The Price Of Piracy - 5 Starting Tips
"Filth, you will pay for your insolence."
"Insolence! We are pirates! We don't even know what that means."
―Darth Maul and Hondo Ohnaka
Bands of space pirates haunt the shipping lanes of the lawless Outer Rim Territories, in search of cargos to steal and travelers to hold for ransom. Perhaps you may become one of them or even try to combat them. Along the way you will make many enemies and few if any friends. Thus is the Price Of Piracy...five tips to better profit from it.
1. Upgrade your storage management!
The more you can carry the more you can steal! This is a leader skill so it's up to you to upgrade it.
2. Stun Guns and blunt weapons
They're no good to you dead! There are various types of blasters that do blunt damage. More prisoners = More Credits!
3. Prisoner Management is a party skill!
Don't think that only you have to upgrade it, and in fact maybe you shouldn't at all. Also a side note would be that maybe you should fly around picking up favorite companions before you become an outlaw to most of the galaxy.
4. The Banking Clans
You can take out a loan of up to 5k from the banks to finance your first raids. Who says you need to pay it back?
All of them have slave traders and merchants.
Note that all the Banking Clans seem to be one subfaction. Though the merchants have no money to buy stuff from you unless you buy from them first. Also they can all be found in Cantinas every now and again...
5. Save up for a fast ship
The fastest yet cheapest pirate ship I could recommend would be the Wild Karrde. I believe it is from the Raxus Prime shipyards.(You may have to go in and out a few times to find it since the slate of ships shown changes each time) You'll fly faster, even over double the speed and be able to therefore get more accomplished in shorter time than ever before. After a while it would be useful to invest your credits toward one...
If anyone needs beginners tips please refer back to the previously written guide.
Profits For Pirates Starting Off
There are many ways to make money as a pirate and a lesser amount as a merc starting off. You could start off as a pirate right off the back in the following ways with a small group. Take into account only the last act is an act of war against a faction.
Steal nerf herds from minor worlds. There are a few areas that are rather badly protected.
Steal supplies from rich minor worlds.
Playing Pazaak for 50-100 earned credits a game.
Attack travelling farmers and enslave them. (They travel quick so you need to be set up in their path to catch them)
Once you are offically warring against factions you can loot and burn their minor worlds.
Stealing Taxes and Debts ~ Some Commanders, commonly ask you to go collect taxes and debts from other commanders(which will cost you upfront money to convince them.). This can fetch anywhere from the low to high thousands. A perfect thievery for you...
Bounty Hunting
You can make three hundred per head you bring in. Or refuse payment in exchange for honor, not that it will help you much in this galaxy. It seems to always be within the space of the Faction when you get them from a Faction Commander. Though you can also get them from any Bartender...
One cannot survive long term without having somewhere to sell and get troops. You can get troops from any friendly minor world and from any cantina bartender, also sometimes you can buy groups of mercs inside there as in vanilla. Therefore it is most useful to keep friendly relations with atleast one faction such as the Hutts would be best.
Now there are two main ways to buy troops.
From Minor Worlds ~ You can get small amounts of faction troops from their worlds.
Major Worlds ~ You can hire many troops at once from cantinas, most of all from the bartenders.
A third way would be to attack a group with a lot of prisoners and recruit them but that is inconsistent and undependable.. however in time Independent Caravans and other groups can capture large amounts of troops.
Turning On Your Masters
You can build whatever force you want. Perhaps you could even build up a fighting force while as a merc for the Empire and then breaking contract after a month. To fight and attempt to in time build a New Order with no mercy for the weak.
Or go from Rebel to Reaver...
And then there is also the Hutts...
In my view, the most lore friendly pirate group would be Hutt Troops and various Outer Rim species you can hire from the Cantina. Overall, the Hutt Worlds are the closest together so they can be recruited from quickly and sold to rapidly. While Imperial and Rebel Worlds are further apart and in far more conflict with one another.
Trade Ships constantly fly in and out of Hutt Space with little protection in between.
Basic Battle Tactics (Defensive)
As touched on before, pathfinding can be hard so i did this all with 100 battle size. If it will work with larger sizes is yet to be tested. So let's get into it shall we?
Types Of Battles
There are two spots to can always fight when you engage another rival party in space.
Your HangerIn this case in my view it seems to come down to blasters and numbers in a close open space. In most cases I would advise against this because eventually the scene bores. Plus it is more entertaining to play on worlds, you could even think of them as Slave Raids.
On A Nearby PlanetIn this case you fight on the nearest major world. The different planets have diverse enviroments from hollow hangers to fatal forests the size of a map can greatly affect the length and lethality of a battle.
