Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp - Calculester's Fatherhood Guide (All CGs)

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp - Calculester's Fatherhood Guide (All CGs)

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp - Calculester's Fatherhood Guide (All CGs) image 0

A simple guide to obtain all CGs from Calculester's Fatherhood ending.

How To Obtain All CGs (Calculester's Fatherhood Ending)

How To Unlock This Plotline

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp - Calculester's Fatherhood Guide (All CGs) image 4

To unlock Calculester's fatherhood plotline you need to drink the Flask Genie with Calculester as your chosen crush.


Here's the stats required for each answer in this plotline! However, I have found that despite a stat being my lowest, I didn't get a fail. It might be impossible to fail.

Event 1
  • Focus on itself (Charm)
  • Focus on helping others (Boldness)
Event 2
  • Logic (Smarts)
  • Emotions and creativity (Creativity)
Event 3
  • Let's get radical! (Boldness)
  • Incremental improvement (Charm)

How To Get Each CG

Here is how to get each CG in order of appearance in the gallery

  • Focus on itself -> Logic -> Let's get radical!
  • Focus on itself -> Logic -> Incremental Improvement
Art Robot
  • Focus on itself -> Emotions and creativity -> Let's get radical!
Pleasure Robot
  • Focus on itself -> Emotions and creativity -> Incremental improvement
Killer Robot
  • Focus on helping others -> Logic -> Let's get radical!
Robot-Creator Robot
  • Focus on helping others -> Logic -> Incremental Improvement
Sacred Code
  • Focus on helping others -> Emotions and creativity -> Let's get radical!
Bionic Being
  • Focus on helping others -> Emotions and creativity -> Incremental improvement

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