Introduction & Aknowledgements
This guide will hopefully assist those who play Mount & Blade: Warband, using the Game of Thrones Mod "A Clash Of Kings v3.0". This guide specifically will be aimed at the optimization and ease of use for those who play on the Steam gaming platform. While in-game, pressing SHIFT + TAB will bring up a set of Steam windows, one of which is allows you to quickly check a favorited guide (like this one).
The basis of some of the technical information has not been written or authored by me. My efforts have been mostly writing, editing, and combining other users' information. Specifically: Sergio_Morozov[] & 613_The_Evil[] . Furthermore, none of this would be possible without the Mod Team behind ACOK 3.0, or the Mount & Blade[] series as a whole. Finally, the public collaberation of information for this mod is avalible on the Wikia[] , although some of the information is outdated.
So thank you to these parties, and to you as the players. Please let me know if there is anything I wrote that has been since outdated, or is plain old incorrect.
This was written on March 16, 2017 by DeCoder68W. Updated versions are planned to include the newest changes from 3.0, and the newly released 3.1 version of this Mod.
Just as in native Mount and Blade: Warband, it is possible to collect a number of companions to help you in your quests. These companions will form part of your party and will gain experience as you progress in the game. Companions have two big benefits over normal troops: they are fully customizable, and will not die; instead getting knocked unconcious.
Companions can be found in the various taverns located in most towns. Some of the companions will require a recruitment fee to join your party. The starting location of the companions differ from game to game, and each will change locations at times, so it's best to check the tavern whenever you enter a town.
This chart (last editted on Feb. 21, 2016), is a brief overview of each companion, their personality, their nobility, and their likes and dislikes. Each companion has at most one like and one dislike, which may or may not be mutual. (Greyed out rows for those who have less than that.) Unlike Native, some relationships are assigned values greater than 1, so one like/dislike may lead to a lot of love/hate (morale change). It should be noted, that the companion "Miller's Wife" is not a standard companion, but an additon during a quest.
General Companion Useage
The companions you recruit through the various means (mostly taverns), are essentially the most powerful NPC's in the game, if used properly. Using them properly involves managing their skills, attributes, gear, and tactics to ensure there is nothing going to waste. I will go into this under each companion's individual section, in more detail. In general, however, you should generallly follow a prescribed path, and have a plan for each companion.
Your party should have a designated Doctor, Trainer, Engineer, Trader, Tracker, as well as a number of combat-only oriented companions. Utilize the additional unnamed groups to assign your professional warrior companions to a "Bodyguard" type unit. Your non-combat related companions should be in a seperate organizational group called "Rearguard", and only used to mop up fleeing enemies. It is important to use each character in the most efficient way possible, so don't turn your Doctor into your most powerful sword swinger, and don't expect your Tracker to suddenly become a Trader. Use what points they already have invested when you recruit them, to designate their long term goal.
In your "Bodyguard" unit, it tends to be the most efficient if you generally make them heavy cavalry/arrow sponge. Put their attribute points in Strength (primarily) & Agility (secondarily), they have no use of Intelligence or Charisma. Their skill points should be primarily focused on Iron Flesh, Power Strike, Shield, Athletics. The skill points should be secondarily spent on Weapon Master, Riding, Horse Archery, and a ranged weapon (if desired). You should equip them with a good general set of equipment that focuses on the strength of the individual companion. Heavy armor, armored mounts, a one handed weapon & shield, and either a ranged weapon/ammo (I prefer bows for maximum ammo) OR a polearm/two-hander and a throwing weapon. Their deployment and use will depend on location, but generally they will assault first in a seige to draw the fire of the enemy archers. In the field, they will "Follow Me" and together we form a menacing heavy cavalry unit that can outmenauver the enemy quicky.
