophies usually come in three levels:
Minor [x] Combat Trophy - 6% bonus damage
Basic [x] Combat Trophy - 8% bonus damage
Major [x] Combat Trophy - 10% bonus damage
Gear bonuses
You can use special resources to add perks to your gear that protect against certain enemy types or deal extra damage against them. This is useful to keep in a Storage Shed for when you're running a particular Expedition.
For example, adding Baetylus when crafting armor protects against the Corrupted, while the Draught of Ancient Essence adds damage absorption against the Lost.
Thanks For Reading
Credits: icy-veins, MGG, segmentnext
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