First Real Guide on Magery

First Real Guide on Magery


In each game, even the best players of the same class found many points and places for different opinions and disputes, different builds, playstyles, combinations. Mortal is a game about variability, about independent decisions and personal experience, a certain person who knows and owns magic as well as me, maybe he doesn’t agree on something or may have a different vision, a different strategy, more familiar to him, developed for his own style of play, his own sense of tact, his own vision of efficiency. I will be glad to hear your opinion or addition to what was written, or support an argumentative discussion publicly in the comments, less publicly on my server or even in PM. As a last resort, you can write your own guide, I will definitely have a quick look on it.

Для русскоязычной аудитории есть и другая версия, они слегка отличаются, но в целом суть везде одна, правда этот, всё же, оформлен пока-что лучше...

Very Basics And General Information

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List of magic schoolswhich is in game at a moment, and also a planned one.

There you can find a very quick and short description for general understanding, each school will be shown in more detail a little later. (Only based on MO2, I decided not to put any in-game experience from MO1 since everything may be rebalanced and changed).

Ecumenical - The first and elementary school, contains mainly auxiliary spells for both the group and the magician himself. Extremely situational offensive spells are often inferior to any other fighting style, but they still have a benefit.

Spiritism - The magic of the spiritual world, which allows you to resurrect dead comrades on the spot, regardless of their kill counter, and freely move between the worlds of the living and the dead through their own portals, which gives almost unlimited strategic possibilities and potentials.

Necromancy - Release in May.

Animism - Release date unknown, listed in the list of skills.

Elementalism - Release date unknown.

Staff Magic - Release date unknown.

Demonology ^

Dragon Magic ^





*** Source - info posted by the developer many years ago, it is quite possible that players will never see many of these schools, the name will change or the game will simply die earlier... Stay optimistic I guess!

General InfoQuick something:

There is no armor that suppresses magic damage, however, the higher the target's psyche, the higher his resistance to magic damage

Learning any magic other than the first school is a long, difficult process (not for you, for your character) and insanely expensive for a solo player. The developer behind the scenes forbade abandoning melee weapons, bows, timing or any other mechanics for the first time, playing pure ecumenical at times almost everywhere.

Armor weight affects mana regeneration: up to 2kg 100% regen, human players can take a clade that allows you to wear armor up to 6kg without a penalty to mana regen.

To use a spell without "Fumbling", with a 100% chance, the level of the magic school must be at least the second number in the Skill Range section in the description of the desired spell in your spellbook.Quick about stats:

Int scales your damage/healing on target, as well as your mana pool.

The psyche affects the mana pool and regeneration, also increases magic resistance.

By default - Height/Weight as affecting the balance of stats as well as some certain Clades.Quick about Mounts:

Mounted Magery (equestrian magic) at max level allows you to deal the same damage/recovery as on legs. At the same time, the casting speed on horseback will always be lower than on foot, and does not change regardless of the level of the skill.Quick about builds:

There are many of them, since its your first play-through I recommend not to run into full-specialization (like fat mage IMO for example is not worth it since you character cant do many activities without group at all). If this is your first character, then you will get the most complete range of gameplay opportunities from leveling a balanced hybrid that is able to use magic as the basis of gameplay, while remaining competitive in situations where its use is impossible/ineffective.Quick about Scaling:

Hitting the head with an ability is counted as [Mind], an analogue of a melee/archery headshot in battles. Important - spells with delayed action do not scale from headshots (Fulmination, corrupt). Correlation of intelligence and efficiency on the example of a heal spells and a Fulm

Correlations of psyche and incoming damage from magic on the example of the initial spell Lightning

*Thanks to forum user Kaemik for the scaling calculations.

**Both tables are not perfect, but they capture the essence perfectly.

Leveling and a Books needed for any mageFor the full use of magic, you need the following skills:

Vitalism - primary skill, responsible for the mana pool, from which follows the secondary Mana Regeneration, responsible for mana regen.

Mental Training - Primary, gives access to: Mental Focus (secondary, cuts manacost) Concentration (secondary, more lvl = less chance that the cast will be canceled due to a hit) and Mental Offense (primary skill, the most important, since it gives all your spells effectiveness, in other words it scales your heal/damage numbers)

Well, of course, the school of magic itself, which you need.

*Each schools except Ecu have other needed action skills to be leveled.

**Vitalism also unlocks the primary skill Meditation, which allows you to regenerate mana faster while resting, I personally skip it, since there is no time to sit in combat, in theory it may make sense in pve, but I would still skip it anyway..

Books that you must put on leveling as a magician, regardless of the chosen school:

Ecumenical Spells - Trains an elementary school, it makes no sense to train above 62 without leaving Haven.

*To bring the school to 100 you should read the Dominate book after you leave Haven.

Mental Training - Skippable

Mental Focus - Skippable

Concentration and Focus 3 - Leave it to the last

Mental Offense - Dont skip this one for sure

Vitalism - Skippable

Mana Regeneration - You should read it to end after mental offense finishedAdditionally:

Mounted Magery - Works great in large battles with players in open areas, increases horse survivability, not bad for farming gold (but 10 times worse than Mounted Archery)

*If you already take MM, getting Swift Riding is also very useful, the skill is secondary and does not eat experience points, but, in fact, gives a lot. (+ you can insert/remove and continue to pump passively)

Spiritism - More about this later, briefly: To revive allies, you need 80+ lvl of spiritism (according to my experience 90+ is a must, otherwise 1 revival will take about 2 mins due to fumbling).

