Misc Achievement Guide

Misc Achievement Guide

Make A Wish

Misc Achievement Guide image 1

Witness a meteor shower in Countdown mode.

Go to effects mode Go to coutdown Press up on the D-pad or down arrow 10 times

Gold Mine

Misc Achievement Guide image 5

Discover a land of golden Tetriminos.

Go to effect mode Go to mystery set speed level 13 (one of the random abilities) These are random so just keep playing mystery until you unlock.

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Misc Achievement Guide image 9

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Go to effect mode Select game type of Mystery (one of the random abilities turns the board upside down) These are random so just keep playing mystery until you unlock.

Weekend Warrior

Misc Achievement Guide image 13

Participate in a Weekly Ritual.

The weekend ritual starts on a Saturday at 12 pm in the UK

7 am in the US EST

6 am in the US CST

4 am in the US PSTChoose Effects Mode and then play one of the highlighted events. Complete the event (score and rank do not matter) and the achievement will pop.

Thank You For Reading.

Hope this helps

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2579059745					

More Tetris Effect: Connected guilds