It is recommended that you have read: A Step by Step Guide to Setting Up Your Craft prior to reading this guide. If you have it set up however, here’s how to load your craft onto your carrier.
I won’t be making any loadout or doctrinal recommendations, but this should get you started on how to set your carrier up as well as the more important modules and compartments.
This guide is part of a series of guides prepared to help you get up to speed on carriers.
For a doctrinal guide: How to Win As a Carrier (Intermediate Doctrine and Tactics Guide)\
For how to load your craft onto your carrier and set it up: A Step By Step Guide to Setting Up Your Carrier and Loading Craft
For a guide to the Craft UI and how to launch and return craft: The Craft Management UI and Craft UI
For detailed Anti-Craft Missile Setup, I strongly recommend reviewing Comprehensive Craft Clobbering Compendium for Chic and Comely Captains: A guide on ACM design and usage
Step 1: Selecting Your Carrier
Pick faction
Add either the Levy, Journeyman or Moorline Hull
a. Before you pick, consider the following and review the Carrier Cards Below
b. Each Carrier has a number of pads that can launch Large or Small craft. For the sizes of the craft check the A Step by Step Guide to Setting Up Your Craft Craft Info Cards. As a rule of thumb Bombers are Large Pads, Fighters are Small Pads
c. Each Carrier can be configured to have a number of “Total Potential Spaces for Craft” which dictates how much craft they can carry. The different craft take up this space. They can take up 1, 2, or in previous patches 3 spaces per craft.
d. Each Carrier costs points which lead into what roles they have in a 3k fleet. I did not specifically add the hull cost in the sections below because there is a question as to what is the base cost and what is to be included.
Shelter Alliance
Shelter Alliance Carrier - ANS
Levy - CVE (Escort Carrier)
Amor: 15cm
Craft Space: 4 Potential Bulk Internal Hangar Spaces - Total Potential spaces for craft 48 (Tanto are Skiff are 1, Bombers are2)
Launch Pads: 2 x Large Pads, 4 x Small Pads
The Levy Escort Carrier is a powerful carrier with the ability to carry a mid-sized complement of craft into battle. The carrier’s strength is that it outguns the Protectorate Journeyman carrier, but weakness is that as a single carrier it is out-gunned by the Protectorate Moorline.
Players who wish the flexibility of being able to bring a carrier with a small escort should choose the Levy. It is not recommended however to just bring a single Levy worth 3,000 points. Two Levy class carriers should be brought if you wish to bring that points worth of craft.
The Outer Space Protectorate
Journeyman - CVL (Light Carrier)
Armor: 12cm
3 Potential Bulk Hangar Spaces - Total Potential Spaces for craft 27 + 1 Small Mounted Hangar pad. Realistically this amount is usually 24 + 1 Small Mounted Hangar pad as the 6x3x8 compartment usually needs to be used as a magazine
2 Large Pads 2 Small Pads 1 possible Small Mounted Hangar pad that can be used as a Small Pad
The Journeyman light carrier is an excellent choice for a protectorate fleet wanting some craft support but also wanting to bring other warships. Typical builds for the Journeymen are to pair the Journeymen with tugboats and shuttles for a “capture point fleet,” or to bring a large warship such as an Ocello with the Journeyman.
While the Journeyman is incredibly capable, it has the lowest craft capacity of any carrier in the game, the lowest number of compartment slots, and the lowest number of pads. Expect to be outmatched in the craft carrying and craft-cycling department, but be able to make up that deficiency through bringing supporting warships. It is not advised to bring a 2 x Journeyman 3,000 point fleet. You might as well bring a Moorline.
Moorliner - Lineship CV (Carrier)
Armor: 20cm
4 Container Bank Hangars, 2 Small Pad Hangars, 3 Bulk Internal hangars = 95 Slots. However, in practice, one of the Large Compartments will likely need to be used as the Moorliner’s magazine.
