All powerups (with numbers)L UPDATED

All powerups (with numbers)L UPDATED

Health And Armor

Red Pill - HP amount is increased by 10 per 1 item

Blue Pill - SHIELD capacity is increased by 10 per 1 item

Broccoli - HP regen is increased by 0.25 per 1 item.(Nerfed in Update3)

HP Regen = 5 * (0.05 * number_of_broccoli)

Dracula - HP amount is increased by killing mobs

Maximum 40 HP per Dracula Stack(Nerfed in Update3)

Dracula stacks explanation:

For example:

You have basic 100 hp and 5 draculas.

1. You kill 5 mobs.

2. Your hp is increased to 125.(100+(5 draculas * 5 killed mobs))

3. You find another dracula. (Now you have 6 draculas)

4. You kill 10 mobs.

5. Your hp is increased to 185.(125+(6 draculas * 10 killed mobs))

Very simple.

Danis Milk - Armor is increased using this formula:

Armor =( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_milk )*0.1 ) * 40


Danis Milk Danis Milk amount Armor (points) 1 3.8065004 2 7.2507668 3 10.367265 4 13.187191 5 15.738766 6 18.047525 7 20.136578 8 22.026833 9 23.737206 10 25.284813 11 26.685146 12 27.952223 13 29.09872 14 30.136112 15 31.074787 16 31.924131 17 32.69265 18 33.38804 19 34.01725 20 34.586582

Movement(it Is Not Even Damage Calculations)

All powerups (with numbers)L UPDATED image 22

Sneakers - Movement speed multiplier is increased using this formula: (Nerfed in Update3)

Movement speed multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_sneakers )*0.08 ) * 1.75

Then Movement speed multiplier multiplies by Adrenaline boost

Jetpack - Jump height multiplier is increased using this formula:

Jump height multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_jetpacks )*0.075 ) * 2.5

Janniks Frog - Number of jumps is increased by 1 per item

More numbers

Sneakers Sneakers amount Movement speed multiplier 1 110.1912% 2 119.78891% 3 128.8277% 4 137.34009% 5 145.35678% 6 152.90662% 7 160.01677% 8 166.71288% 9 173.01901% 10 178.95793% 11 184.55098% 12 189.81831% 13 194.7789% 14 199.4506% 15 203.85027% 16 207.9937% 17 211.89584% 18 215.57074% 19 219.03162% 20 222.29097%

Jetpack Jetpacks amount Jump height multiplier 1 118.06412% 2 134.82298% 3 150.37093% 4 164.7954% 5 178.17764% 6 190.59293% 7 202.1111% 8 212.79703% 9 222.71085% 10 231.9083% 11 240.44121% 12 248.35753% 13 255.70186% 14 262.5155% 15 268.83682% 16 274.70142% 17 280.1422% 18 285.18988% 19 289.87283% 20 294.2174%


Orange Juice - Attack speed multiplier is increased using this formula:

Attack speed multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_juice )*0.12 ) * 1

Then Attack speed multiplier multiplies by Adrenaline boost

Robin Hood Hat - Arrow Velocity, Arrow Damage, Bow Draw Speed is increased using this formula:

Robin Hood Hat multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hats )*0.06 ) * 2

Dumbbeli - Strength is increased by 10 per item(increases damage by 10% per 10 strength)


Orange Juice Orange Juice Attack speed multiplier 1 111.30795% 2 121.3372% 3 130.23236% 4 138.12164% 5 145.1188% 6 151.32475% 7 156.82893% 8 161.7107% 9 166.04042% 10 169.88055% 11 173.28644% 12 176.3072% 13 178.98637% 14 181.36258% 15 183.4701% 16 185.33928% 17 186.9971% 18 188.46747% 19 189.77156% 20 190.92819%

Robin Hood Hat Hats amount Robin Hood Hat Multiplier 1 111.64708% 2 122.6159% 3 132.94594% 4 142.6744% 5 151.83632% 6 160.4647% 7 168.59059% 8 176.24329% 9 183.4503% 10 190.23763% 11 196.62968% 12 202.6495% 13 208.31876% 14 213.65785% 15 218.686% 16 223.42139% 17 227.88095% 18 232.08084% 19 236.03616% 20 239.76111%


Horseshoe - Critical strike chance is increased using this formula:

Critical strike chance = 0.1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_horseshoes )*0.08 ) * 0.9

Base critical strike chance = 10%

Crimson knife - Lifesteal. Gives you % as life from your dealt damage using this formula:

