Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage

Body Type

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 1

Select the male body type.


Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 5

Select this face:

Skin Tone

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 9

Select this skin tone:

Hair Style

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 13

Select this hair style:

...and make it as white as possible. (The very first color option, pure white.)

Facial Hair

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 19

Select this facial hair:

...and, again, make it as white as possible. (The very first color option) So it matches the hair.

Eye Color

Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 25

Select this eye color:

(The lightest shade of blue)


I personally didn't add any features/scars/tattoos to this character... I feel like he looks the best with just a plain face. Plus the face used for this character has a few wrinkles around the eyes/forehead, which make him look aged (like a wizard would be), but not too aged; the wrinkles are very minimal, which is nice. So I think the wrinkles are all he needs, there doesn't need to be any scars or features added.


Character Creation Guide - Wizard/Mage image 33

Now you just need to name him! I personally went with a username that I thought matched the character's appearance pretty well - WiseOne51... but basically any "wizardy" or magical sounding name will fit well, and expand upon the wizard theme even more.


Here are some screenshots I took as I was creating the character and fine-tuning him. It started out pretty rough (as you'll see), but the final product turned out great. :D


It was really hard to choose which faction to go with. I wanted the one that would BEST fit with the wizard theme... I was torn between the Covenant and the Syndicate for a while, but I ended up going with Syndicate. The Syndicate seek knowledge, their color is purple (which is a good mage color), they are really into alchemy, they're arcane. The other two factions, Marauders & Covenant, are more aggressive warrior types, so I came to the conclusion that Syndicate is the best-fitting faction for mages.

Closing Note

Thanks for checking out my guide! I hope you liked the character. He looks really good in cutscenes and really good ingame, too... Even with hats or armor on, he always looks epic.


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