Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Stat List for Companions and Wanderers

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Stat List for Companions and Wanderers

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Stat List for Companions and Wanderers image 0

This guide contains a list of last names and what they have for stats, at least in current game. Last names because if you didn't know first names are randomized but last names seems to denote at least general role.

Companions And Wanderers Stat List


Example entry:

  • Class
  • Name-Culture- # example stat, # example stat, +trait, -trait.

Rough Classes And Stats

  • Surgeon-Empire- 70 one handed, 70 throwing, 70 athletics. 80 Medicine +generous +honest +merciful.
  • Willowbark-Sturgia- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics. 60 medicine, +generous.
  • Bitterdraught-Vlandia- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 90 charm, 60 medicine, -closefisted, +merciful.
  • Healer-Battani- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 80 medicine, -devious.
  • Scholar-Aserai- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 120 medicine, -closefisted, +merciful.
  • Coalbiter-Sturgia- 150 one handed, 200 two handed, 170 polearms, 110 athletics +generous +daring -cruel.
  • Wanderer-Empire- 100 onehanded, 110 polearms, +daring.
  • Black-Empire- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, +generous, +daring.
  • Boar-Empire- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Hills-Empire- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, -closefisted, +honest, +daring.
  • Red-Battania- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, -Devious, +daring.
  • Bloodaxe-Sturgia- 150 onehanded, 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +honest.
  • Grizzled-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, +honest, +mercyful.
  • Ironbelly-Battania- 160 onehanded, 130 throwing, 130 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Shieldmaiden-Sturgia- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Fairhair-Battania- 130 onehanded, 140 polearms, +generous, +daring.
  • Wronged-Battania- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, +honest, +daring, +merciful.
  • Bull-Empire- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, -devious, +daring.
  • Wronged-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, +honest.
  • Hawk-Khuzait- 120 onehanded, 130 archery, 120 riding, -devious, +daring.
  • Fatherless-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, +generous, +daring, +merciful.
  • She-Wolf-Khuzait- 150 onehanded 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +daring.
  • Wronged-Empire- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, +honest, -cruel.
  • Grey-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, -closefisted, +honest.
  • Loud-Vlandia- 130 onehanded, 120 twohanded, 140 polearms, 130 riding, 90 athletics, -closefisted, +daring.
  • Ironeye-Khuzait- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Barrelchest-Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, +generous, +honest.
  • Breakskull-Sturgia- 120 onehanded 170 twohanded 140 polearms, 90 athletics, +daring, -cruel.
  • Swordsman-Aserai- 150 onehanded, 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Engineer-Aserai- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, 80 engineering, +honest, +daring.
  • Knowing-Khuzait- 60 onehanded, 100 crossbow, 80 engineering, -Closefisted, +Merciful.
  • Wainwright-Vlandia- 50 onehanded, 70 polearms, 70 throwing, 90 riding, 80 engineering, +generous, -cruel.
  • Scholar-Empire- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 60 engineering, -closefisted, +merciful.
  • Wanderer-Battania- 100 onehanded, 110 polearms, 60 scouting, +daring.
  • Wastes-Aserai- 150 twohanded, 185 archery, 110 athletics, 140 scouting, -closefisted, -devious.
  • Fish-Sturgia- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 scouting, +generous, -devious.
  • Blacktooth-Battania- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 scouting, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Alone-Khuzait-90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Ragged-Battania- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +honest, +merciful.
  • Hills-Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, 120 scouting, -cautious, +merciful.
  • Frostbeard-Sturgia- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 80 scouting, +generous, +daring, +merciful.
  • Cowtheif-Battania- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +generous, +daring, -cruel.
  • Huntress-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, 100 scouting, +daring.
Tacticians/warband Leaders
  • Wanderer-Aserai- 120 one handed, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 80 scout, 100 tactics, +daring.
  • Brave-Vlandia- 100 onehanded 90 twohanded, 110 polearms, 110 riding, 70 athletics, 60 tactics, +honest, +daring.
  • Lucky-Sturgia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, 60 tactics, +Generous, +daring.
  • Silent-Empire- 130 onehanded, 120 twohanded, 140 polearms, 130 riding, 90 athletics, 60 tactics, +Generous, +daring, +,merciful.
  • Outcast-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, 60 tactics, +generous, -devious.
  • Falcon-Aserai- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 100 tactics, +generous, +daring.
  • Golden-Aserai- 180 onehanded, 190 polearms, 150 throwing, 170 riding, 100 tactics, -closefisted.
  • Horsethief-Battania- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 100 tactics, +generous, -devious.
  • Accursed-Sturgia- 90 two handed, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, +honest, +daring, +merciful.
  • Mad-Khuzait- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, - devious.
  • Hyena-Aserai- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, 100 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Robber-Empire- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, +generous, -devious, +mercyful.
  • Black-Vlandian- 120 twohanded, 160 archery, 90 athletics, 80 scouting, 120 roguery, +generous, +daring, -cruel.
  • Butcher-Empire- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Leopardess-Aserai- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 100 roguery, +generous, +daring.
  • Prince-Aserai- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 140 roguery, +generous, -devious, +merciful.
  • Shark-Vlandia- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Longknife-Sturgia- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, +generous, -devious.
  • Spicevendor-Aserai- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, 100 trading, 100 steward, +honest, +merciful.
  • Swift-Khuzait- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 100 roguery, 80 trading, 80 steward, +generous, +daring, +merciful.
The Single Blacksmith Atm
  • Smith- Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, 60 smithing, +generous, +merciful.

More Mount and Blade II Bannerlord guilds