In your "Rearguard" unit, it tends to be the most efficient use of their abilities to leave them in the far rear, and to never use them except as a last resort. Them staying concious (ESPECIALLY the doctor), will benefit your army greatly, even if one battle is a loss. Their attribute points should be primarily focused on Intelligence, Charisma, or Agility (depending on their profession). Their primary skill points should be focused 100% on their profession until they max out (10). Your Tracker should have Tracking, Path-Finding, & Spotting. Your Doctor should have Wound Treatment, Surgery, & First Aid. Your Trader should have Trade, Inventory Management, & Persuasion. Your Engineer should have Engineer, with secondary points put towards Surgery as well. Your Trainer should have Trainer & Tactics. Once your profession's required skills have been maxed, then aim to put extra points towards Power Draw, Riding, and Horse Archer. My "Rearguard" sits for 90% of a field battle at the rear safest corner of the map doing nothing, but once the enemy starts to retreat, I charge them in to knock out the most enemies for Prisoners. Their equipment is usually the best armor I find, that can be worn with their low strengths. Their mount is very light and fast (to chase down runners), and their weapons are usually a Bow with 2 large arrow quivers, and a mace (weapon proficiency dependant). They can sit at the back shooting arrows, minding their own business, and when its time to charge, they pull out the mace to do blunt damage to my fleeing enemies.
Your final group of companions are the ones that you will potentially turn into your vassals and future lords. You need this "Nobles" group to sacrifice their own skills, to develop them into the best leaders you can. Their primary attribute is Charisma, as that is (one of) the only direct influences you can do to maximize how large an army they will control as a lord later. It is not important how much strength they have, even though that means more health, because in most of the battles they will be in in the future, the Auto-Calculations don't take that into consideration (only total army size vs total army size). Max their points in Leadership, Prisoner Management, and secondarily Path-Finding (to increase their speed on the map). It is important to not promote these companions to lords until they have maxxed out these skills, because they will level up catastrophically slow after they leave your party (and not in the skills you want them to level up in). Their equipment is based 100% around their skills, with the best armor, best weapons, and best mount that can be had, without having to 'waste' skill points in strength or agility. Once they are lords, they will auto-equip a set of armor & weapons that is a good medium grade set, unless you have equipped them with something noticably more powerful, then they will retain that better weapon/armor/mount. This sometimes means that their super-duper polearm you bought them will disappear in favor of a prefered short sword, even though the polearm is noticeably better.
Finally, it is important to, over time, talk to each of your companions and send them out one at a time, for their various quests and benefits they can bring you by being away. These special quests are especially important to gain "Right-to-Rule" for end game diplomacy.
Most Stable Party & Optimization
Due to the nature of companions being finiky, and having likes & dislikes, there is a limit to what the maximum number of companions you can have at once without having to balance their feelings. This "Most Stable Party" has an equal number of people who like and dislike other companions so that they won't leave based on each other alone. The only way to have a party member leave on their own would be from your influence (morale, killing/looting villages, massive defeat).
This largest "Most Stable Party" is made up of the following 19 characters:
Maron (Trader)
Graznon zo Paton (Trainer)
Ser Jasper Rivers
Halbert Crowshead
Kanosos the Headstrong
Garret Longley
Brynden Storm (Doctor)
Ser Roger Osgrey
Bilaquo Menarios
Berengar Parren
Alen Cargyll
Melly Watermann
Ser Titus Harper
Lyneria(Likes Brynden Storm, Dislikes Gaznon zo Paton)
However, this "Largest" party is not nessicarily the maximum efficiency. For the best use of resources we have to look at who is left, and what they do best:
There are a few companions that would make good Vassals if appointed to lordship:
Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill
Ser Felton Flowers
Arratos Entarion
Ser Clavis Lyber
Additionally, you can appoint a companion to be your kingdom's steward (if you are the ruler). A good choice for this position would be someone who has not been listed yet, perhaps:
Serol Lynaqo, due to his "Custodian Commoner" style, and his 3 points in Persuasion & 2 points in Trade (Although I have not seen confirmed if any stats matter once they are appointed steward).