Spells and where to take themTo use magic, its spells must be scribed in your Spellbook

This is done with the help of the Scribing profession, however, in order to develop it on your own character alone to 100, you will need about 5000 gold at modern prices, I do not advise.

The game is all about socialization, so finding someone who offers to add your scroll to your book for a modest fee is not very difficult. (Contact me, I will give a reliable).

Spell scrolls are knocked out of mobs (from bandits to minotaurs), as a result, in practice, it is much easier and faster to buy for gold on the trade.

Chapter I - The Initial School

Ecumenical Spells

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Key Feature mechanic, or the casting technique inherent in this school:


The spell charges, then you have 20 seconds to aim at the target and press Q (enemy/ally) or E (self) again.

Since this school is your first, a certain set of skills will be in it by default immediately after the acquisition of the skillbook thru magic vendor.

Starting skills Outburst - The most versatile skill at the initial stage. It is cheap, the cast range is the highest in the school. The damage is too small to kill anyone, even at maximum level, except perhaps a zombie.

Players in the endgame are only use it to aggro mobs that stays altogether, however, this does not work on every specie (for example, it does not work on bandits, but it works with risars).

Spurt - Consider no damage, almost instantaneous casting speed, used to interrupt the casts of an enemy mage(pvp only). Can be used as a finisher in mercy mode, some kind of cyberbullying...

Lightning - Spending is disproportionate to damage, no use for this one at all.

Purify - Removes negative effects used on you by other creatures that are displayed under the health bar (for example, Fulminate, Corrupt etc)

Lesser Heal - The most commonly used and useful skill, usually when choosing between it and Greater Heal, preference is given to it because of the casting speed, saving cuprum as a more expensive resource.

Magic Reflect - Reflection of any incoming from the players (only players) magic directed at them. Used by magicians who are not fools before the fight, sometimes even in a fight.

Corrupt - Another frequently used skill, reveals its effectiveness in pvp - it greatly knocks down the aim of archers, prevents mages from casting, does not allow melees to heal.

Other skills that require finding (or buying) a scroll and adding it to the spellbook Thunderlash - The most balanced skill for attack in terms of damage / technique / price, the most frequently used skill in pvp, the basis of your damage and the nightmare of your mana pool, use it wisely, do not spam. 62 skill level.

Flamestrike - The most damaging target skill in the school, sometimes used in pve, but rarely, because even it has less damage than a hit with a good melee weapon... In pvp it is unusable due to extremely low range. Requires 79 skill level.

Fulmination - A spell with a delay in damage, a good and almost worthless spell, used in both pve and pvp. (Technique: First, you charge the skill as always, then cast on the target, the target will take damage after 7 seconds.) Can be removed using Purify, does not stack, that is, more than 1 Fulminate cannot affect one target. 62 skill level.

Great Heal - Heals twice as much, casting almost twice as long. 40 skill level.

Earthquake - Almost never used anywhere. If you gather in a pack of mages, you can kill all the horses in a closed area, for example, a bank with 3-4 simultaneously casted earthquakes.. Or fly right into the center of the enemy group, however, you won’t leave it, there are no escapes.. Requires 100 skill level.

Mindblast - In theory, an interesting skill: It does not have a fixed value for damage, it scales depending on the difference between target int and strength, in addition, completely ignores the mag resist from the psyche, including the chanced [Resist] mechanic. Usable in hybrid builds which mostly melee, because it is undemanding to the int or school level. Damage capped - 36, it is impossible to apply more (now) in any way.

ResultMust have skills are, of course, Lesser / Greater Heal, Corrupt, Purify and Fulmination with Thunderlash, Magic Reflect and Outburst are less significant.

Ways To Play This School

A more complete title of the section is ways to play with Ecumenical as the main school of magic used on hybrids, the main mechanics of which is magic.

I’m making this clarification because in this chapter there will be absolutely no talk about the classic version of a heavy hybrid with a two-handed weapon and magic (paladins), since paladins magic acts only as a heal, with a rare press (if at all) of something else “to finish off”. But if you choose to play Paladin (basically human-melee with healing possibility) don't forget to use Mindblast time to time, its effective!

By combinations and playstyle:In pve(relevant for any hybrid):

Aggro a (for example) risar with outburst, while he running use fulm on him or few more outbursts, finish on melee.

For farming on the mount, the main skill is Fulm - we use it basically with CD, you can throw 1-2 outbursts between fulms (more profitable than Thunderlash, because it costs much less mana, which allows you to sustain longer and therefore deal damage faster on a distance, but this only works in pve), if you are based, it would be nice to take off your armor to 95+% mana regen (I remind you, the more armor weight on you, the lower your mana regen). This thing is effective mostly against strong creature you cant finish on melee, for example, on trolls. Otherwise you just wasting your time.

In dungeons, the group's heal falls on your shoulders, also sometime you will have special roles in a particular dungeon (for example, on the Vessel boss, it is the mage's task to kill spheres), and in general, that's all. With a good group there is almost no impact from attacking spells, the ecumenical school will be a little more than nothing, but for something dense, like the Risar Commanders, you should use Fulm, since it damages thru armor. I guess that's too obvious, but you stay behind your allies.

