Server Prep
- Powershell Core (
- SteamCMD ( (Download to your server)
- Game Client (Download to your computer)
Setup Server Settings
## Setup Bat File ##
- On your client computer (where you play MoE), go to <SteamInstallDir>\steamapps\common\Myth of Empires\PrivateServerTool and launch the PrivateServerTool.exe
- This will open a new window on your computer. This program is what you'll use to "quickly" setup all of your server settings.
# Basic Server Settings
This is where we are going to configure everything for the connection:
- Server Name: THis is Straight forward, make this the name of your server
- Server Password: Do you want a password to connect?
- Server Introduction: This is the server description
- Announcement Content: This is the MOTD, use the "Send Announcement?" check box to enable it
- Server ID: This needs to be unique to your system. If you are planning to run more than 1 stand-alone server, make sure to keep changing this
- Cluster ID: I honestly don't think this does anything for stand-alone servers
- Game Port: 5 Digit Ports do not work, change to 4-Digit port (default is 11888 so 1188)
- Query Port: 5 Digit Ports do not work, change to 4-Digit port (default is 12888 so 1288)
- Enable Remote Management: This enables RCON
- Remote Management IP: This is the IP that RCON will bind to. I highly recommend meaning RCON can only be used from the server (aka secured)
- Remote Management Port: RCON Port
- Remote Management Password: RCON Password
- Enable GM Account: This will turn Admin accounts on or off
- Add a GM Account: These are steamIDs for admins. It is a semi-colon seperated list. Ex. SteamID#1;SteamID#2;SteamID#3
That's it for the hard settings. Now the rest you need to go through and pick out how you want to configure your server. If you hover over the settings, it gives you a small detail about them.
When you are done, click the "Start Console" tab at the bottom.
# Start Console
- Select Map: Eastern Mainland (This is Dongzhou) or Central Mainland (This is original map).
- Now hit "Save Config"
This will create a "StartPrivateServer.bat" file in the same PrivateServerTool Directory.
Edit The
Open the StartPrivateServer.bat in a text editor of your choice (notepad, notepad++, VSCode etc)
We are going to make some changes to make this bat file more readable. After every argument, we are going to add a SPACE and a "caret" (^)
# Examples
start "MOEServer.exe - PrivateServer" "..\WindowsPrivateServer\MOE\Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe" LargeTerrain_Central_Main -game -server -DataLocalFile -NotCheckServerSteamAuth
Will need to look like this:
Steam Guides have a fixed width so this may be a bad example, just try to replicate
start "MOEServer.exe - PrivateServer" "..\WindowsPrivateServer\MOE\Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe" ^ LargeTerrain_Central_Main ^ -game -server -DataLocalFile -NotCheckServerSteamAuth
Here is my entire bat file as an EXAMPLE
@echo off tasklist|find /i "MOEServer.exe" && exit start "MOEServer.exe - PrivateServer" "..\WindowsPrivateServer\MOE\Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe" ^ LargeTerrain_Central_Main -game -server -DataLocalFile -NotCheckServerSteamAuth -log log=1555.log ^ -LOCALLOGTIMES -PrivateServer -disable_qim -MultiHome=192.168.X.X -OutAddress=<PUBLIC IP> ^ -SessionName=IceWarden_MOE_1555 -GameServerPVPType=1 -MaxPlayers=100 -MapDifficultyRate=1 -UseACE ^ -EnableVACBan=1 -ServerId=100 -ClusterId=1 -Port=1188 -QueryPort=1288 -bStartShutDownServiceInPrivateServer=true ^ -ShutDownServiceIP= -ShutDownServicePort=13888 -ShutDownServiceKey=171610 -ServerAdminAccounts=76561197990955588
Now that this is more readable, lets make the changes we need to make.
- DELETE -disable_qim
- DELETE -forceSteamNet (if present)
- CHANGE -MultiHome=<YOUR PRIVATE IP> (use IPCONFIG to get)
- CHANGE -OutAddress=<YOUR PUBLIC IP> (use IPCHICKEN.COM to get)
Now put that aside for a minute. Go to your server and download SteamCMD and POwershell Core (if you haven't already).
Install Myth Of Empires Dedicated Server
# Install using SteamCMD and Powershell!
- Using powershell lets run steamCMD and install MOE.& "C:\PATH\TO\STEAMCMD.exe" +force_install_dir "C:\PATH\TO\FOLDER" +login anonymous +app_update 1794810 validate +quit - Once that finishes, copy the "StartPrivateServer.bat" from your local PC to your Server MOE Root Directory.
- Edit the Bat file once more and change"..\WindowsPrivateServer\MOE\Binaries\Win64\MOEServer.exe" TO
Now you need to port forward your PORT and QUERYPORT and run the StartPrivateServer.bat and you are good to go!
- If you use the PrivateServerTool.exe to edit your settings AFTER you have setup your server, it will override all the changes we've made to it thus far, meaning you'll have to go back in and move the -disable_qim, change the IP settings keep that in mind.
Admins United
All Information gathered in this guide came from either myself or the Admins United community. You can join us at:
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