These characters would best be left alone without careful use. Their potential uses would be to fill in a slot on your "Largest Most Stable Party" list, if you were to appoint one of those Nobles to lordship and vassalhood. The best choices for such an option would be (without upsetting balance):
Martyn Snow (If you appoint Ser Jasper Rivers)
Drollo (If you appoint Alyn & Kansos the Headstrong)
Now, who does that leave as functionally undesireable? These three characters cannot be used without upsetting the balance that you have meticulously planned. But that does not mean they are worthless. These characters could be retained specifically with the plan to send on side missions. Sending an emmisary, scouting an enemy kingdom, or delivering a message. If these characters are constantly around, they will bring down the morale of the other companions. It may be wisest to just never recruit them at all, although they could be appointed to Lordship/Vassalhood when you start your own kingdom. They trick to this would be that if you were to have other vassals (before or after), when you give these three companions lands, the other nobles will dislike you extra for the appointment of these commoners. If however, you appoint these three to lordship first (perhaps a small village), and never give them lands again, they won't bring down anyone elses tastes later. You will still have to manage their happiness to keep them from defecting, though...
Mavros Sand
Gyrnir Pyke
With this long term optimization, you can utilize up to 29 of the current 30 companions. A personal bodyguard of 19 companions, 4 (or up to 11) Vassals, and 1 steward.
**I will test out some of the new companions (The Tattered Prince, Caggo, Denzo, D'Han) for compatibility, when time allows**
Ser Bennis Of Hollow Hill
"I competed in the great tourney at Harrenhal, ages ago, in what some call 'The Year of the False Spring'. How the armor of the kniights and lords shone that day, with none brighter than the Prince of Dragonstone! Prince Rhaegar was unstoppable, but I also acquitted myself well. However, in my last joust, I accidently killed the nephew of old Lord Vance. There is no greater dishonor for a knight, and every lord and lady in the realm saw me that day. I was young, and out of my wits, and foolishly swore to never enter the lists of another tourney, as a penance. So I was forced to serve as a sworn knight and merchants guard, and that does not offer opportunity for glory, nor wealth."
Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill is a Martial Noble who likes Ser Jasper Rivers, and dislikes Maron. Maron, Alen Cargyll, and Fenna dislike him, this makes him the most disliked companion. His retainer is 2500 coins.
He makes a good Field Marshal, if you are commanding your own kingdom. He is primarily a heavy cavalry knight, with his 14 strength allowing him to wear heavy armor early.
"I was on my way to Pentos, out of King's Landing, with a cargo of spice and peppers from Dorne. I owned my own trading vessel in those days, a beautiful galleon with a figurehead showing the Maiden. We lay in at Dragonstone for water, when I was accosted by Stannis Baratheon's castellan, a Florent if I ever saw one. Those ears! Anyhow, he comes and tells me that my ship is now in the service of the king. It seems Stannis is amasing an army on Dragonstone, and in order to transport it, he needs every single ship he can get hiis hands on. They emptied my hulls and gave me a slip of paper promising to pay me for my losses once Stannis comes into his Kingdom. Much good that'll do me now."
Maron is a male Custodian Commoner who likes Saathos, and dislikes Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill. Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill dislikes him, although he is the most liked companion. His retainer costs nothing.
He is a good Trader, with 4 points already invested, as well as a back-up doctor in the making. Abosutely pitiful combat abilities.
"I used to squire for Ser Halbert Stone, of Willow Tree, but he died of the bloody flux, and I know no other trade. I can tend to your horse, keep the rust off your armor, and cook your dinner. And I have a thunderous voice, to announce your entrance in tourneys!"
Alyn is a male Martial Noble who likes Alen Gargyll, and dislikes Drollo. Nobody dislikes him. His retainer costs nothing.
He is a well rounded character, with the potential to be developed into a Light-Cavalry/Knight. He has poor proficiencies, but makes up for it in skills & attributes.
Graznon Zo Paton
"I am Graznon zo Paton, son of Grazhnak zo Paton, who was son of Graznon zo Paton of the most ancient and magnificient House of Paton, of the majestic city of Astapor. My family is one of the most prominent of Astapor, or rather was. A dragon has decended on the city and burned the Good Masters! I was on my way to Volantis when I heard about it, and I have been moving ever westwards since. Proud my people might be, but I am no fool. I know my history. Five times, the Ghiscare Empire challengged the Freehold of Valyria, and five times my great ancestors were humbled, and in the end, they were burned. Legions of soldiers are no match for dragons."