Solo PVP ecu dex mage:

It is extremely profitable to attack first, I would even say vital, so you have time to give Fulmination and at least 1 Thunderlash (already about minus 70-90 hp in total on average), and sometimes more than 1 or add Corrupt to this, then you either break the distance to repeat the casts, or you can go to finish him in melee if you feel fine with it, since you will have an advantage in hp. It is important to always hold an option to retreat, as you have by definition less health and defense, even one successful attack can become too painful (most of Dex builds dies in 3 hits from good melee). If a melee has less than half HP, I recommend keeping him Corrupted if possible, so he won’t be able to heal with bandages. In 1v1, you need to cast Corrupt when he turn his back to you for bandaging, for this the weapon needs to be sheathed, so you will understand. I don’t recommend chasing with a dagger here at all. A fleeing enemy on a low hp, depending on the range you are on, can be finished with: 1) Tlash, if he turned right in front of you and ran away with 1-hit hp, most stable way 2) Fulm basically for flex since he can survive and it takes much longer (if he tries to purify spurt him up a bit) 3) Even the outbursts if his HP is really low and you already know he have no psyche.

If you were attacked first and the Melee did it, you won’t press anything at all until you go into melee, so first, of course, we take a shield and try to move away a little (save stamina) and blocking while doing a little backwalk to break distance, do not let the enemy know that your goal is to run, do not turn your back on him at attack range, even if you have a shield on it, you will need to calmly and calmly block at least 2-3 hits, while continuing to retreat. Having run back to a 1x1 range acceptable for casting, try to squeeze the maximum out of the landscape: jump on stones, cast DD / heal by jumping, for example, behind a tree (you can start charging a spell right in the jump, you can also cast in the target while jumping), some areas have water all around as well, and so on circle, the main thing is to keep the positioning on your side. With competent positioning and decent dex, it will be hard to kill you even in 1v1, not to mention group fights, where you are simply invulnerable until you set yourself up.

* Throw a Magic Reflect is must have, this ♥♥♥♥ lasts for 999 seconds lol

** In the case of a hybrid wearing heavy weapons and armor, the strategy is somewhat different, or rather, there the core mechanics already melee and not magic at all, but you still should squeeze damage out of your DD spells since your enemy isn't stand right in front of your face.

Solo pvp Fat Mage on horse:

As an attacker, first of all, take down the horse with a Fulm/Tlash (there is enough mana for the horse), the strategy to finish off guy isn't difficult: drove off, loaded the Fulm, drove up, cast it, not running away from the spot you can cast using 2nd horse speed Corrupt or spurts to not let him purify (take a horse with 200+ hp so that you can absorb a couple of hits without fear for it), and finish off a little with Fulms/Tlashes - ez

*If your enemy is a Mounted Archer, keep him Corrupted all the time, so he will deal damage much more slowly since his aim will screw.

If everything is really bad and you need to run away - it's better to use lesser heal and don't forget about the terrain, you also can't turn/brake/accelerate on a horse while the cast is charging.

Basically, if your horse is dead, you are a dead meat almost in any case, so you dont want it to die, right? The best strategy for a fat mage not going into foot fight at all.

Before that, just ride and press buttons like hehe, it's not as skillcaped as dex.

Dungeon pvp as a Ecu mage

No matter what kind of those two Hybrid you have - In the dungeon, you stay behind the team, play the role of a healer in the first place, as well as an attacker for heavy melee units in the second. If you faced other group and went pvp Thunderlash/Corrupt in this case is more efficient to use, because the Fulm will be dropped almost always. On a dex mage you can switch to Melee if you feel like it will be more effective at the time. Usually, melee is way more effective for chasing in dungeon, but not for an equal fight. Fat mage slow af, so he can't chase at all and should always have someone to cover him if he will be pushed, glad for fat mage.. As well as you should always be ready to pick up shield/melee and start blocking, rush on mages is default thing. If your Hybrid is more built on melee, then go melee lol.

Team-fights as a Ecu mage

It's strictly depends of situation, positioning and tactics, most of time its better and more effective to stay as a pure healer with little bit of damage when needed, rarely it worth to play aggressive af, its all up to yours, I prefer to play aggressive since its way more fun, but its really a lot harder to make same impact. If you go aggressive, target some heavy melee fighters on Thursars, they usually have no Psyche and will take juicy damage from a very few Tlashes. Aggressive doesn't mean you need to switch to melee, but that's alright if you feel so.

Fat mages more effective as aggressive as long as they stay on horse, after that retreat to your rear and just stay here as a healer.

Tamer-mage With Ecumenical

Tamer mageOh, I’ll probably even put this in a separate line, pets is a whole separate path of the game, requiring even deeper analysis than the school itself. I will write only very, very briefly, and then you will figure it out by yourself (or I will add it if I see the need of the audience).

If religion forbids you to be a melee, your way out is using a pet while being his own support.

To do this, you need everything the same as in general, and then in order:

Taming - to the maximum (first train with a book, then on Bush Pigs up to 100 lvl, make sure that the pig you tame/release stays "Low chance to tame", otherwise experience will not be earned.

*Instead of Taming, you can take Dominate, the only negative is that dominated creatures cannot be put up for auction or transferred to players without releasing, but for that you get possibility to use more creatures, such as small minos and crabies, later it will be improved with more things to Dominate.

Creature Control - To the maximum (swings passively after the book)

Herding - Up to 91, the bonus does not give above that level (swings passively after the book, the main thing is to carry more than 2 pets with you, is you want it fast you want to tame as many pigs/bunnies as possible and stand afk in the city watching some hentai..)

*Not so necessary for a simple tamer in combat, but it gives you the opportunity to farm better and use higher level creature with horse

Advanced Creature Control - To the maximum (swings passively after the book)

* There is also a Animal Care skill which will basically save your time while leveling pets, good if you want to level them for selling, not so needed in general.

** The Beast Mastery and Beast Influence skills are currently in the game, but they don’t work, in the future the mastery will become a must have skill, as it opens up additional pet attacks, they are not worth studying yet (why waste extra points to the void), but I recommend grabbing a book on your way to the Jungle Camp to save gold and follow the patch notes. Beast Influence give you possibility to control your pet from a bigger distance, not sure if its really worth primary points, as well thinks many tamer mainers, but its up to you after all.

