Ms Marvel Build and Skills Overview

Ms Marvel Build and Skills Overview

Overview And Video Section

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Ms Marvel is a short to medium range melee focused brawler, with her long range options being limited to her Heroic Assault ability. To make up for this she is an absolute power house in medium range. Due to her ability to specialize into several different roles, three string count ground heavy and air light attack combos to synergize with perks and wide sweeping ground normals that cause crowd control at medium range. Power attacks that don't leave her as vulnerable as other characters and several options to break shields as well as every single heroic ability being extremely useful. With one of the best heroic ultimates in the game that turns bullet sponge enemies into paper, a move set and skill tree with a staggering amount of utility. Is it any wonder I am absolutely confident that the amazing Ms Marvel is just that and will be useful and highly effective for any situation or objective...provided it isn't shooting something at long range.

I am going to keep the images left aligned, does that help with the mobile viewing experience or does it matter let me know in the comments.

For the lazy here is the companion video, both are fine on their own. But the video is going into more long form detail and this guide is going to cut straight to the bone, show you the skill tree, what the skills do, and what they look like without even having to boot up the game.

Insert shameless youtube channel video here:

Ms Marvel Tank Build:

Power Breakdown/Skill Tree Explanation

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This is your primary skill tree and what you will be focusing on until character level 15.

The next skill tree is your specialty tree which augments your heroic abilities and houses basic movement.

Finally the mastery tree, here we will specialize our characters to our tastes and to fit gear and play style.

While I express my opinions in this guide about what I think is best, this is in no way a heavily theory crafted guide. This is all based off 50+ hours of testing Hulk, Ms Marvel and Widow in that order during closed beta. As well as currently 35 hours of playtime during pre-release. This is mostly based off experience and basic eye tests. Enjoy the .gif spam.

Melee Light Attacks

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Here we will display each of her abilities in glorious 2mb or less splendor.

EDIT: Apologies for the incorrectly formatted gifs I will fix it tomorrow but I wanna get this out there while I'm in the groove. Enjoy my little conversations to you of what was going on in my head when I was making this, for they will be gone once the guide is fixed. Yes I wasted my time while making this typing extra stuff that will get erased.

Flexi-FistsGood ol' default light combo string and the one I choose to typically use over her heavy attack variant in target rich environments. This causes knockback but that's perfect for wading in through waves of chaff to go beat down on the high health loot pinatas. You get a slightly wider range if you swing your thumb stick back and forth with her swings.

Leg Sweep

Now her optional attack after performing a dodge, again the right type of cc to keep enemies stationary for ally retribution and a very wide area of attack. (Dodge abilities do not have to be used right away but there is a window you should grow comfortable with over several hours of game play.)

Spin Kick

The running optional light attack, like her other light attacks this one does a wide range when compared to the heavy attack version.

For some reason this gif is smaller than the other ones.

I saved the footage so I could replace it, but can I really replace something that's unique. It better be unique.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Whirlwind WallopHere we have her charged light shield breaker, this leaves Ms Marvel airborne which can lead to taking damage as she has no air dodge. However due to her quick frames it is not unusable, and you will mostly use it as you attempt to interact with chests and computers.

Well wonderful it isn't unique. We'll fix it in post.

Air Light Attacks

Flying Fists

Airborne light attack combo string. The upside to this is her string is much shorter in the air making it the optimal choice to abuse light combo finisher perks. If not, I prefer her four skill cost charge power attack as my preferred airborne attack, at the higher character levels. Granted I am feeling safe in the air, otherwise I avoid aerial combat when lots of rockets and other slow moving or homing projectiles are present.

There apparently is no order, only chaos.

Double DownThe air version of her light shield break. Slightly shorter frames than the ground version and a decent option to get to the floor on your own terms without all those pesky shield boys getting in your way.

I under stand if at this point you've had enough, but I'm just gonna finish the guide right now because I spent a whole day recording and dumping these assets. There's a lot BIG SORRY

Melee Heavy Attacks

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Five Finger Fury

Here is Ms Marvels basic Heavy combo string, a three count string makes it optimal for heavy finisher perks. However I find myself using light attacks more as the wider range of attacks provide me with more safety from unshielded common enemies.

S.P.I.N.ning Heel Strike

A heavy combo finisher, for your light attack string. I don't use this often because of its very high combo count of six. Regardless it is a way for you to use light attacks and still make use of heavy attack perk synergy without sacrificing your ground game. High damage, low frame count, line attack type skill makes this the go to full combo finisher for spamming lights on single targets.