Graznon zo Paton is a male Debauched Noble who likes Bilaquo Menatrios, and dislikes Arratos Entarion. Lyneria dislikes him. He makes a bad choice to be promoted to Vassalhood/Nobledom because of his debauched nature. His retainer costs 4500 coins.
He makes a good Trainer, with an all around potential to be Light Cavalry.
Ser Felton Flowers
"I was promoted shortly after Lord Jon left to take up his position as Hand of the King in King's Landing. With most of his household following him, the Eyrie did, in truth, not need a master of arms. But who was I to question Jon Arryn's wisdom. It payed well, it was a posiition of fair respect for a man bastard born, and I did not want for nothing."
Ser Felton Flowers is a male Martial Noble that likes Ser Jasper Rivers, and dislikes Brynden Storm. Nobody dislikes him. His retainer costs 5000 coins.
He is a typical knight. Good attributes, skills, and proficiencies; to lead a life of swordplay.
Martyn Snow
"I have served for some time with the Second Sons, so I am no stranger to battle. But, now I seek to make my fortune, and that does not happen as a mere man-at-arms in a sellsword company."
Martyn Snow is a male Benefactor Commoner who likes Halbert Crowshead, and is rare in that he dislikes nobody. Ser Jasper Rivers and Serol Lynaqo dislike him. His retainer costs 5000 coins.
He is a typical low-level Knight, that good skills to be a martial combatant.
Ser Jasper Rivers
"You have the honor of speaking to Ser Jasper Rivers, son of Ser Stevron Frey, trueborn son of Lord Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing. My father has sent me out to gain some experience in the service of a master other than my lord grandfather, that I may increase the honor of our house, or so my brother Ryman told me."
Ser Jasper Rivers is a male Martial Noble who likes Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill, and dislikes Martyn Snow. Arratos Entarion dislikes him. His retainer costs 4000 coins.
He has the attributes and skills to make a typical mounted knight.
Halbert Crowshead
"I doubt any maester would join a party of warriors. I don't have the same scrubbles. Futhermore, know, that I would be ever indebted to you, ever grateful, ever loyal."
Halbert Crowshead is a male Benefactor Commoner who likes Saathos, and dislikes Serol Lynaqo. Nobody dislikes him. His retainer costs 300 coins.
He has a poor set of skills, with a couple points in Surgery, and a few in weapon master. Proficiencies are awful. Probably best to be designated a back-up doctor, since he already has such high intelligence, however there are even better doctors.
Kanosos The Headstrong
"I was the firstborn son of my father, a nobleman of Pentos. But my mother died in childbirth, and when I was but ten, my father remarried. His new wife soon mothered many a child, and conspired to have me replaced as my father's heir. When my younger brother died, she told my father that I had pushed him off the balcony! Bah! The fool probably climed on to the damned thing himself. But my father did not care, and had me banished from his household. I imagine he'd thought I'd leave meekly, hah! I killed my father that day, thrusting my dagger through his windpipe! Then I fled. The Westerosi claims that no one is as cursed as the kinslayer. I'm inclined to agree. My stepmother has sent men to bring me back to a grizzly fate."
Kanosos the Headstrong is a Martial Noble who likes Bilaquo Menatrios, and dislikes Drollo. Drollo dislikes him. His retainer costs 3500 coins.
He has unusual skills, in that, 8 points into weapon master, yet no combat skills and terrible proficiencies make him almost useless in any specific role. Most likely a job as a knight, as he has 4 riding. But you have to invest a few points into Power Strike & Iron Flesh first.
Mavros Sand
"I used to command the household guard of Ser Boros Wensington, but he died without an heir, and when his holdfast was inherited by his relatives, they appointed a new captain of their guard. I imagine my rugged good looks, and perhaps more so, my Dornish heritance might have had something to do with it. I've spent the last year playing cyvasse, waiting for someone worthy to cross my path."
