Health And Armor
Red Pill - HP amount is increased by 10 per 1 item
Blue Pill - SHIELD capacity is increased by 10 per 1 item
Broccoli - HP regen is increased by 0.25 per 1 item.(Nerfed in Update3)
HP Regen = 5 * (0.05 * number_of_broccoli)
Dracula - HP amount is increased by killing mobs
Maximum 40 HP per Dracula Stack(Nerfed in Update3)
Dracula stacks explanation:
For example:
You have basic 100 hp and 5 draculas.
1. You kill 5 mobs.
2. Your hp is increased to 125.(100+(5 draculas * 5 killed mobs))
3. You find another dracula. (Now you have 6 draculas)
4. You kill 10 mobs.
5. Your hp is increased to 185.(125+(6 draculas * 10 killed mobs))
Very simple.
Danis Milk - Armor is increased using this formula:
Armor =( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_milk )*0.1 ) * 40
Danis Milk Danis Milk amount Armor (points) 1 3.8065004 2 7.2507668 3 10.367265 4 13.187191 5 15.738766 6 18.047525 7 20.136578 8 22.026833 9 23.737206 10 25.284813 11 26.685146 12 27.952223 13 29.09872 14 30.136112 15 31.074787 16 31.924131 17 32.69265 18 33.38804 19 34.01725 20 34.586582
Movement(it Is Not Even Damage Calculations)
Sneakers - Movement speed multiplier is increased using this formula: (Nerfed in Update3)
Movement speed multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_sneakers )*0.08 ) * 1.75
Then Movement speed multiplier multiplies by Adrenaline boost
Jetpack - Jump height multiplier is increased using this formula:
Jump height multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_jetpacks )*0.075 ) * 2.5
Janniks Frog - Number of jumps is increased by 1 per item
More numbers
Sneakers Sneakers amount Movement speed multiplier 1 110.1912% 2 119.78891% 3 128.8277% 4 137.34009% 5 145.35678% 6 152.90662% 7 160.01677% 8 166.71288% 9 173.01901% 10 178.95793% 11 184.55098% 12 189.81831% 13 194.7789% 14 199.4506% 15 203.85027% 16 207.9937% 17 211.89584% 18 215.57074% 19 219.03162% 20 222.29097%
Jetpack Jetpacks amount Jump height multiplier 1 118.06412% 2 134.82298% 3 150.37093% 4 164.7954% 5 178.17764% 6 190.59293% 7 202.1111% 8 212.79703% 9 222.71085% 10 231.9083% 11 240.44121% 12 248.35753% 13 255.70186% 14 262.5155% 15 268.83682% 16 274.70142% 17 280.1422% 18 285.18988% 19 289.87283% 20 294.2174%
Orange Juice - Attack speed multiplier is increased using this formula:
Attack speed multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_juice )*0.12 ) * 1
Then Attack speed multiplier multiplies by Adrenaline boost
Robin Hood Hat - Arrow Velocity, Arrow Damage, Bow Draw Speed is increased using this formula:
Robin Hood Hat multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hats )*0.06 ) * 2
Dumbbeli - Strength is increased by 10 per item(increases damage by 10% per 10 strength)
Orange Juice Orange Juice Attack speed multiplier 1 111.30795% 2 121.3372% 3 130.23236% 4 138.12164% 5 145.1188% 6 151.32475% 7 156.82893% 8 161.7107% 9 166.04042% 10 169.88055% 11 173.28644% 12 176.3072% 13 178.98637% 14 181.36258% 15 183.4701% 16 185.33928% 17 186.9971% 18 188.46747% 19 189.77156% 20 190.92819%
Robin Hood Hat Hats amount Robin Hood Hat Multiplier 1 111.64708% 2 122.6159% 3 132.94594% 4 142.6744% 5 151.83632% 6 160.4647% 7 168.59059% 8 176.24329% 9 183.4503% 10 190.23763% 11 196.62968% 12 202.6495% 13 208.31876% 14 213.65785% 15 218.686% 16 223.42139% 17 227.88095% 18 232.08084% 19 236.03616% 20 239.76111%
Horseshoe - Critical strike chance is increased using this formula:
Critical strike chance = 0.1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_horseshoes )*0.08 ) * 0.9
Base critical strike chance = 10%
Crimson knife - Lifesteal. Gives you % as life from your dealt damage using this formula:
Lifesteal = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_knives )*0.1 ) * 0.5
Bulldozer - Knockback Chance using this formula:
Knockback(Chance or Multiplier) = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_bulldozers )*0.15 ) * 1
If this Knockback chance doesn't equal 1(if chance is unlucky) then knockback is calculated through enemy knockback threshold and your hit damage(if you are interested in this formula, I can add it later)
Juice - Attack Speed is increased after critical strike for 2 seconds using this formula:
Attack Speed Multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_juice )*0.3 ) * 1
Even more numbers
Horseshoe Horseshoes amount Critical Strike Chance 1 6.9195247% 2 13.30705% 3 19.203478% 4 24.646572% 5 29.67118% 6 34.309475% 7 38.591167% 8 42.54366% 9 46.192272% 10 49.560364% 11 52.669518% 12 55.539616% 13 58.189053% 14 60.634796% 15 62.8925% 16 64.97662% 17 66.90051% 18 68.676476% 19 70.31591% 20 71.82929%
Crimson Dagger Knives amount Lifesteal 1 4.7581253% 2 9.063458% 3 12.959081% 4 16.48399% 5 19.673458% 6 22.559408% 7 25.170723% 8 27.53354% 9 29.671509% 10 31.606016% 11 33.356434% 12 34.940277% 13 36.3734% 14 37.670143% 15 38.843483% 16 39.905163% 17 40.865814% 18 41.735046% 19 42.52156% 20 43.233227%
Bulldozer Bulldozer amount Knockback chance 1 13.929194% 2 25.918161% 3 36.237167% 4 45.118816% 5 52.76332% 6 59.343018% 7 65.0062% 8 69.880554% 9 74.07595% 10 77.686966% 11 80.79499% 12 83.47009% 13 85.772575% 14 87.75435% 15 89.46006% 16 90.92819% 17 92.19182% 18 93.27944% 19 94.21556% 20 95.021286%
Juice Juice amount Attack Speed Multiplier 1 125.91816% 2 145.1188% 3 159.34302% 4 169.88055% 5 177.68697% 6 183.4701% 7 187.75435% 8 190.92819% 9 193.27943% 10 195.02129% 11 196.31168% 12 197.26762% 13 197.9758% 14 198.50044% 15 198.88908% 16 199.17703% 17 199.39032% 18 199.54834% 19 199.6654% 20 199.75212%
More Damage
Knuts Hammer - Lightning Damage. Seperate from critical strike chance.
Lightning damage chance = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hammers )*0.12 ) * 0.4
Damage multiplier = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hammers )*0.12 ) * 1
Berserk - Strength is increased by number of Berserks * ((maximum_hp-current_hp)/maximum_hp)
Wings of glory - Damage Multiplier while falling is increased using this formula:
Damage Multiplier while falling = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_wings )*0.45 ) * 2.5
Wings of glory Wings of glory amount Damage Multiplier 1 190.59293% 2 248.35753% 3 285.18988% 4 308.67523% 5 323.65018% 6 333.1986% 7 339.28696% 8 343.16904% 9 345.64438% 10 347.22275% 11 348.22916% 12 348.87085% 13 349.28003% 14 349.54092% 15 349.70728% 16 349.81335% 17 349.88098% 18 349.9241% 19 349.95163% 20 349.96915%
Knuts Hammer Knuts Hammer amount Lightning damage Chance Damage Multiplier 1 4.5231795% 211.30795% 2 8.53488% 221.3372% 3 12.092941% 230.23236% 4 15.248656% 238.12166% 5 18.047527% 245.1188% 6 20.5299% 251.32475% 7 22.73157% 256.82892% 8 24.684275% 261.7107% 9 26.416168% 266.0404% 10 27.952225% 269.88055% 11 29.314577% 273.28644% 12 30.52288% 276.3072% 13 31.594547% 278.98636% 14 32.545033% 281.36258% 15 33.38804% 283.4701% 16 34.135715% 285.3393% 17 34.798847% 286.9971% 18 35.38699% 288.46747% 19 35.908623% 289.77155% 20 36.371277% 290.9282%
I Promise It Is The Last One Damage Heading
Enforcer - Damage multiplier is based on your current speed, it is calculated using this formula:
Damage multiplier = 1 + Move speed/20 * ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_enforcers )*0.4 ) * 2
Sniper Scope - Lucky Damage. Seperate from critical strike chance.(Nerfed in Update3)