Main Effective Pets:

Well, like this:

Black Bear - The initial pet, which can be taken from Haven and then is easy to find, can carry bags.

Brown Bear - Like black, but a bit stronger with stats and damage.

Taur Dog - It bites very painfully, perhaps the most damaging of the easy-to-get, is found right next to the meduli. Also a fast one, can catch up with a horse.Good: (killed only by a group or from horseback shooting, with decent pet lvl)

Snapping Turtle - Requires illegally low amount of petpoints even at max lvl, slow af, the second speed of the horse and that is faster, good damage and physical resistance of the whole body, except for the head.

*UPD one tamer said it doesn't have phys. resist anymore, not sure if he wasn't just trolling me, but you should check it before go use it..

Hunter Lizard/Chupacabra - Ultra-few pet points, 2 times less than a bear, while the same in terms of stats.

Shore Prowler - Bites hard, but slow.

Campodon - Really kills, eats like crazy (1000 Dile for 100 hunger~) The ideal of men and women:

Terror Bird - the fastest, the largest demage, relatively average in hit points, will protect against ganks, darling in general. Take for travel and farming in open areas and pvp.

*Best for PvP, it's almost impossible to run away without being on a horse, bites hard even the most durable melee.

White Bear - More badass than elephant, basically a balance between Terror Bird and Crab, best for dungeons if you have no Dominate for the next cutie.

Crustacean Crab - Well, it's cute, and also very strong due to the shell which gives him phys. resist for almost all body, so it can be damaged almost only with magic, best for dungeons, in terms of damage one of the strongest, only flaw there is almost no speed.

*Briefly about pve, he can solo kill minos on decent level (however, he's not the only one, but he don't even feel them).

**Crab cutie can not be tamed, only through Dominate!

How to play PVE:

Pet - beat, you - heal. That's all.

The main problem with such builds:

Difficult in PVP since you need to be strategic, not for beginners because of that, expensive to buy or hard to get yourself cool creature, ultraboring pve.

A little more about pvp In solo pvp:Send a pet, heal a pet...

At will and ability, you can help with other spells, if your pet is not fast, Fulm + Corrupt will be very useful.

The main enemy in solo is the horse archer in the open area, killing even the strongest and fastest pets without any problems.


In this case, you should never refuse to block, if you have a strong pet, you will be the priority target of the melee, and it will be you who will need to block attacks and still break the distance if something happens. Therefore, the best choice would be a high dex character to make it harder for the enemy to close the distance, and a pumped-in block in case you make a mistake and let the enemy in.

In small group pvp (3-9 bodies from one side):Supporting allies with a heal, setting a belly on what is closer, or to gain an advantage on your comrade. To whom exactly to throw a heal is extremely situational, there is no universal solution - learn to evaluate the benefits of each individual unit in a fight.

*Note how many enemies can use longbows. The more - the more vulnerable your pet and the more risky it is to send him further back / center line of battle.

The main enemy in the group - Incorrect positioning, the pet retreats too far.

In mass group pvp (15+ bodies on one side):The best thing to do is to leave the pet next to you or even somewhere behind, for defense against flanking maneuvers and attacks from behind. Having sent it incomprehensibly where forward, it will be cut out in a couple of seconds by archers. You just have to take on the role of a simple healer / magician and help the group, if possible, with these very abilities of yours.

A little afterword on tamers in general:

Tamer as a subclass is already so good and (purely my opinion) best for solo players both in pvp/pve, but it will be only better since there is more pet equipment planned as well as mechanics, so generally it's really good, but gameplay isn't for everyone, as well as it's not overpowered at all. I wouldn't recommend to go play pet user without magic, since veterinary working actually bad and will never provide you such urgency and speed you can make with magic.

I'm not maining pets myself, so I did this short guide from a little experience and good tamer players scratches and vids, I know there is few in-depth tricks, as for example with high psyche, so I will be very glad if some skilled and experienced tamer will help me to provide more decent and working info on this!

You can learn more about the features and subtleties of pet breeding mechanics, pet compatibility, calculation and mathematics of pet points and other things in the Robmo table:

If you going to use his sheets, make sure to like his steam guide page as well


Run out of space uwu.

Result Playing a mage solo, being a user exclusively of this school, but even where it is possible, and there you will be inferior to other, simpler and more effective builds. In solo pvp, you will simply find it much more difficult than others, and you will by definition be at a disadvantage. But still, you are able to be an equal in fights and stay strong to them, with practice your opponents will cry since good mages quite a rare thing to see.

Playing as a mage in a group, the most pleasant, simple and useful thing for a group, everywhere, the main thing is to keep your positioning and look around, since you are: 1) an easy target for archers during the cast 2) the one "cheesy target", which anyone wants to catch up and kill.

The school was not intended to be completely self-sufficient, but as an auxiliary and miscellaneous to others, do not expect too much from it.

Be able to block attacks and break the distance by retreating with your back. Never run with your back to the enemy without being sure that his weapon will not reach you, even 500+ MS is not always enough to run out of attack range. Use jumps as well if you have Alvarin's clade.

The most effective way to play in a group is to rely on your team and play for their benefit, not yours.

There is NO such thing as a full mage, not with this school for sure, simply not working.

If you really hate melee, don't want to use a pet, then you probably should check if spiritism suits you or wait for more schools to be released.

Fat Mage is made for group playing, it's really not worth it for solo, I mean, ask any fat mage about his solo experience...