Mavros Sand is a male Custodian Commoner who likes Maron, and dislikes Garett Longley. Garrett Longley and Brynden Storm dislike him. His retainer costs 1200 coins.
He would make a good Knight, but has the skills nessecary to become a Trainer as well. A few points in Power Draw make him a potential combatant Trainer, at that.
Garrett Longley
"Why, I won the archery competition held by Lord Hightower last year, and I have been drinking my way across the world ever since! I bested Ser Rolland Storm, the Bastard of Nightsong! A genial man, he even congratulated me afterwards! I heard he's recently taken service with Lord Stannis, or King Stannis, as he calls himself now. Perhaps I ought to seek him out, see if he'd like to have a rematch!"
Garrett Longley is a male Custodian Commoner who likes Ser Roger Osgrey, and dislikes Marvos Sand. Mavros Sand dislikes him. His retainer costs 700 coins.
He has excellent attributes and skills for a dismounted archer. With 7 points in Power Draw, and 5 in Weapon Master, along with 120 proficiency, to use him any way else would be a waste.
Brynden Storm
"I am by training, a maester of the Citadel, but condemned by the jealousy of the thick-headed Archmaesters of my brotherhood to make my living as an itinerant barber. I was hired by a merchant of Ashford to cure his son, who fell into a coma after a fall from his balcony. I successfully trepanned the patient's skull to reduce the cranial swelling, but the family ignored my advice to treat the ensuing fevers with a tincture of willow bark, and the boy died. The father, rather than reward me for my efforts, charged me with sorcery - me, a maester of the Citadel! Such is the ignorance and ingratitude of mankind."
Brynden Storm is a male Benefactor Commoner who likes Maron, and dislikes Marvos Sand. Ser Felton Flowers dislikes him. His retainer costs nothing.
His 6 points in surgery automatically make him the party Doctor.
Ser Roger Osgrey
"I am the fifth son of my Father, Ser Edwyn, and as such, it seems to me being somewhat unlikely that I will ever inherit anything of value. So, I have been travelling the world these last eight months, trying to find a noble lord to whom I might swear allegiance."
Ser Roger Osgrey is a male Martial Noble who likes Ser Clavis Lyber, and dislikes Gyrnir Pyke. Nobody dislikes him. His retainer costs unkown .
He has fantastic attributes, skills, and proficiencies that make him a battle tested Knight.
"I am the second son of Khal Ogo, of whom you have no doubt heard. I came to Volantis to train men in the art of battle. I told one of the triarchs it was wiser to flog their slave soldiers now, then bury them later; than sending them against an enemy. But he would not listen, and I was told to take my services elsewhere."
Drollo is a male Benefactor Commoner who likes Ser Roger Osgrey, and dislikes Kanosos the Headstrong. Alyn and Kanosos the Headstrong dislike him. His retainer costs 2000 coins.
He has good attributes and skills that would make him a good back-up Trainer, but it would be unwise to use him other than as his background dictates, a Horse Archer.
Arratos Entarion
"One of the merchants wanted a new tower added to his house. Trouble is, he ran out of cash halfway through the process, before I could complete the supports. I told him that it would collapse, and it did. Unfortunately he was standing on it, at the time. His son didn't feel like honouring his father's debts and implied that I might find myself charged with murder if I push the point."
Arratos Entarion is a male Good Noble who likes Halbert Crowshead, and dislikes Ser Jasper Rivers. Graznon zo Paton dislikes him. His retainer costs 6000 coins.
He would best be used as an Engineer, though he has some points in Trade. Keep him out of combat, as his skills, attributes, and proficencies. are tied for second worst of every companion.
Ser Clavis Lyberr
"I grew up in Whitewalls, a ward of the castellan, working alongside other boys as a squire. On my sevententh nameday, at a tourney no less, I recieved my knighthood at the hands of Lord Mallister himself. That was also the day I first saw Lady Alera, and I am fairlly sure that she also saw me. Atleast I suppose she did, for that night, I found her naked as the day she was born, in my bed."
