The Seed

The seed featured in this guide is: rocknrollmuckdonalds

Copy and paste this seed into your pregame lobby and you will be good to go.


MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 4
MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 5

Your spawn will look like this:

Turn around 180 degrees and you will see the Smith's hut.

Inside The Smith's Hut

MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 9
MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 10

Inside the Smith's Hut you will find:

A map to the boat,

a random, but generous amount of gold coins,

gold ingots,

iron ingots,

an iron sword,

iron boots,

some wood,

and some coal.

Don't forget to use the anvil outside of the hut to craft your gold ingots into coins to be able to unlock some extra chests.

The Cave

MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 22
MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 23
MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 24

Once you have collected your loot from the Smith's Hut, head down to the water to the right of it.

You should be able to see a cave in the distance.

Inside this cave, you will be able to find various ores.

Look inside the chest to reveal:

More gold coins, and a gold pickaxe.

Bonus Jack's Hut

MUCK SEED FOR BEGINNERS (Early Loot) image 31

Head back toward the original Smith's Hut, then start heading for the boat.

On your way to the boat, you will come across a Jack's Hut

Inside the hut you can find:

Some food,

and some wooden building materials.


More Muck guilds