Quick word on building:

It's totally up to you what build to decide, that's the main reason why I didn't post any of them in here, you can be a paladin, a dex mage, a tamer, a fat mage, a balanced human with full access to Ecu school and decent melee abilities and that's only the most popular hybrids, you can always play with things and make your own stuff. My personal favorite is Dex, but they all do have their cons and pros, and a difficulty as well.

For Dex best thing you can find to start with is Diphrael guide in steam, for Fat Mage and Paladins you can simply search Wolfzeit's guide on YT since those builds are very simple, for a tamer I would advice, since it's not that simple, look for more guides on YT, as well as check Robmo's sheet.

Chapter II - Etherworld Magic


Key Feature or basic mechanics

The spell is cast as soon as its ready.

That is, no precasts, as it was in the ecumenical school.

Even entering the world of souls through the portal, all things will drop out of you, except for the spirit boxes, starter sword and the spellbook.

While in the world of souls, your mana pool is replaced by a Kau pool, which depends only on the psyche. In addition, in the world of souls, Kau is also your health, if it ends, you will be teleported to the nearest priest, while spirit boxes will fall out of you, and a debuff will be applied that blocks Kau regen.

In order to attack in the world of souls, just hold LMB.

List of spellsSchool of Spiritualism, like any other except the elementary one, does not have "starting" spells, each needs to be added through scribing

Transcendental Awareness - allows the target on which the spell was applied to see NPCs and other players from another dimension. Being in the dimension of the living, you can see the souls (dead players). While in the Etherworld (the one where you run in the form of a spirit when you die), you can see players, mobs, pets and merchants. If you using Transcendental Awareness in Etherworld, nicknames, guild tags, titles, nickname color (gray/blue etc.), names of NPCs, pets and mobs from world of living cannot be seen, at the same time you can see all those things of a soul while being in world of living. Armor and other items are displayed. Purchased from vendor.

Resurrect - Resurrection of players. Used in dungeons, in large-scale pvp, to resurrect comrades or for the money of players with too high kill counter to resurrect from a priest (this was barely in demand until the last patch, now everyone can put a personal redpriest at a stronghold, I think the need for such services will be extremely rare but we'll see). Unlike all other spiritism spells, it does not require spirits from the spirit box as reagents, but the most common reagents (Calamine, Jadeite, Cuprum) to cast.

Mental Healing - Applied to the target, restores the mana of the target, as well as everyone standing nearby. Can be cast from the Etherworld on a living player. Caster doesn't regenerate mana from this skill.

Etherworld Portal - Used "on self", puts a portal to enter the Ether.

Dispel Portal - Well who would know it dispels portals... When it is necessary that other players do not see it and do not know about your presence.

Transcendental Seance - The spell needed to search for spirits, only works in Etherworld. Does have lowest school lvl requirement (10 lvl), doesn't require any reagents to use - it can be used to level up Mounted Magery for absolutely free.

Kau Regeneration - Speeds up the regeneration of Kau of the target, main usage is for farming.

Expel Spirit - Modifies the attack of the player in the Etherworld, making it possible to capture spirits in spiritboxes. The same spell needs to be pressed on yourself to fight with another player in the Ether, in order to "expel" him (teleport to the priest with debuff) and knock out the spirit boxes...

Ether Momentum - Speeds up target in the soul form.

Ether Barrier - Increases resistance to incoming damage on Kau received from other spiritists and when trapping spirits. Must have on strong spirits.

Mental Projectile - At the moment, the most expensive (according to the scroll), the most long-range, the strongest damage skill in the game, it is used mainly in the world of the living for group and large battles, as well as mounted magicians in open areas (ideal skill for shaving off horses). The cast time and mana consumption are considerable, I recommend learning to aim before randomly smearing it in all directions, especially considering that according to the cast mechanics your aim should be clearly on the enemy by the time it ends.

In the world of souls, it deals damage to Kau (I remind you that Kau is both mana and hp at the same time), according to my experience, it makes you crim and allows the player to report you when you respawn.

Books And Leveling

First Real Guide on Magery image 186

Books, where to get them and what they give:

Spiritism - Bought from the default Magic Librarian, in its pure form it gives only knowledge of the school and the ability to use abilities by level. Primary.

Multiverse Lore - Bought from the Spiritist Trader for a scroll that drops from the boss into the minotaur dungeon. Since this option is not suitable for small guilds, and even more so for beginners / solo players, most of the users buy from the market. At the time of writing, the minimum price right now is 1850 (which is way overpriced, fair price is 800-1200, I personally saw it for 600 few times..) By itself, the knowledge of the skill does not give anything but a passage to the next. It is secondary.

Ether Lore - Purchased from the same vendor as the book Spiritism. Gives access to the next one. The only primary of the three. Primary.

Ether Portal Knowledge - Necessary to use portals, you can enter/exit only[/b] if you have this knowledge at least level 60. Each successful interaction with the Portal takes away a percentage of your spirit boxes, knowledge pumped up to a hundred helps to get rid of this "commission". Drops (with a scroll that must be traded from a spiritist trader) from the boss to the sator dungeon, The Vessel, which, by the way, is even easier to kill than Minotaur King, assuming that this will be done by the same experienced group with good communication. At the time of writing the guide, the minimum price at the auction is 2200g, which is quite adequate; the very minimum that I've seen was 1400g, but on average, if you don't rush, you can wait for 1600-1900g. It is secondary as well.

*Quick facts - lowest full price I heard was 2100 for both books, wow...


Total: 200 skill points and approximately 2600-2800 gold at reasonable prices.