Ser Clavis Lyberr is a male Good Noble who likes Drollo, and dislikes Saathos. His retainer costs unknown .
He has average skills for combat, but would make a reasonable Knight.
Serol Lynaqo
"I was born the first and only son of the High Priest of Lys, Horonno Lynaqo, but the courts of the free cities never interested me, with their power plays and cruel gossip. So, when my father died, I decided to become a wandering mistrel, rather than following in his foot steps."
Serol Lynaqo is a male Custodian Commoner who likes Kanosos the Headstrong, and dislikes Martyn Snow. His retainer costs unknown .
He has good, but realitively useless skills. His best use would probably be as back-up Trader. His proficiencies are pitifully tied for second to last place among all companions. Keep him out of combat.
Gyrnir Pyke
"My arrow was caught by the wind, I had no intention of shooting my brother's wife in the neck! But they won't listen, and it won't be the Wall for me, I'll be hanged and quartered!"
Gyrnir Pyke is a male Custodian Commoner who likes Ser Roger Osgrey, and dislikes Saathos. He has no retainer.
Average skills, but very poor proficiencies make him a tough fit. Good Ironflesh (6), but suprisingly poor proficiencies make his best use as a dismounted Archer with a Power Draw of 2.
"I am Saathos, of Qarth, the greatest city that ever was or ever will be. Saathos the Wise, after gazing upon Qarth for the first time, because he knew all he saw thereafter should look squalid and ugly by comparison, tore out his eyes. Why my nobel father named me after a madman, I shall never know. Ah, but I digress. Saathos of Qarth I am, and a great traveller, explorer, and scholar."
Saathos is a male Custodian Commoner who likes nobody, and dislikes nobody. Ser Clavis Lyber and Gyrnir Pyke dislike him. His retainer costs unknown .
His attributes, skills, and proficiencies make him the worst of all time for combat. His best use is as the Doctor, which is good, because he should never have to use a weapon.
Bilaquo Mentarios
"I'm a master of the spear and short sword, and in the Brave Compainions, I served as a regimental officer, until that madman, Vargo Hoat, took over. There's an unpleasant and vile man if I ever saw one."
Bilaquo Mentarios is a male Rougish Commoner who likes Gyrnir Pyke, and dislikes nobody. Nobody dislikes Bilaquo Menarios. His retainer costs 1500 coins.
Great potential for a Knight, but not much else.
Berengar Parren
"To attone for my ancestors sinful life, I've joined the Faith and have been ordained a septon. The Father guides me, and the Mother shows me mercy. The Warrior gives me strength, and the Maiden aids me in keeping my vows. The Smith guides me in my labor, and the Crone grants me wisdom."
Berengar Parren is a male Martial Noble who likes Ser Jasper Rivers, and dislikes Gyrnir Pyke. Nobody disliikes Berengar Parren. His retainer is 2500 coins.
Poor combat skills, but would make a good Trader.
Alen Cargyll
"The aristocracy ain't nothing but common thieves and bandits, thats what they are. How foolish I was putting my trust in them with the hope that they would protect me and my family from any foe. No, I learned the hard way, they are the ones to be feared. And to think, we are highborn! Of greater birth than any of those beasts! They were supposed to protect us on our travel through the Vale! Our family lost most of its lands after the War of the Usurper, and we've been living little better than peasants since. Until, my father got an offer from a rich merchant in Gulltown, offering that his son and my sister be married. Such a match could restore our fortune! We hired hedge knights to protect us from the mountain tribes on our way from the Bloody Gate through the mountains, and all seemed well. But, one night our protectors got drunk and they raped my sister! My father charged at them with sword in hand, but he was old and was quickly cut down. The false knights fled soon after, leaving me with a defiled sister. Obviously, her worth as a marriage subject was ruined after her rape, and I've been forced to travel as a sellsword to support her."
Alen Cargyll is a male Pitiless Noble who likes Maron, and dislikes Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill. Nobody dislikes Alen Cargyll. His retainer costs 3000 coins.
