Muck – All Equipment Guide Chart Guide December 2021

Muck – All Equipment Guide Chart Guide December 2021

Muck – All Equipment Guide Chart Guide December 2021 image 0



Tools Are Items Used To Gather Different Resources From Around The Map. They Can Also Be Usefull In Fight.

  • ToolCraftedDamageAttack speedMining
  • RockCan be found on the ground150,72Wood
  • Wood Pickaxe / Wood AxeWood[x5], Bark[x5], Workbench18 / 200,8 / 0,9Iron / Birch
  • Gold Pickaxe / Gold AxeWood[x10], Bark[x5], Gold Bar[x5], Workbench22 / 220.9 / 1.1Mithril / FIr
  • Steel Pickaxe / Steel AxeBirch Wood[x10], Bark[x5], Iron Bar[x5], Anvil25 / 250,8 / 0,9Mithril, Gold / Fir
  • Mithril Pickaxe / Mithril AxeFir Wood[x10], Bark[x5], Mithril Bar[x5], Anvil32 / 350,8 / 0,95Adamantite / Oak
  • Adamantite Pickaxe / Adamantite AxeOak Wood[x10], Bark[x5], Adamantite Bar[x5], Anvil40 / 500,8 / 1Obamium / Dark Oak



Thanks To Weapons You Are Able To Survive And Fight With Strong Enemies And Bosses.

Melee Weapons:


  • WeaponCraftedDamageAttack speed
  • Gold SwordGold Bar[x5], Wood[x5]151,6
  • Steel SwordIron Bar[x7], Birch Wood[x5]251,3
  • Mithril SwordMithril Bar[x5], Fir Wood[x5]351,4
  • Adamantite SwordAdamantite Bar[x5], Oak Wood[x5]501,4
  • Wyvern DaggerWyvern Claws, Oak Wood[x10]601,75
  • Obamium SwordObamium Bar[x5], Dark Oak Wood[x5]701,4
  • Gronk’s SwordBlade, Sword Hilt, Dark Oak Wood[x10]1101,1
  • Chunky HammerHammer Shaft, Chunkium Bar[x15]1200,95
  • Night BladeObamium Bar[x10], Dark Oak Wood[x15], Black Shard1301,15
  • Chiefs SpearSpear Tip, Dark Oak Wood[x15]1500,95

Ranged Weapons:


  • BowCraftedDamageProjectile speed
  • Wood BowRope, Wood[x15], Workbench / Fletching Table0,851,75
  • Birch BowRope, Birch Wood[x15], Fletching Table12,2
  • Fir BowRope, Fir Wood[x15], Fletching Table1,253
  • Oak BowRope, Oak Wood[x15], Fletching Table1,54
  • Ancient BowRope, Ancient Bone, Fletching Table??



Armor Gives You Damage Reduction So Enemies Can’t Kill You That Easilly And Sometimes Boost Your Stats. Each Armor Set Has Four Pieces; The Helmet, The Chestplate, The Leggings And The Boots. Every Single Armor You Can Make In An Anvil, Only Wolfskin Armor Is Able To Make In Fletching Table. To Make All Set You Need 40 Bars Of One Resource ( For Example If You Want To Make Obamium Armor Set You Need 40 Obamium). Only For Wolfslom Armor You Need 45 Wolfskin And 45 Flax Fibers.



  • Armor SetDefenseSet Bonus
  • Wolfskin Armor14+50% Movement Speed
  • Gold Armor18–
  • Steel Armor25–
  • Mithril Armor34–
  • Chunkium Armor36+60% Melee Attack Range
  • Adamantite Armor46–
  • Obamium Armor51–




Looted Food:


  • FoodHealthHungerStaminaCrafted
  • Gulpon Shroom (red)1200Spawns on the surface
  • Ligon Shroom (yellow)0120Spawns on the surface
  • Sugon Shroom (pink)0012Spawns on the surface
  • Slurbon Shroom (rainbow)151515Spawns on the surface
  • Red Apple5155Spawns in the forests, found in chests, dropped by trees
  • Raw Meat5100Dropped by cow, found in chests

Recipe Food:


  • FoodHealthHungerStaminaCrafted
  • Bread252525Dough, Cauldron
  • Cooked Meat20505Raw Meat, Cauldron
  • Meat Soup305020Raw Meat, Bowl, Cauldron
  • Meat Pie306020Raw Meat, Dough, Bowl, Cauldron
  • Apple Pie306020Red Apple, Dough, Bowl, Cauldron
  • Yellow Soup105010Ligon Shroom(yellow), Bowl, Cauldron
  • Pink Soup101040Sugon Shroom(pink), Bowl, Cauldron
  • Red Soup301010Gulpon Shroom(red), Bowl, Cauldron
  • Rainbow Soup404040Slurbon Shroom(rainbow), Bowl, Cauldron



Here You Have Some Useful Tips For Collecting Resources.

  • You can skip some levels of equipement by trading with villagers or finding it in chests.
  • Wyvern Claws are dropped by Wyverns(1% chance)
  • Sword Hilt is dropped by Gronk(12% chance), Goblin(0,1% chance), Woodman(0,1% chance).
  • Blade is dropped by Gronk(12% chance), Goblin(0,1% chance), Woodman(0,1% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(5% chance).
  • Hammer Shaft is dropped by Big Chunk or can be found in Cave Chests(5% chance).
  • Black Shard is dropped by Guardian(2% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(1% chance).
  • Spear Tip is dropped by Chief(10% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(10% chance).
  • Ancient Bone is dropped by Gronk(10% chance), Goblin(1% chance) or can be found in Fletchers Hut Chest(1% chance).
  • Chunkium Bar is an item crafted by smelting Chunkium Ore. Chunkium Ore is dropped by Big Chunk (50% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(1% chance)
  • Wolfskin is an item dropped by Wolves(50% chance)
  • Flax Fibers are items crafted from Flax
  • You can skip some levels of equipement by trading with villagers or finding it in chests.
  • Wyvern Claws are dropped by Wyverns(1% chance)
  • Sword Hilt is dropped by Gronk(12% chance), Goblin(0,1% chance), Woodman(0,1% chance).
  • Blade is dropped by Gronk(12% chance), Goblin(0,1% chance), Woodman(0,1% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(5% chance).
  • Hammer Shaft is dropped by Big Chunk or can be found in Cave Chests(5% chance).
  • Black Shard is dropped by Guardian(2% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(1% chance).
  • Spear Tip is dropped by Chief(10% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(10% chance).
  • Ancient Bone is dropped by Gronk(10% chance), Goblin(1% chance) or can be found in Fletchers Hut Chest(1% chance).
  • Chunkium Bar is an item crafted by smelting Chunkium Ore. Chunkium Ore is dropped by Big Chunk (50% chance) or can be found in Cave Chests(1% chance)
  • Wolfskin is an item dropped by Wolves(50% chance)
  • Flax Fibers are items crafted from Flax


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