Magic school leveling

1) Buy and put the book, wait for full exp to be gained

2) Then, up to level 85, just stand in the city and press Transcendental Awareness till the end.

3) From 85 to 90: Mental Healing.

4) From 90 to 100: Etherworld Portal.

* For those who are in the subject - it's even more dreary and long than downloading up to a hundred timings, be strong ..

**Important there are 2 skill levels: Effective (the one that is applicable in practice), and "Skill trained to" (written under it along with the level thrown by the stats). When you level up a magic school, you need to look at the second one, so casting a spell gives experience just until you reach the cap value in the second level.

Ether Portal Knowledge levels up basically by entry/exit. The minimum you need to be able to enter portals is 60, you can stop on that number if you don't prioritize selling spiritboxes on auction.

Resurrection Step-by-step

First of all

For leveling, you only need Spiritism at least skill level 80, Resurrect and Transcendental Awareness. Everything.

*But in general, from experience, I personally advise you not to even try to go to the dungeon as a spiritist being a skill level 80, you need at least 87+ (in general, take 100 and press Mental Projectile, until necromancy comes out it is the best damage skill) , otherwise the cast will be successful 1/10 (and even that is optimistic), skill casts in 10 seconds and worth 110 mana

So, the process itself:

1) Regenerate mana to full and use Transcendental Awareness on yourself.

2) Tell a friend to stand still and take your hands off the keyboard..

3) Come straight at close range, almost sticking into him..

4) Click on the Resurrect button placed on the panel, then cancel the cast, then click again, but through Q. (Just to be sure its on right target since its quite buggy time to time)

5) Order the fallen to accept! (he will have a sign asking if he wants to be resurrected, just for a few seconds)

Drag and drop, that's the whole "complicated" process.

Goldmine For The Flex

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First, make sure you have Ether Portal Knowledge at least skill level 60, otherwise you won't be able to use the portal. So, after hundreds of hours of farming for spiritism, now you can farm again..

What the spirit itself looks like is in the screenshot below. Medusa-looking creature in the center is Spirit, which you will later need to capture, before that you need to destroy the spheres flying around it. The number of spheres is scaled depending on the difficulty of the spot where you farm, thus the spirits summoned to the cemetery are usually surrounded with 1, maximum 2 spheres, the bandits will already be surrounded with an average of 4 spheres, there is also minos, sators, risars and others creatures, I'll give you a bit of space for researches and experiments, I can only add that on really worthwhile spots, which spiritists farm in a group and not welcome for newcomers, Spirits with dozens of such spheres will spawn in such places, good luck in your exploration! The number of spirits driven into the spiritbox after defeating such spirits is much higher than from small spirits from the cemetery or camps (the maximum that I personally saw was 93).

1. First you need to put and enter the portal, taking a couple of spiritboxes with you in advance. I would recommend the first time to grab one or two, purely for the test, and only then, after you will be sure what you are doing, you can go even with a whole inventory at a time. When you go farming to a more worthwhile place than a graveyard, do not forget to always use the Dispel Portal after entering, for safety, and yes, you will be ganked in Ether time to time...

2. Arriving at the spot, we find a cozy and free place, cast Transcendental Seance, the Spirit comes out not with a 100% value, somewhere more often, somewhere less often, as from what i've seen stronger spots does have a little bit better spawn chance, but you need to find a balance in here.

3. When the jellyshit is summoned, you need to move and hold the mouse on the sphere with the LMB pressed. After all the spheres are destroyed, you must cast Expel Spirit on yourself and do the same with the Spirit itself. Personally, I don’t do much savings, so I cast Expel Spirit along with other buffs before summoning..

4. After your spiritboxes are full - return to a safe place and exit through the Etherworld Portal. Spiritboxes can be sold on auction or to a vendor. They will be main reagent for Necromancy.

An ordinary spirit in a graveyard gives an average of 1 to 20 spirits in a spirit box and has 1-2 spheres as being said, in order to farm it, you need an acceptable Kaupool (70-80+, as a Spiritist you already maxed out your psyche I guess, this is more of a clarification for those who make a spiritist on a just-out-of-haven character) and that’s it. However, for more complex spirits, with 4 or more spheres, you will need to use Ether Barrier and Kau Regeneration on yourself before the call, so the chance of a successful capture will increase significantly.

In case of death from the jellybitch, you will be teleported to the priest (expeled), and all spiritboxes will drop at the place where the Spirit expelled you. Spiritboxes can drop both in the world of the living and in Ether, while they will be visible only in the one in which the owner was at the time of "death". In this regard, spirit boxes drop out not like the rest of the loot, in a bag, but as a separate item right on the ground, it's pretty shiny I guess you wont miss it.

Actual Spiritism [SOLO]

Disclaimer: Spiritism magic is purely strategic, it's not about a group or solo, it's about using in an unlimited number of situations with a variety of initial data, the quality and effectiveness of use depends on your own skills and experience, here only the most fundamental that you can use to create your own tactics.

As you already understood, the main financial benefit of a Spiritist comes from farming spirit boxes, which will become especially important with the release of necromancy, but even now, with due perseverance, it works well. Solo gameplay of a Spiritist can generally be divided into 2 branches: the first is the most standard - a direct continuation of the hybrid magician of the base school, but with the most powerful spell of the game in the arsenal, the second is much more exotic, using it the player usually aims not to enrich himself with loot but pure pleasure and enjoyment. When others feel bad, I feel good (c).

Here we will focus on the second type, which most fully reveals exactly the functions that are accessible only to a Spiritist.

