Should I Even Listen To Music During Aim Training?
It depends.
When you train is there constant noise in the background?
If the noise audible, music will help
When you train is the TV on near you (turn it off if you can)?
Yes, music is necessary
When you train will somebody be talking?
Yes, music is a must
Are you bored when you train?
Sure, as long as you follow the truths it should be OK
If none of these apply to you, then it is your choice.
What Kind Of Songs Should I Listen To?
Well, whatever you want (as long as it's within the truths). I can't stop you.
What Should I Avoid In My Music?
Jiglinsky's Music Truths: NO LYRICS. Doesn't matter if its in Russian, Chinese, nothing. Your brain will pay attention to the words even if it doesn't understand them and distract you.
Be comfortable with the song. Make sure you have heard it beforehand; no surprises.
Don't Mix Genres. You don't want to be listening to a rock song then it switches to a piano recital. This will distract you.
This may be obvious, but actually enjoy the music you put in your playlist. You don't want to be in the middle of training just thinking about how much you want to skip the song.
Can Music Help Me Get Better?
This man claims that certain metronomes (idk i don't speak music) will help you get a rythm(?) or something like that.
A few people in the comments said this method helped them, but it is unconfirmed whether it was actually the music which made them improve.
If you want to try this out I found these videos he linked that fall inline with his theory.
Originally posted by Henty: Fastest Speed:
Medium Speed:
(Yes, I know these violate the truths, idk what to tell you)
Here is a list of playlists and songs I found which people themselves listen to:
Originally posted by per0dize yt:
Originally posted by u/JejuneKai:
Originally posted by u/MagnusZeni: Klaus Veen:
my personal playlist:
Originally posted by u/vampyrialis: One of my personal playlists:
Obviously I cant vet these nor recommend them because I don't want to listen to them
Thank You For Reading The Guide
I hope it helps.
Please comment if you have any problems/have new suggestions for the final category
Edit: Thanks for top guide
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