The first thing you'll most likely want to do, is earn some money. I have identified a few key areas around the map for buying goods on the cheap. We'll start with Swadia and circle the map along my preferred trade route.
So, Swadia has 3 main trade centres. The first, and cheapest to get into of the whole map, are the grain fields. Those are located in the villages surrounding Dhirim. The villages almost always spawn grain, and you can pick them up for an average of 3 denars each.
Sell price on grain is around 25-30 each, and you can do this at Uxkhal.
While you're there, you can then move on to trade opportunity number 2. Oil. At Uxkhal and Suno, oil is fairly cheap, and can be purchased for about 330-350 each.
These can then be sold for around 420-440. Which I usually do at Praven, which brings is to our last trade opportunity in Swadia; ale.
Praven will sell ale for around 35-70 each, and these can be sold for ~120 pretty much anywhere.
And while you're in Praven, do check the villages the sit on the coast. They often have flax for sale around 80 denars, and sell for ~130.
At this point, you may be sitting on about 1000 denars, and you should concentrate a bit on your bodyguards.
Most bandit parties won't engage a group of 30 soldiers or more, and as an early trader, I usually try to maintain at least 25 guards as soon as I can afford them.
Swadians make excellent infantry and cavalry, so you may want to invest a bit before you move on to the next hub.
Moving on from Swadia, we come to Nord lands. Tihr has a few small trading opportunities, but the only real money to be made here is at Sargoth. And even then, it's more of side trip to sell the ale for me.
However, most times you can find wine for around 150, which sells for ~200 in most places, and every now and again you find linen for half price, ~130-150
Then it's straight the Rivacheg, in Vaegir territory, for raw silk, which you can buy for ~360-400, and sell for ~550-600. Also check the fur prices here, as fur sells ~400, and I often find it offered here for under 300 denars.
Curaw is also worth making your next destination, as iron is often on sale here for ~120, and sells for ~220
Which ends our little trade route in range of Dhirim. By now you travels have given the villages time to refresh and harvest, and you can repeat the process.
Some locations also worth checking out; The villages near Jelkala, in Rhodok territory. These sell dyes for around half price, or even lower. I often pick them up for 80-100, and sell them on for ~190.
I regretfully admit I have not scouted Khergit lands for trade, as the bandits there are a handful and a half for a group of recruits.
I also do not venture much into Sarranid turf, as they are just a bit too far off the beaten path, and trade is fine everywhere else.
Anyhow, that ends my chapter on Calradian trade. I have noticed that it takes the game a few days, even weeks, for trade prices to even out across the land, so don't panic if things aren't panning out perfectly right on the first day. Just keep an eye on general prices, and buy low.
Bandit Camps
So, there are 2 camps I use in pretty much every play-through, and I'll just list them here quickly.
1.) Sea Raiders. The location is just to the side of Ruvar, between Wercheg and Rivacheg. Just patrol the coast near the village and you'll find them on every play-through, so long as you haven't cleared it already. These are my favourite prey, as they give good loot as well as spawn often and in manageable numbers.
2.) Forest Bandits. The location is near Suno, in the forest between it and Tadsamesh. Just keep riding in the forest until you find it, or try to chase a group of bandits back to base.
Those are the 2 spawns that never fail for me. The sea raiders can be a bit tricky, but with a group of 25, you'll usually have the speed and manpower to take them down. Invest in pathfinding, folks.
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