Max Possible Pad Configuration is 4 x Large Pads, 10 x Small pads
The only true fleet carrier available for the multiplayer skirmish game, the Moorline Fleet Carrier is the titan of the craft carriers. Players will rarely need to or be able to use all of its craft spaces to carry craft. In most configurations, the Moorline carries 30-40 Barracuda strike fighters, and 15-25 Bombers and 3-5 Halberds. That being said, this also comes with a lot of responsibility. You will need to provide vision, ship striking and anti-craft protection for your friendlies.
A fun fact with this new update is that the Moorline can be configured as a half-carrier, half-container liner, sporting both a respectable craft complement and 1-2 bank of containers. This is a complicated fleet archetype though so do be careful.
Step 2: Equip Carrier Modules And Compartments
Each carrier needs to be equipped with the following modules to make them work. See the Carrier Compartment and Component List. The exact ratio is up to you. What you need to know is the following:
a. Magazines can carry craft munitions and no longer compound unlike in Main Branch
b. Consider if it will benefit your carrier to completely fill out its compartments and modules, or if you would like to leave a few compartments and modules empty.
Load Craft. You can load this into the internal magazines. Mounted Hangars or Container Hangar magazines
If you have configured your craft correctly, then you need to load your ammunition into your magazines. Click the + key and you’ll see the missiles you loaded into your hangar-loaded craft appear.
Use the + and - keys to adjust how many munitions to load. To determine if you’ve loaded enough ammunition, under Weapons on the right hand side, there is a spacecraft loadout count that tells you exactly how many each loadout you have.The precise number of loadouts is up to you. It is advised though that you consider how many times are you expecting to reload your craft during a match
A few final notes before you go wild in fleet editor:
a. You may wish to add supporting vessels to your 3,000 point carrier fleet, particularly in the case of the OSP Journeyman and the ANS Levy. You may not be able to fill out 3,000 points with either hull. You can also bring a second Journeyman or Levy if you so please. Do consider you need to manage two carriers.
b. Point defence or some kind of self-defence weapon should be considered. It could be a good idea for your expensive carrier in case a sneaky Sprinter or Shuttle sneaks around the back line. It also takes away points from craft and munitions
c. Only the Halberd Skiff and the Sundial SEWACs have omnidirectional radar. All other craft only have a 4km long forward-aspect only radar. If your team does not have vision, you may need to bring your own
Carrier Compartments And Module List
Small Mounted Hangar (OSP only): Stores 1 craft on an external mount. Can launch craft from internal hangars. Is always a Small Pad.
Medium Mounted Hangar (ANS only): stores 2 size 1 craft on a C4 mount. This module is primarily used for large warships such as Axfords and Battleships
Large mounted hangar (ANS only): stores 4 size 1 craft on a C5 mount. This module is primarily used for large warships such as Axfords and Battleships
Bulk Internal Hangar: Stores craft. Use in the giga-sized compartments on your carriers.
Flight Deck Transition System: Reduces the time it takes for the elevator of a carrier to take the next craft. Helpful when landing, and launching multiple craft.
Deck Gear Locker: Reduces the time it takes to load your craft with munitions. This also reduces the cost to de-arm your craft after landing, also known as Post-Flight.
Strike Down Center: The carrier’s ability to arm a craft is tied to the number of pads the carrier has. Strike Down Centers add another channel that enables a carrier to arm one more craft at a time. You still need to move the Strike Down Centers armed craft to the pad to launch
Spacecraft Repair Centre: Each carrier can repair 1 space craft at a time. Other ships do not repair craft at all. Adding a Spacecraft Repair Centre adds 1 more repair channel to a vessel. This is not a necessary component to add for a carrier, but it is something you can add to other craft carrying vessels.
More NEBULOUS: Fleet Command guilds
- All Guilds
- Gopher OSP Guide
- Armament to Zoning, a Comprehensive Manual on OSPN
- The Vibes You Need For Frontline CLN (Or How to Ultrahot)
- Making a Puppy Map: Handling Player Feedback
- Making a Puppy Map: The Beginning
- NEBULOUS: Fleet Command Guide 454
- Understanding the Role of MDs and Rails
- Comprehensive Craft Clobbering Compendium for Chic and Comely Captains: A guide on ACM design and usage
- How to Win As a Carrier (Intermediate Doctrine and Tactics Guide)