An average knight, perhaps a backup Tracker.
"My sister Ferro is fighting with some sellsword company, and I've heard she's become a valued advisor to the captain. And maybe she warms his bed, should he get lonley! A bastard is loathed and pitied all over the world, but still! About time Ferro had herself a few babes anyhow. I find it best to start young. Got two babes myself, a daughter and a son."
Fenna is a (rare) female Roguish Commoner who likes Maron, and dislikes Ser Bennis of Hollow Hill. Roderick dislikes Fenna. Her retainer costs nothing.
She would make a poor anything, with 4 points of Ironflesh, but no other skills for combat. Her riding & athletics let her be quick, atleast. A couple points invested in Power Draw could make her a powerful dismounted archer, while her 15 strength allows her to wear heavy armor.
"It was no way for brave Roddy to live, being an outcast, forced to live like a common sellsword! I'm glad you came along!"
Roderick is a male Roguish Commoner who likes nobody, and dislikes Alen Cargyll. Nobody dislikes Roderick. His retainer costs 2500 coins.
He has poor use as anything other than a dismounted Archer.
"CARVING IT, CARVING IT, CARVING IT. Unseeing, unthinking, moving through the city as aimlessly as a worm burrows through the earth. CARVE, CARVE, CARVE! BLOOD SO RED! SO RED! So sweet, sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams..."
Carver is a male Roguish Commoner who likes nobody, and dislikes nobody. Nobody dislikes Carver. His retainer costs nothing.
He is semi-unique in being personally neutral all around.
His terrible attributes, skills, and proficiencies lead him to be only useful as a dismounted infantry.
"I am Caul, former chieftain of the Red Sparrows."
Caul is a Roguish Commoner who likes nobody, and dislikes nobody. Nobody dislikes Caul. His retainer costs 25000 coins.
He is semi-unique in being personally neutral all around.
He is the highest level companion you can start with, a well made Knight. Fantastic proficiencies, skills, and attributes would be a waste as anything other than a slayer of bodies.
Melly Waterman
"Hah, I'm just yanking your tail. Ain't pondering anything. Biit drunk though. But ah, what can I do for you? People call me Melly Waterman, because, well, it's my name. I'm a member of House Waterman, we're from the North. My brother is sword to Lord Bolton, but daughters ah.... they're not supposed to run around in mail and fighting with swords. White Harbor is where most highborn ladies end up, if they don't marry. Special sort of woman who dosen't marry, and they're quite content in White Harbor. All those septas, eh?"
Melly Waterman is a (rare) female Good Noble who likes nobody, and dislikes nobody. Nobody dislikes Melly Waterman. Her retainer costs 6000 coins.
She is semi-unique in being personally neutral all around.
Her phenomenal points in weapon master, and a proficiency of 145, demand she see combat. With 5 in riding, and a few in Ironflesh and Power Strike, she is a shoe-in to be a Knight.
Ser Titus Harper
"All her tall tales, and for what? Nothing! My father, my sister, my brother, all gone. And now she sends another one to persuade me. Well, you can tell Tamora that she can go ♥♥♥♥ herself. I don't care what it is this time. Gold, Silver, the bejewelled member of the Father above? I say no, no, NO!"
Ser Titus Harper is a male Good Noble who likes nobody, and dislikes nobody. Nobody dislikes Ser Tiitus Harper. His retainer costs 1500 coins.
He is semi-unique in being personally neutral all around.
His proficiencies and points in Power draw make him valuable, especially when coupled with the points in Riding and Horse Archery. He may not be Dothraki, but he can shoot like one.
"It was my bad luck to be born to a weak father who sold me off to a drunken layabout who beat me. It was my bad luck, when I ran away from my owner, to be taken by a group of Dothraki. It was my bad luck, that the only one among them who was kind to me, who taught me to hunt, and to fight, inspired the jealousy of the others, who knifed him and forced me to run away again.
Lyneria is a (rare) female Good Noble who likes Garrett Longley, and dislikes Graznon zo Patron. Nobody dislikes her. Her retainer costs 250 coins.