Dungeon-ratting and griefingAbout griefery: Nothing is not enough to enumerate all the possibilities of a Spiritist to ruin someone's life, I will only say that there are an infinite number of ways. Due to the railgun and almost instant exit into the portal, you can cause a lot bad in almost any dungeon, on farm spots (the Risars for example players farm solo all the day long, missing a few hits like this lead to practically inevitable death from a Spiritist), interfering with your railgun in the duels of other players (for example, ruining the life of NorthOrders near the Meduli is a pleasure.. Ohh you could only imagine how pathetically they running back and forth trying to get you and they never succeed), as a fullred playery you can go in Soulform directly into the city, climb onto some roof or move away at a distance from where the beam will reach the players, but where the guard does not look - in general, a lot of griefing, but the most interesting is further:

Specifically about dungeons, you can even take out some kind of loot from this, which really requires a good knowledge of the routes in the dungeon and the behavior/mechanics of mobs. The main thing in this will be a sense of the right timing. Picking the perfect moment to bring a couple of extra minos to a group of players, or finishing off the main player in their ranks (usually a healer or a tank) with 1-2 rays, this is the main skill, which in practice can be improved indefinitely. You can do and try dungeon-ratting in any place you want, ill talk quick about: spider caves, mino dungeons (very popular lately) and both Risar dungeons. Each of the dungeons has its own silhouette and structure, tactics will change to match the terrain.

In spider caves, for example, there is no boss-door, because of which any player can face back of those who are already in the fight with the spider. Therefore, a Spiritist, waiting at boss room for a relatively small group (up to 5-6 people, its often to see), can crawl out behind the wall to go through the portal and then two options: fun - kill the player, destroy their loot. 2) if you want to loot - wait for the perfect moment when the spider will have few hit HP, at that moment come out from behind cover, killing either the tank (only if it has 1-2 ray of hp), or a healer. (Doing this is 100 times more difficult than just ruining others, just to make sure you don't fool yourself its easy to do..) Usually, getting into such a situation, the group is disoriented, cause if you killed Healer/s there is no one to heal, the spider quickly gets those who did not have time to come up with a plan, tanks as well as DDs dies p fast, with your help even faster.

*If you perfectly know the route, you can literally run out solo on a sprint with all their gear or an Egg, I recommend calling a friend to help you get you out of the cave if you have one. Unless, of course, you don't need their loot at all. By this moment you are unlikely to be interested in someone's gear, so probably only Egg will have any matter for you.. In a minotaur dungeon, the groups going to the bosses are usually large, and the door closes on the boss, therefore, using the same tactics as the previous one will not work. At the same time, minos farmed well and just like that, without going to boss, this is done in smaller groups of just 2-5 people, and sometimes even solo. Such parties will become your target. Here it is worth either choosing the moment when a proportional number of minos will be played on them (minimum 1 mino for 2-4 players), give fellas few laser shots and go in and out of the portal (unaggro minos), taking everything that they have farmed (which may be a lot). Either learn very precisely the structure of the dungeon and the spawn and idle routes of minos, bring out several of them yourself and show them the way to that group, while they are disoriented from such a gift, go into the portal, then, according to the situation, either wait until they wipe themselves, or exit the portal at a distance and help the beautiful fluffies a little.

*in order for the minotaur to reaggro from you, you either need to go into the portal, which you have to place before runs in some good place, or commit suicide, which I do not recommend doing with spiritboxes.. Occasionally, players themselves, out of stupidity, reaggro minos on themselves, from which they die, but do not count on someone else's stupidity.

** A strategy with an independent minotaur reaggro requires a good understanding and practice, of course, it is easier than killing people on a spider, finishing it off and taking all the loot with you, but it also requires skill and training. A similar tactic is in the Risar dungeon, they go to the talus dungeon (on the map its Talus Risar Dungeon) exclusively in small groups, since there is nothing to look for yet, here you either wait until the group enters by proportion no less than 1 risar for 1.5 people (fortunately, they often run out in a crowd from around the corner), or wait until they reach the commanders, although due to the structure of the dungeon, it’s even more difficult to get out of this alive solo than from somewhere with mino dung depths. I recommend learning how to jump between floors and pillars, it will greatly increase your chance of survival, again this is only in case you set a goal to take out their gear.

In the main Risar dungeon (on the map its GK Risar Dungeon) there are more groups, interfere when they are in fight with 2+ commanders, focus as usual on the core of the group - tanks if low/healers by default. To be fair, I would not recommend going to the main dungeon at all for this, it is not so popular, quite far from any town and groups in there almost always prepared for any kind of big battle, of course they do know how not to die to a single griefer as well.

Actual Spiritism [GROUP]

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Disclaimer 2: In group battles of a small and medium nature, from 3 to 20 participants on one side, Spiritist is most profitable and efficient as the same hybrid mage with Mental Projectile and heal somewhere, demolish a horse with beams etc. As a Spiritist, with the full implementation and effectiveness of his strategic capabilities, the player has the opportunity to reveal himself in truly large battles, where 50, 70, 100 or more people can act on one side, in battles for Keeps, during sieges of cities built by players and other such massive content, which you wont see more often than once a year atm (as of 07/04/22). There Spiritists will truly reveal themselves as masters of evasive maneuvers, interceptors of the initiative, wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, competent decoys able to warn of impending enemy reinforcements or buy time to regroup their own, and so on. In general, for the time being, all this, consider, is not there, btw thievery will as well give Spirists an extra breath of air.

For now...

