Server Admin Commands

Basic Admin Commands

To access the console panel press the tilde key (The key above TAB) if it does not work for you, be sure to set your keyboard type to ENG - US on your windows taskbar on the bottom right of your desktop screen.

General Commands:[Credit to IceWarden and tehGOOSE for finding these.]

Cheat Fly - Allows Flying as admin

Cheat Walk - Disable flying and ghost

Cheat Say <Text> - Works but doesn't display anything in-game only logs

Cheat SaveWorld - Saves the Server

Cheat Ghost - Removes collisions from the character

Cheat GetPlayers - Works but doesn't display output

Cheat God - Enables/Disables God Mode

Server Setting

Cheat SetServerLevel [level]

This will set the "maximum" level of your server, players that level above this will get XP penalty while the ones bellow it will not.

Time And Weather

Cheat setTime [time]

It will change the server time to the desired time, use 24h format. (Ex.: for 9 am , use the command Cheat setTime 09:00)

Cheat setTimeSpeed [speed]

It will change the speed at which time passes, numbers lower then 1 will slow it down.

Cheat setWeather [Weather Number]

It will change the weather to the corresponding selection. 0=sunny; 1=cloudy; 2=fog; 3=dense fog; 4=cloudy; 5=drizzle; 6=heavy rain; 7= thundershower; 8=light snow; 9= heavy snow; 10= blizzard; 11= miasma; 12= miasma outbreak; 13= heat wave; 14= sandstorm; 15= thunderstorm> Thank you sailingsuzye.

Spawning Animals

Cheat SpawnNPCByIndex [Animal ID] [Distance] [Level] [amount]

This will spawn an animal in front of you the IDs seem to range from 1 to 26. (Ex.: Cheat SpawnNPCByIndex 13 100 1 10 will spawn 10 level 1 crocodiles 100 centimeters away from you)

Cheat KillAllSpawnedNPC

This will kill all the spawned animals in case you made a mess.

Animal IDs (WIP):

1 - Wolf

2 - Bear 1

3 - Deer 1

4 - Deer 2

5 - Rabbit

6 - Deer 3

7 - Deer 4

8 - Fawn

9 - Tiger

10 - Rhino

11 - Boar

12 - Alpha Bear

13 - Crocodile

14 - none

15 - Panther

16 - Bear 2

17 - Bear 3

18 - Boar 2

19 - Deer 5

20 - Deer 6

Spawning Items

[Credit to Resolute for finding this and listing some items.]

Cheat additem [ID] [Amount] [Quality]

This will spawn the desired item into your inventory. (Ex.: cheat additem 347 1 1, will spawn a Wodden Armour of quality 1)

Item IDs (WIP):

347 Wooden Armour (Lv 11)

348 Coarse Wooden Armour (Lv 3)

349 Coarse Leather Armour (Lv 21)

350 Leather Armour (Lv 31)

351 Ratten Leather Armour (Lv 41)

352 Rhino Leather Armour (Lv 51)

354 Elephant Leather Armour (Lv 60)

356 Bronze Helmet (Lv11)

~362 Other Heavy Helmets range here

363 Wooden Helmet (Lv 11)

364 Coarse Wooden Helmet (Lv 3)

365 Coarse Leather Helmet (Lv21)

366 Leather Helmet (Lv 31)

367 Ratten Leather HElmet (LV41)

368 Rhino Leather Helmet (Lv 51)

369 Elephant Leather Helmet (Lv60)

375~381 Heavy Greaves

382 Wooden Greaves (Lv 11)

383 Coarse Wood Geaves (Lv 3)

384 Coarse Leather Greaves (Lv 21)

385 Leather Greaves Greaves (LV 31

386 Ratten Leather Greaves (Lv 41)

387 Rhino Leather Greaves (Lv 51)

388 Elephant Leather Greaves (Lv60)

389 Coarse Bronze Horse Armour (Lv 10)

393 Coarse Heavy Horse Armour (Lv 20)

397 Bronze Horse Armoui (Lv 30)

401 Iron horse Armour (Lv 40)

405 Steel Horse Armour (Lv 50)

409 Black Iron Horse Armour (Lv60)

413 Coarse Light Horse Armour (lv 10)

417 Coarse Leather Horse Armour (Lv 20)

421 Fine Leather Horse Armour (Lv 30)

425 Thick Horse Armour (Lv40)

429 Tenacious Horse Armour (Lv 50)

433 Rhino Leather Armour (Lv 60)

Item codes 317~333 Various Treasure Maps

465 Coarse Heavy Saddle (Lv 10)

466 Fine Heavy Saddle (Lv 25)

469 Advanced Heavy Saddle (Lv 40)

468 Premium Heavy Saddle (Lv 55)

469 Coarse Light Saddle (Lv 10)

470 Fine Light Saddle (Lv 25)

471 Advanced Light Saddle (Lv 40)

472 Premium Light Saddle (Lv 55)

2040 Copper Ingot

2043~2046 Flax (4 sorts)

2060 Jerky

2061 Black Iron Ore

2062 Linen

2065 Coarse Fertilizer

2066~2074 Various kinds of Fish

2075 Flour

2076 White Tiger Seal

2077 Fur

2079 Grass Root

2083 Horn

2088 Iron Ingot

2089 Jade

2090 Kaolin Clay

2091~2094 Leathers (Various)

2098 Locust

2101 Putrid Meat

2106 Meteoric Iron Ore

2107 Oil

2117 Realgar

2118 Crude Salt

2119 Saltpeter

2120 Sand

2121~2124 Flax seeds (var)

2126~2129 Rice Seed (var)

2130~2133 Soybean Seed (var)

2134~2137 Wheat Seed (var)

2142~2145 Hide (var)

2146 Songzhi

2147 Rubble

2148 Stone

2149 Complete Stone

2150 Rare Stone

2153 Flagstone

2154 Square Brick

2155 City Wall Stone

2156 Mixed Brick

2157 Straw Rope

2159 Fang

2160 Tendon

2162 Grass

2164 Clay

2166 Branch

2167 Hardwood

2168 Complete Wood

2169 Rare Wood

2172 Wood Plank

2173 Square Board

2174 Slab (apparently its a material)

2175 Tenor and Mortise Component

Clay building pieces start at 2191 (Clay ceiling)

Admin QoL

Cheat DestroyTarget

Destroys the target under your crosshair.

Cheat StunTarget

Stuns the current target, if it is a tameable NPC you will be able to carry it for capture.

Notes And Tips

Extra tip that works even for non-admins, you can adjust your fov with the code bellow.

fov [amount]

Sets the field of view angle for the camera, this will reset every time you launch the game.


Bundled information from this guide and comments:

As well as my own experimentation.

If you find new commands and/or IDs leave them in the comment section and I'll update the guide.


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