Her points, though below-average, make her a good fit for a dismounted Archer.
The Tattered Prince
"Ah, very good, my Lord. I've heard great things about the Windblown, it's a most excellent company of well-trained knights, men-at-arms, and archers, if my sources can be belived. I doubt they'll be cheap though. Their captain is notoriously disdainful of lesser men. He goes by the name of The Tattered Prince. Supposedly, he was once elected Prince of Pentos, but fleed rather than accept the honor. I'm afraid that's all I know. But ah, I'm Blabbering. If you want me to, I will send an envoy to their camp and recruit them for your cause.
The Tattered Prince is the leader of the sellsword company, the Windblown. His entire company can be hired and effectively made a landless vassal immediately. It has been said that the sellsword companies do not get along well with other Lords. His retainer costs 65000 coins.
He starts as a level 34 commander, with average attributes for his level. Fantastic proficiencies, coupled with all around well balanced skills make him a formidable ally.
"Ah, very well, my Lord. The Company of the Cat is a new company, barely twenty years old, and consits soley of infantry. To my knowlege, they've yet to win any famous battles, but then again, Essos has been oddly peaceful these last twenty years. If you want me to, I will send an envoy to their camp and recruit them for your cause."
Bloodbeard is the leader of the sellsword company, The Company of the Cat. His entire company can be hired and effectively made a landless vassal immediately. It has been said that the sellsword companies do not get along well with other Lords. His retainer costs 50000 coins.
He starts as a level 27 commander, with very good attributes for his level. His skills are spread out, realitively equally among all necessary leader talents, while his weapon proficiencies are phenomenal.
Undeniably, there are a few ways to truely maximize your party members.
The first would be checking the block, "Gather Companions", at the very begining of a new game. This puts all your companions in the closest tavern that you start near, avalible for hire. There are usually too many to fit in even a large tavern, so it may take you hiring, leaving, then returning to the tavern to see new faces. It can cost quite a bit of gold to hire them all, so it is generally impossible to do this without other cheats to get money. After roughly 24 hours, they will start to trickle out into the world, to be run into a later dates in other taverns.
Using "Cheat Mode" (under OPTIONS, upon startup) to CTRL + L, and level them up is the quickest way to max out their stats. However, far more easily, this mod lets you "EXPORT" your companion's stats, and edit them in Notepad, and then re-import them.
To do this, talk to the companion, once you've hired them. Ask to look at their attributes, and in the bottom left will be a box for "STATISTICS". Under this option, you can Import or Export a character's details to be viewed in a .TXT format. Use ALT + TAB, to switch to the desktop without closing your game. In Windows, this exported file will be (by default) located at C:\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters, although your exact directory may be a little different. Inside you will find a .TXT file in the name of the character you just exported, avalible for tinkering. That file should be self-explanatory, but in general, you can make whatever value you want change to any other value you want. You can't really mess it up, because if you add billions of gold, trillions of XP, or thousands of attribute points, the game system will not let you utilize more than the prescribed maximum. Changing the XP to 250 million, all the attributes to 63, the skills to 10, and the weapon proficiencies to 250 seems to be about the working maximums (give or take).
Saving this file, and going back into your game (ALT + TAB), and clicking import will bring that new character's stats back into the game. Just make sure you Save (F12), if you want to keep them.
A completly different way of cheating, would be using something like Morghs M&B Editor[] . This program would allow you to maximize stats, as well as starting equipment. This lets you add an unrestricted set of ultra-powerful equipment. I personally had an enjoyable game where each of my companions started with a 200 damage Valaryian Steel sword, Kingsguard Armor, and suped-up mounts. We would decimate armies of 300-500 with just the 18 of us. But, to each his own...
BE WARNED: having a large number of companions with a lot of maxxed out skills will glitch your game up. Even in the overview map, things will start to glitch and lag as your party, with collective +300 Path-Finding, runs around. Also, glitches aside, it does get old quickly having an almost "God-Mode" like party. So I wouldn't recommend cheating on a save game you've invested real time into.
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