Lifesteal = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_knives )*0.1 ) * 0.5

Bulldozer - Knockback Chance using this formula:

Knockback(Chance or Multiplier) = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_bulldozers )*0.15 ) * 1

If this Knockback chance doesn't equal 1(if chance is unlucky) then knockback is calculated through enemy knockback threshold and your hit damage(if you are interested in this formula, I can add it later)

Juice - Attack Speed is increased after critical strike for 2 seconds using this formula:

Attack Speed Multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_juice )*0.3 ) * 1

Even more numbers

Horseshoe Horseshoes amount Critical Strike Chance 1 6.9195247% 2 13.30705% 3 19.203478% 4 24.646572% 5 29.67118% 6 34.309475% 7 38.591167% 8 42.54366% 9 46.192272% 10 49.560364% 11 52.669518% 12 55.539616% 13 58.189053% 14 60.634796% 15 62.8925% 16 64.97662% 17 66.90051% 18 68.676476% 19 70.31591% 20 71.82929%

Crimson Dagger Knives amount Lifesteal 1 4.7581253% 2 9.063458% 3 12.959081% 4 16.48399% 5 19.673458% 6 22.559408% 7 25.170723% 8 27.53354% 9 29.671509% 10 31.606016% 11 33.356434% 12 34.940277% 13 36.3734% 14 37.670143% 15 38.843483% 16 39.905163% 17 40.865814% 18 41.735046% 19 42.52156% 20 43.233227%

Bulldozer Bulldozer amount Knockback chance 1 13.929194% 2 25.918161% 3 36.237167% 4 45.118816% 5 52.76332% 6 59.343018% 7 65.0062% 8 69.880554% 9 74.07595% 10 77.686966% 11 80.79499% 12 83.47009% 13 85.772575% 14 87.75435% 15 89.46006% 16 90.92819% 17 92.19182% 18 93.27944% 19 94.21556% 20 95.021286%

Juice Juice amount Attack Speed Multiplier 1 125.91816% 2 145.1188% 3 159.34302% 4 169.88055% 5 177.68697% 6 183.4701% 7 187.75435% 8 190.92819% 9 193.27943% 10 195.02129% 11 196.31168% 12 197.26762% 13 197.9758% 14 198.50044% 15 198.88908% 16 199.17703% 17 199.39032% 18 199.54834% 19 199.6654% 20 199.75212%

More Damage

Knuts Hammer - Lightning Damage. Seperate from critical strike chance.

Lightning damage chance = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hammers )*0.12 ) * 0.4

Damage multiplier = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_hammers )*0.12 ) * 1

Berserk - Strength is increased by number of Berserks * ((maximum_hp-current_hp)/maximum_hp)

Wings of glory - Damage Multiplier while falling is increased using this formula:

Damage Multiplier while falling = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_wings )*0.45 ) * 2.5

Wings of glory Wings of glory amount Damage Multiplier 1 190.59293% 2 248.35753% 3 285.18988% 4 308.67523% 5 323.65018% 6 333.1986% 7 339.28696% 8 343.16904% 9 345.64438% 10 347.22275% 11 348.22916% 12 348.87085% 13 349.28003% 14 349.54092% 15 349.70728% 16 349.81335% 17 349.88098% 18 349.9241% 19 349.95163% 20 349.96915%

Knuts Hammer Knuts Hammer amount Lightning damage Chance Damage Multiplier 1 4.5231795% 211.30795% 2 8.53488% 221.3372% 3 12.092941% 230.23236% 4 15.248656% 238.12166% 5 18.047527% 245.1188% 6 20.5299% 251.32475% 7 22.73157% 256.82892% 8 24.684275% 261.7107% 9 26.416168% 266.0404% 10 27.952225% 269.88055% 11 29.314577% 273.28644% 12 30.52288% 276.3072% 13 31.594547% 278.98636% 14 32.545033% 281.36258% 15 33.38804% 283.4701% 16 34.135715% 285.3393% 17 34.798847% 286.9971% 18 35.38699% 288.46747% 19 35.908623% 289.77155% 20 36.371277% 290.9282%

I Promise It Is The Last One Damage Heading

Enforcer - Damage multiplier is based on your current speed, it is calculated using this formula:

Damage multiplier = 1 + Move speed/20 * ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_enforcers )*0.4 ) * 2

Sniper Scope - Lucky Damage. Seperate from critical strike chance.(Nerfed in Update3)

