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~The Sugar Shack~
The Sugar Shack.How To Make Maple Syrup.
Payment From Barrels
The Sugar Shack is a small cabin the player may choose to build for the purposes of converting maple tree sugar water into Maple Syrup. The build site is located just up the road from the Player's Home, on the eastern side of their plot of land.
It takes 64 Pine Logs to build the Sugar Shack.
Each tree drops 6 logs, so you'll need to cut down 11 pine trees in total.
Connecting Maple Trees
To start making syrup, you need to connect Maple trees to your Sugar Shack. To do this, purchase a pack of Spouts and a roll of Tubing from the Maple Syrup Federation. It can be helpful to have a couple Tubing Posts as well, as these allow you to branch and extend your lines between groups of trees. Remove a spout from the pack, and find a mature maple tree to place it in. Once all your trees have spouts, you can connect them with the tubing roll: Equip it in your hand, and click a blue orb on one spout; click the orb of another spout to connect them together. Each spout has two connection points, so you may connect multiple trees together in a continuous line. Your trees should all be connected to the blue Vacuum Pump on the outside of your Sugar Shack. The pump will draw the sugar water out from the trees, and store it in the large tank beside it.
Running the Generator (Vacuum Pump)
It requires electricity to run, so you'll need to run your Generator or be connected to the Power Grid to collect sugar water. It has an indicator light on top: Green means it has power and is running; red means it is unpowered. The pump has one connection point for tubing, so may find it useful to connect it directly to a Tubing Post; this allows you to harvest sugar water from trees that are on either side of the Sugar Shack.
The pump works only between 09:00 and 16:00. This is when the weather is warm enough for the sugar water inside the trees to flow freely, and be harvested through the spouts.
Filling the Tank
As sugar water is collected by the vacuum pump, it is dumped into this storage tank. The tank has a capacity of 9,600 liters and can be filled in a single day by approximately 100 maple trees. When your tank is full, no more sugar water can be collected.
Running the Evaporator
The Evaporator is where you'll spend most of your time making syrup. It takes the sugar water from outside, and boils the excess water away.
There is a valve located on the back wall to let sugar water flow in from the storage tank: When the lever points across the pipe, it is closed; when it points along the pipe, it is open.
On the front of the evaporator, you'll find the door to the firebox. This is where you'll place your Firewood to heat the unit. To burn the firewood, add a couple pieces of Crumpled Newspaper and light it with a Map Torch. On the chimney, there is a temperature dial showing you the optimal range to keep the fire at.
With a fire lit, the temperature dial on the front of the unit will begin to rise: This shows how hot your sugar water is.
Boiling occurs between 100°C and 107°C, and is shown by the presence of steam rising from the boiling chambers.
Running the Press
The Press will automatically pull syrup from the evaporator.
It requires power from the Generator or Grid to work, so make sure your electricity is on before attempting to let it run.
Filling the Syrup Reservoir
This is where your finished syrup is stored. From here, you can place a Barrel under the spout to fill it, or purchase the Can Sealer to make it drinkable by the player.
To fill a barrel, line up the white stopper in its lid under the spout, and turn the valve. When the lever points across the pipe, it is closed; when it points along the pipe, it is open. Syrup will flow from the reservoir and fill the barrel. Once your barrel is full, you're free to close the valve, exchange it for an empty one, and continue the process. The reservoir holds roughly 240 liters of Syrup, meaning two barrels can be filled up before it has to stop to refill. the valve can be left open with a barrel underneath during this time so you do not have to sit and wait for the reservoir to refill.
The Maple Syrup Federation will buy full barrels from you Monday through Friday, from 08:00 to 16:00. They will return the empty barrels to you the next business day, placing them on a pallet near where you sold them.
You'll receive $200 instantly for each barrel, plus an additional $200 every Sunday for the next 5 Sundays, for a total of $1,200 per barrel. This effect stacks for multiple barrels.
There are six permanent upgrades available for purchase from the Maple Syrup Federation.
They can be found in the Federation's showroom, and will be installed the same business day as they are purchased.
○ The Can Sealer - will let the player package their maple syrup in Cans that they may later consume. It provides an alternative to buying Maple Syrup Bottles from Kali-Gas. It requires power from the Generator or Grid to work, so make sure your electricity is on before attempting to use it.
○ The Reverse Osmosis Unit - will let your Evaporator work more efficiently by stripping away 50% of the water present in the sugar water. It requires power from the Generator or Grid to work, so make sure your electricity is on before attempting to let it run.
○ The Electric Auto Heater - will replace your wood-fired evaporator with an electric one, eliminating the need to burn fuel and monitor the temperature of your sugar water. This is the ONLY upgrade that REQUIRES being connected to the Power Grid to function; the Generator cannot supply enough energy to run it.
○ An upgraded 480L Syrup Reservoir - with a faster flowing valve may be purchased to double your storage capacity of finished syrup, and allow faster filling of Barrels.
○ An additional 9,600L Water Tank - may be purchased to double your storage capacity of sugar water.
○ A 1,200L Syrup Tank and Outside Pump - may be purchased to allow for delivering your syrup without the use of barrels; instead, the syrup is loaded and sold directly from the tank.
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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966402430
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