Lucky damage chance = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_scopes )*0.14 ) * 0.15
Damage multiplier = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_scopes )*0.25 ) * 50
Enforcer Enforcers Damage multiplier if Move Speed = 20 1 165.93596% 2 210.13417% 3 239.76111% 4 259.62067% 5 272.93292% 6 281.85638% 7 287.83798% 8 291.84753% 9 294.53525% 10 296.33685% 11 297.54453% 12 298.35406% 13 298.8967% 14 299.26044% 15 299.50424% 16 299.6677% 17 299.77725% 18 299.85068% 19 299.8999% 20 299.93292%
Sniper Scope Sniper Scopes amount Damage Multiplier Lucky Damage Chance 1 1205.9955% 1.9596256% 2 2067.3457% 3.6632423% 3 2738.166% 5.1442957% 4 3260.6018% 6.4318614% 5 3667.475% 7.551217% 6 3984.3484% 8.52434% 7 4231.1294% 9.370331% 8 4423.3228% 10.105801% 9 4573.003% 10.745187% 10 4689.574% 11.301043% 11 4780.3604% 11.78428% 12 4851.0645% 12.204388% 13 4906.1284% 12.5696125% 14 4949.0127% 12.887122% 15 4982.411% 13.163151% 16 5008.422% 13.403121% 17 5028.6787% 13.61174% 18 5044.4546% 13.793105% 19 5056.741% 13.950775% 20 5066.31% 14.087849%
Other Powerups(not Scary At All)
Adrenaline - Affects Movement Speed,Stamina,Attack speed multiplier when HP is under 30%. Adrenaline Multiplier is increased using this formula:
Adrenaline multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_anrenalines )*1)* 2
Peanut butter - Stamina multiplier is increased by 15% per item
Stamina multiplier is increased using this formula:
Stamina multiplier = 1+(number_of_butter*0.15)
then it is multiplied by Adrenaline multiplier(if active)
Checkered Shirt - Damage dealt to resources is increased using this formula:
Damage dealt to resources = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_shirts )*0.3)* 4
Piggybank - More loot from mobs and more resources from breaking things. (Nerfed in Update3)
Loot Multiplier is increased using this formula:
Loot Multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_piggybanks )*0.15)* 1.25
Spooo Bean - Hunger Rate is decreased using this formula:
Hunger Rate Reduction =( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_beans )*0.2)* 0.5
I want more numbers
Adrenaline Adrenaline amount Adrenaline multiplier 1 226.42407% 2 272.93292% 3 290.04257% 4 296.33685% 5 298.6524% 6 299.50424% 7 299.8176% 8 299.93292% 9 299.9753% 10 299.9909% 11 299.99667% 12 299.99875% 13 299.99954% 14 299.99985% 15 299.99994% 16 299.99997% 17 300% 18 300% 19 300% 20 300%
Checkered Shirt Checkered Shirts amount Damage dealt to resources multiplier 1 203.67265% 2 280.47525% 3 337.37207% 4 379.52222% 5 410.74786% 6 433.88037% 7 451.0174% 8 463.7128% 9 473.11774% 10 480.08514% 11 485.2467% 12 489.0705% 13 491.9032% 14 494.00177% 15 495.55637% 16 496.7081% 17 497.56128% 18 498.19336% 19 498.66162% 20 499.00845%
Piggybank Piggybanks amount Loot Multiplier 1 117.41149% 2 132.3977% 3 145.29645% 4 156.39851% 5 165.95415% 6 174.17877% 7 181.25775% 8 187.35071% 9 192.59494% 10 197.1087% 11 200.99373% 12 204.33762% 13 207.21571% 14 209.69293% 15 211.82509% 16 213.66025% 17 215.23976% 18 216.5993% 19 217.76945% 20 218.77661%
Spooo Bean Spooo Beans amount Hunger Reduction 1 9.063458% 2 16.48399% 3 22.559408% 4 27.53354% 5 31.606016% 6 34.940277% 7 37.670143% 8 39.905163% 9 41.735046% 10 43.233227% 11 44.459835% 12 45.464096% 13 46.286316% 14 46.95949% 15 47.510643% 16 47.961884% 17 48.331333% 18 48.633812% 19 48.88146% 20 49.084217%
I believe I didn't miss anything. Thanks for reading.Correct me in comments please if this information is wrong. I devided damage into several parts because of the character limit
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