Scouting and patrollingScouting is conceptually applied precisely when playing with a group. The main task of a scout, that is, a scout, I think is clear from the word. Before entering a dungeon, raiding another group of players, and other game activities where knowledge of the current situation gives a game advantage, the Spiritist gives (transfers, not leave on the ground) his things to a friend, enters the portal and goes with Transcendental Awareness / Ether Momentum to look what's in there. Comrades should wait a little, letting their Spiritist go forward significantly, and then also move, it is important to dispel the portal. This is done further, before entering the boss room (some bosses do not have a closing door, therefore players can be inside the boss room). And also when returning from the dungeon. In very large groups, the Spiritist may, in principle, not return to the world of the living to help his own, but simply stand at the exit "just in case", usually they don’t really do this, but return and help their group in clearing, unlike a mage with an only ecumenical school, this one can both deal decent damage and heal allies. In addition to the situation, you should also monitor the presence of other Spiritists, therefore, being in a dungeon or a cave, even as a living one, the Spiritist should use Transcendental Awareness time to time, especially on bosses, why exactly it will be discussed Further. Must have to do so if you have ability.

Patrolling is an extremely controversial thing, in my memory very few people use it, big guilds around GK for sure, sometimes gankers who are assured of their power. In short: mainly in prime time and in highly demanded territory, a Spiritist flies in Soulform and looks for a victim to attack with, in case of victims going away he monitors and transmits all information about his movements, over time, the victim is overtaken and killed. As an example of places: in narrow or popular passages, canyons, spots of rare end-game resources (eg Terpha), as well as at local points of interest (eg Greater Natorus). The controversy lies in the fact that even in prime time you can never see anyone, having spent quite a lot of time and spirits from the spirit box, or you can find some loner from whom you can’t take anything worthwhile. On the positive side: you can stumble upon a large group with a bunch of loot and pre-calculate the perfect timing for an attack. You can get a lot from such group, and due to the effect of surprise, they simply won’t be able to somehow prepare for an attack and will be disoriented for a short period. At the beginning of the fight, the Spiritist leaves the world of the dead at a pleasant distance for him and simply cast Mental Projectile at the enemies (first at the horses), the range allows, the damage is good enough. Or he takes on the role of a banisher, as follows:

PVP in Spirit World and BanishLet's leave this without comment, okay..

As you already understood, there is no sense at all to start fights between Spiritists in an open area, and at least in a dungeon. But if you see another Spiritist farming somewhere in the spot, wait for the right moment (when it seems to your intuition and experience that he has the least Kau), and boom..

The role of the Banisher in mass battles, or the exorcist is extremely simple, much less nuanced than in scouting, and in any other spiritualist activity in general. Watch the fight with T. Awareness, see someone die, check if it is someone on the enemy side and banish them. In this way, his allies will not be able to resurrect him, and if he was also crim, he will return to the battlefield not soon at all, if even. It is important to always keep not only Transcendental Awareness on yourself, but also Expel Spirit for that.

Most builds do not have a psyche at all, so usually everything happens extremely quickly, a Kaupool with a psyche of 15 ~ (and this is real for many) is about 30 units, it happens in a few seconds. Even with 30-50 psyche Kaupool is low enough for you to Banish em quickly. Banisher is not some kind of special role, but in general a direct continuation of the Spiritist-scout in dungeons.

Chapter III - The Lich

Few More Things To Say

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Spellbooks Unique spellbooks do not provide, at least for now, any additional features or benefits, other than the appearance and feeling of your own superiority..

Lexicon of Death

Dropped by the Gravekeeper in the Tower dungeon near Fabernum

List of spells from the first part >

Unfortunately, there is no way to write at least minimally about the work of spells, despite the release of all the scrolls as game items with the ability to knock out and trade, most of the schools of magic themselves were not added to the game, and therefore they remained as an item with null application/usability.

Demonstration of Necromancy from the first part (video was not recorded by me)

Demonstration of Elementalism from the first part (from the same user)

Not really about magic, but on a similar topic .. The best guide to alchemy, almost perfect, the only thing - not for the lazy, it is best to start the path to alchemy with it > Link to guide[https//mortalonline2.+com]

By the way, on the stream on April 28, the developer, touching on the topic of magic schools, added that after the release of Nekomancy, scheduled for the end of May (my bet is not earlier than end of June), they have no plans for release dates for other schools. The news is sad, it literally means that between necromancy and the next one there will again be a distance of a hell. Both the good and the bad about it: they haven't even decided on a school, the choice is made from Illusionism, Staff magic and Elementalism. Zerg guilds leaders will probably order their members to create the illusion that Elementalism is in demand due to its high usability in large guild activities and awareness of old players about how it works in general. I really hope that the real interest of the audience will prevail over the cohesion of the zerg and we will see completely something that people really want. I personally pray for the Illusionism as an unseen-before school or at least a Staff magic as a thing that will be actually game-changing and make a concept of solo mage player not a ♥♥♥♥ (it is discussable I know, but afm Mage as for solo literally worse than anything in PVE and basically harder without any benefits from difficulty in solo PVP).

In general, judging by how good they keep with patching, we will see that not so soon anyway..


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For a little help and corrections thanks to the founder of most dex magicians in this game Diphrael and my fellow sweetie-pie guild member Ginevra <3

I tried my best to make it readable, but keep in mind my native language isn't English, and isn't even made with Latin, because of that some sentences may sound weird to you I guess. I would be also glad for suggestions/corrections and any other helping about formalization and linguistic aspect in general, thanks for reading!

My guild - 🕷Lycosidae🕷 recruiting only Russian-speaking players, for now, however all of you are always welcome on server for any Q/A about magic/details/arguing/discussion and simply diplomacy and chit-chat.


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