Complete Achievement Guide!

Complete Achievement Guide!


Hello! Welcome to my guide, specifically made for helping you unlock all 33 achievements! To make things easier for you, I've arranged the achievements into two categories: achievements unlocked by getting one of the 27 endings and achievements unlocked by doing other features in the game. If the game is ever updated, I'll make sure to revisit and change this guide accordingly!

Ending Achievements:

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Ending - Painful Future

To achieve this ending, you will need to reach breakdown stream 5. To see how to complete this, go to the "Stream Guides" section.

Ending - Fallen Energy

To achieve this ending, you will need to reach sexy stream 5. To see how to complete this, go to the "Stream Guides" section.

Ending - Flatline:

This is easily achieved by not replying to Ame's initial Jime messages / texts five times. This does not mean the messages / texts after you send an emoji and she will have a automated response.

Ending - So close yet so far:

Make sure you don't reach 10k subscribers and this ending won't trigger. As long as you don't stream, you can easily achieve this ending.

Ending - Normie Life:

Get Ame to reach 0 on mental darkness. This is easily completed by taking her to the hospital until her mental darkness is 0.

Ending - Cucked:

Complete this achievement by getting Ame's affection to 0. Lower her affection by going on "Dinder" and doing sexy streams; guide for sexy streams below.

Ending - Ground Control to Psychoelectric Angel:

Reach 100 affection with Ame. Gaming, watching movies and going out will help raise affection. Having *** will also help raise affection.

Ending - Nymphomania

Have *** with Ame six times to unlock this achievement.

Ending - Bomber Girl

Once Ame reaches 80 stress, she will cut herself. Stress her out by streaming.

Once Ame reachs 100 stress, her stress meter will jump to 120 stress.

Ame's stress level being 120 will unlock this achievement.Ending - INTERNET OVERDOSE

This achievement unlocks when Ame's stress is at 120 and Ame's mental darkness is above 80 on day 25. Be careful not to accidentally trigger the Bomber Girl ending whilst completing.

Ending - Blazing Hell

This ending triggers if Ame's mental darkness is above 70. She will message you, asking you to buy her some charcoal. Press "okay" to unlock the achievement. Unlocking this achievement won't affect your gameplay, and you'll be able to continue on with your playthrough after this interaction.

Ending - Rainbow Girl

Use magic paper on five different days. To unlock magic paper, you need to make Ame's mental darkness above 80, and keep it above 80 as you continue use the "medicine", it will unlock.

Ending - Labor Is Evil

To unlock this achievement, Ame must reach day 30 with under 500k followers. Her affection meter will needs to be above 60 and her mental darkness will need to be below 60.

Ending - Catastrophe

Similar to the achievement above, Ame must reach day 30 with under 500k followers. Both her affection meter and her mental darkness must be below 60.

Ending - Needy Girl Overdose

Continuing the achievements trend, Ame must reach day 30 with under 500k followers with both her affection meter and her mental darkness above 60.

Ending - there are no angels

Completing this achievement squad, Ame must reach day 30 with under 500k followers. Her affection meter must be below 60 and her mental darkness above 60.

Ending - Nerdy Girl Overload

Reach day 30 and have between 500k and 1 million followers. Ame's affection must be below 80, for this achievement to unlock.

Ending - Utopian Parody

Reach day 30 and have between 500k and 1 million followers. This time, have Ame's affection above 80.

Ending - (Un)happy End World

You will need to have over 1 million followers for this ending, and Ame's affection must be above 80, and her mental darkness must be below 80. To get 1 million followers, keep a streaming streak going with low sub streams, then when on a high streak do sexy streams or breakdown streams.

Ending - Happy End World

This achievements simple: reload day 30 from the previous achievement, except this time you'll unlock the ending by your computer not being connected to the internet!

Ending - Do You Love Me?

Simply stream Ame's fifth angel stream (or her 1 million subscriber special!)

Ending - Galactic Express

You will need to complete all the netlore streams. To see how to complete this, go to the "Stream Guides" section.

After completing the netlore streams, overdose on any medicine before going out. There will be a new location called Galatic Express, which when clicked will trigger the ending.


Reach 1 million followers with 120 stress cap and get the Internet Angel 5 stream idea, then do it when it is night. You can also reach 1 million followers without doing the Internet Angel 5 stream then break the stress cap. Warning: this ending contains suicide .

Ending - Internet Runaway Angel: Be Invoked

Reach maximum followers (9,999,999).

Ending - Comment te dire adieuOnce unlocking all endings, a new save file will appear, click on it to unlock this ending! You will need to complete every ending aside from happy end world!

Other Achievements:

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Monetization – Get YOUR Very Own Pay-pig Today!

To get this achievement, you need to reach 100k followers!

Milestone – Those who don’t fight won’t survive.

Reach one million subscribers to reach this achievement.

Overdosed – It’s poison for you.

Overdose on any of the medication Ame has. To do this, take more then her prescribed dose.

Smoked grass – It’ll all be better soon.

Smoke some "magic grass". Grass is unlocked when Ame's mental darkness reaches 60! This can be easily achieved by overdosing her on the medication.

Took psychedelics – This messed-up internet is a psychedelic rainbow.

Use magic paper. To unlock magic paper, you will need to raise Ame's mental darkness to 80! To do this, use the method described for the achievement above!

SMT – The internet died… and I was given life.

This achievement can't be earned, instead its randomly unlocked. Ame's mental darkness must be 100. Each night a dice from 1-100 will be rolled, if the random number is 66 you will unlock the achievement.

Cut Wrists – My love is going crazy.

Once Ame's stress reaches 80, an interaction where Ame will make 'P-chan' hurt her will be triggered. To raise Ame's stress, stream or use social media.

Streaming Guides:

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Here is all the necessary streams you need to complete the achievements:

Breakdown Streams - Painful Future

Breakdown Stream 1 - Medciation then have a Depaz Overdose

Breakdown Stream 2 - Internet then click Vanity search

Breakdown Stream 3 - Hang out then Spend time together

Breakdown Stream 4 - Medication then have a Embian Overdose (150k+ followers needed)

Breakdown Stream 5 - Medication then have Magic SmokeSexy Streams - Fallen Energy

Sexy Stream 1 - Hang out then Spend time together

Sexy Stream 2 - Hang out then ***

Sexy Stream 3- Internet then Video Streaming

Sexy Stream 4 - Go out then go to Shibuya

Sexy Stream 5 - Hang out then ***Netlore Streams - Galactic Express

Netlore 1 - Internet then click /st/

Netlore 2 - Internet then click /st/

Netlore 3 - Go out to Ichigaya

Netlore 4 - Internet then click Social media

Netlore 5 - Internet then click /st/