Obviously, the use of speeders seems to only work on planets, also long range weapons are of the most use. Additonally, the ground can be used to hide from ranged attacks such as just behind a Hill and then advancing to the top of it when they begin climbing up it and thus shooting down upon them. Firing lines are key...
Now also in all battles your men start out as a charging mass. If you like that then you don't need to do anything; however, you will find many men will die without firing a shot and that the more men you have the more costly and dangerous this becomes. Organized forces usually triumph over the unorganized...
So before you do anything do this!
This is done by first going into your party menu and doing the following:
Set the first group as "Long Ranged" And the second as "Close Ranged" , the third is calvary or for those sorts of units. You can even name them Meatbags, Human Shield, Bantha fodder... whatever you want but just be sure you know which is which. So it looks exactly like the example above...
Group One [Long] : These troops will be those with longer ranged weapons and likely better armor. In this mod troops are costly and it is not cost effective to have men that are dozens of times more costly being human shields. These men can cost a lot up front or take time or survive many battle to reach their rank. Treat them with some respect in that regard...
Group Two [Short] : This group should be those with short range weapons and shields or melee. Commonly this will result in low tier troops protecting your better armed and armored group two. You must manually set the correct type of troops into this group and you'll only have to do it once with each unit type over time.
SMALL SQUAD ~ Less Than Ten
(Close firing formation of Mandalorians)
When you have a single digit number of men it may be most helpful to simply consolidate forces. In any case it is always useful to command them to:
Hold Position - You can do this in the battle menu or the manual control.
Spread Out - As much as you would prefer as long as all of them can shoot.
Have them Stand Ground - when danger is close if you want them to react best to enemy charges.
Only charge if they are very close and there is no other option.
This will be a common size for a force of men fast enough to catch travelers, traders, miners and even fighting off faction patrols.
Hold Position - Best done as quickly as possible with the next command coming quickly after.
Advance Or Fall Back in an orderly manner. This lines them up into a natural firing line.
Spread Out or Get Closer depending on the Space - As much as you would prefer as long as all of them can shoot.
Then continue to advance or fall back according to your needs.
Here is an example of a finished formation taking aim from long range firing first...
Notice, I then fall them back to an incline to make them the most deadly. In this particular battle I took on a group of Novatroopers who were far more elite then the vast majority my group. Had I made big mistakes, then even with 3x more men I could have been gunned down.
Here is the end result of such tactics.
The greatest temptation was to break formation in a disorganized charge. As my men began dropping like flies on my side as the enemy made a loose firing line. Then I focused my greater number of guns on them and within short time they all had fallen.
Note these tactics put the greatest focus on Defense using blasters based forces. However, an organized advance can be used agressively. You could advance your first group right through them and then tell them to charge when very close. While keeping your longer range firing line back a good matter of feet to light them up. Speeder units or you personally on one, can help distract or even break up enemy formations as well.
Future sections may be added on city fighting and such.
Enemies To Fight
There are many enemies to fight for fame and fortune. Here is a list of some of them:
Imperial, Rebel and Hutt Patrols can be anywhere from 20-50 and they fly around major worlds and sometimes battlestations as well. If you are hostile with the faction they will try to arrest and therefore fight you. The profits vary greatly...Next to Commanders these men are your greatest threat...
2. Faction Freighters
These go between the major cities and are commonly attacked by pirates. They are slow enough to be able to catch and you can haggle them for money without fighting depending on how strong you are.
3. Independent Convoys And Miners
It appears the negative results of attacking these is unknown since you still seem to appear to be able to do business with the banks even after attacking them. These are commonly sent out and go to major worlds such as Nal Hutta. Be warned that these groups can be especially tough convoys, hence they can carry a lot of prisoners at times.
When it comes to Miners they are not hostile but don't give up their goods without a fight either. They are more rare to see than merchant convoys because their movements are less predictable and they fly very fast between mining belts.
4. Other Raiders
Along with the factions and convoys there are also various groups of hostile raiders. Such as Tuskens, Black Sun, Jawas, deserters and others. Most of the time you cannot pay them off and if they don't think they have a good chance of beating you they will flee.
To catch these you are required to take a bit of risk and have high trust in your individual fighting abilities. Good luck with that if you choose to do so...
Star Wars Conquest Guides And Mod Link
1. Star Wars Conquest Free-Traders And Beginners Guide
2. Star Wars Conquest Pitiliess Piracy and Basic Battle Guide
Below is a link for the Star Wars Conquest Mod on the steam workshop.
The Way Of The Sith Music Soundtrack
Below is a handpicked spotify soundtrack for a Sith leaning Character. It is a full two hours and a half long of only the best Star Wars Tracks from the movies and kotor.
Secondly here is a full Star War soundtrack for those who would be more interested in a Jedi or Neutral soundtrack with both.
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