Lucky damage chance = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_scopes )*0.14 ) * 0.15

Damage multiplier = ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_scopes )*0.25 ) * 50

Enforcer Enforcers Damage multiplier if Move Speed = 20 1 165.93596% 2 210.13417% 3 239.76111% 4 259.62067% 5 272.93292% 6 281.85638% 7 287.83798% 8 291.84753% 9 294.53525% 10 296.33685% 11 297.54453% 12 298.35406% 13 298.8967% 14 299.26044% 15 299.50424% 16 299.6677% 17 299.77725% 18 299.85068% 19 299.8999% 20 299.93292%

Sniper Scope Sniper Scopes amount Damage Multiplier Lucky Damage Chance 1 1205.9955% 1.9596256% 2 2067.3457% 3.6632423% 3 2738.166% 5.1442957% 4 3260.6018% 6.4318614% 5 3667.475% 7.551217% 6 3984.3484% 8.52434% 7 4231.1294% 9.370331% 8 4423.3228% 10.105801% 9 4573.003% 10.745187% 10 4689.574% 11.301043% 11 4780.3604% 11.78428% 12 4851.0645% 12.204388% 13 4906.1284% 12.5696125% 14 4949.0127% 12.887122% 15 4982.411% 13.163151% 16 5008.422% 13.403121% 17 5028.6787% 13.61174% 18 5044.4546% 13.793105% 19 5056.741% 13.950775% 20 5066.31% 14.087849%

Other Powerups(not Scary At All)

Adrenaline - Affects Movement Speed,Stamina,Attack speed multiplier when HP is under 30%. Adrenaline Multiplier is increased using this formula:

Adrenaline multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_anrenalines )*1)* 2

Peanut butter - Stamina multiplier is increased by 15% per item

Stamina multiplier is increased using this formula:

Stamina multiplier = 1+(number_of_butter*0.15)

then it is multiplied by Adrenaline multiplier(if active)

Checkered Shirt - Damage dealt to resources is increased using this formula:

Damage dealt to resources = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_shirts )*0.3)* 4

Piggybank - More loot from mobs and more resources from breaking things. (Nerfed in Update3)

Loot Multiplier is increased using this formula:

Loot Multiplier = 1 + ( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_piggybanks )*0.15)* 1.25

Spooo Bean - Hunger Rate is decreased using this formula:

Hunger Rate Reduction =( 1 - 2.71828^( - number_of_beans )*0.2)* 0.5

I want more numbers

Adrenaline Adrenaline amount Adrenaline multiplier 1 226.42407% 2 272.93292% 3 290.04257% 4 296.33685% 5 298.6524% 6 299.50424% 7 299.8176% 8 299.93292% 9 299.9753% 10 299.9909% 11 299.99667% 12 299.99875% 13 299.99954% 14 299.99985% 15 299.99994% 16 299.99997% 17 300% 18 300% 19 300% 20 300%

Checkered Shirt Checkered Shirts amount Damage dealt to resources multiplier 1 203.67265% 2 280.47525% 3 337.37207% 4 379.52222% 5 410.74786% 6 433.88037% 7 451.0174% 8 463.7128% 9 473.11774% 10 480.08514% 11 485.2467% 12 489.0705% 13 491.9032% 14 494.00177% 15 495.55637% 16 496.7081% 17 497.56128% 18 498.19336% 19 498.66162% 20 499.00845%

Piggybank Piggybanks amount Loot Multiplier 1 117.41149% 2 132.3977% 3 145.29645% 4 156.39851% 5 165.95415% 6 174.17877% 7 181.25775% 8 187.35071% 9 192.59494% 10 197.1087% 11 200.99373% 12 204.33762% 13 207.21571% 14 209.69293% 15 211.82509% 16 213.66025% 17 215.23976% 18 216.5993% 19 217.76945% 20 218.77661%

Spooo Bean Spooo Beans amount Hunger Reduction 1 9.063458% 2 16.48399% 3 22.559408% 4 27.53354% 5 31.606016% 6 34.940277% 7 37.670143% 8 39.905163% 9 41.735046% 10 43.233227% 11 44.459835% 12 45.464096% 13 46.286316% 14 46.95949% 15 47.510643% 16 47.961884% 17 48.331333% 18 48.633812% 19 48.88146% 20 49.084217%


I believe I didn't miss anything. Thanks for reading.Correct me in comments please if this information is wrong. I devided damage into several parts because of the character limit


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