This handy-dandy little guide is a little sneak-peek on how to screw as much cash out of your customers as you possible can.
How To Get Best Deal
The Gist Of It
So, you wanna know how your customers think, eh? What makes 'em give up their hard-earned coin? Well my friend, you've come to the right place! All's ya gotta do, is remember one simple rule: Always Sell One Tier Up!
They ask for Copper? Give em Tin. They asked for Tin? Then here's a Bronze bit o' kit for ya!
This also works in reverse. If you don't have the cash to make something high-tier like Iron, just remember: When in doubt, Tin it out.
Tin is the Universally Accepted metal of all trades. Literally nobody refuses something made from tin unless it's one of those specificity deals.
Be warned, sometimes they get tricksy. If they ask for Bronze, give em Zinc, not Iron. Bronze boys can't afford Iron. This'll get updated when I actually figure this whole thing out, but fer now, this'll 'elp ya with that quick start.
Finally. If the customer specifies the head type, grip type etc, then make sure you match the metal as well. You cannot give them the wrong type of metal, they will refuse to take it.
List Of Metal Ranks
So, here's the list of what you can feasibly trade to customers based on their request:
- Copper: Copper, Tin.
- Tin: Copper, Tin, Brass.
- Bronze: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc.
- Brass: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron.
- Zinc: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron.
- Iron: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel.
- Steel: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel, Adelite.
- Adelite: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel, Adelite, Mythril.
- Mythril: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel, Adelite, Mythril, Adamantine.
- Adamnatine: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel, Adelite, Mythril, Adamantine, Titanium.
- Titanium: Copper, Tin, Bronze, Brass, Zinc, Iron, Steel, Adelite, Mythril, Adamantine, Titanium.
As mentioned, this is subject to change as combinations are figured out. I don't know whether the high-tiers work this way, this is merely an assumption.
The Sneaky Sneaks
Now then, this last section is the tricksy bit.
You see shields aren't counted. So, if someone asks for a copper dagger, you can give them a tin dagger and a full-Titanium Shield.
If your adventurer brings back a valuable ingot, hold onto it. If someone requests a shield, make a shield boss out of it, then slap that bad boy onto it, and voilá!
Using this method, I jumped from iron to Adamantine thanks to a single Titanium ingot which was put on a shield. This will probably get patched out because it's a really cheesy way to upgrade quickly, so use it while you can!
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/6172-my-little-blacksmith-shop.html
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