Double Barrel Punch

Ms Marvels ground power attack is one of the few heavy power attacks I've seen that you can really get away with using at medium range. Others require you to be too close to the target during initial windup to reliably hit and/or have too many frames in the animation. Making them inferior to the perfect storm of this attack in my eyes.(will update when I play cap n thor) It is still quite a long animation however and you will still be punished if used at the incorrect range or against the stronger and faster enemy types. Which leads us into....

Catapult Kick

This is the second hit in her heavy power attack combo and is typically best used for static, grouped up or inanimate targets. She clips through many character and terrain hit boxes while performing the jump, even if her hit box collides with theirs and the enemy or object is immovable. It can be potentially used in very close quarters hallway situations, preferably against a wall as this does not produce a preferred crowd control type for continued enemy dps. However use sparsely or against already crowd controlled units, also toggle her polymorph intrinsic power ability if you have it after holding down the keypress to avoid casting the wrong ability if you purchase it and for increased damage and survival during long animations.

Rubber Band Bash

This is the heavy attack dodge option, very, very fast animation and travel distance the go to for quick single target damage and effects after dodging an attack. (dodge attacks do not have to be used right away but there is a window you should grow comfortable with over hours of play.)

Sliding Kick

This is her heavy attack option when sprinting, useful against a line of enemies or single target strong enemy fights for the extra damage and aoe the light option has.

Melee Air Heavy Attacks

Hammering Strike

I don't use this basic ability that often as I prefer heavy power attack or go home, but this is your only air heavy option for low levels.

Hammer Fist

This is the first in a multi-skill heavy power attack air combo. Effective at causing a small aoe of high impact medium cc and damage. Also briefly homes in on the nearest auto lockable target, or your current locked on target before firing off the punch. Which leads us into...

Fists of Justice

What a brutal display of vehement violence and vicious vulgarity. Just look at it, I think it speaks for itself. This is very powerful especially against enemies that rely on ground aoe attacks. Be wary with all air and long animation abilities when faced with several ranged enemies like turrets and snipers.

Iron Spike

A quick effective finisher for this heavy power attack air combo, gets you out of the air and back into the fray ready to take advantage of the havoc you just caused with the previous skills. As I've said already this is not the optimal cc for continued dps but it does facilitate a 英雄的な入り口 moment that is worth the trade off. Winner for best metal band name in her skill trees.

Dang I thought I was in the clear! The whole page was perfectly aligned you monster! (it appears to be all the animations I had to remake due to the video recording being off, hopefully I can get them in line with the rest.)

Ranged Attacks

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Whip Fist

Medium distance ranged attack that leaves you almost entirely immobile and prevents you from using your intrinsic power due to sharing the same key press. There are several different perks on gear that add elements to different skills in your ranged attack skill tree including this basic attack.


This is where things get interesting, while this isn't the highest damage ability you can use out the gate, the sheer hilarity of the jank as well as good utility when investing further into to this skill line makes it an acceptable choice to kill single, high health enemies or take out frustration. Pro Tip: You can grab large enemies when they are shrunk by Pym Particles or if you embiggen.

passive skill.

Crushing GraspThis has to be one of the most visceral feeling abilities I've used in the game, if you have the intrinsic energy you can continue the crush. This leaves you vulnerable and stationary, best used in multiplayer or against single(non-villian) enemy fights. If you have a perk that adds elemental damage and status effect to your ranged power attacks, this ability WILL apply them if you squeeze them and have the energy to keep pumping them full of damage over time. There is currently a bug with Pym particles, the enemy will pop out of your hand as soon as they're shrunk so avoid using Pym on ranged power attacks until it's fixed. Unless you are power leveling then go ahead just use highest power pym gear till end game power, then you should be picky about stats.


This is what I like to call the, "Grabbing an enemy sounded really good until I realized the other ten guys right next to us aren't taking to kindly to that prospect." Good bit of aoe damage while also getting rid of the grabbed character. There is also a skill that gives it elemental damage, but as of right now MS Marvel is one skill point short of a full build.

Panic ButtonThis is it, my vote for the top skill on the chopping block for that missing skill point. Here's the reasoning, if you're doing enemy based elemental damage you have a decent chance of doing damage to enemies that are that element and resistant to it. I have this skill because I didn't realize I was one point short, lets just say it's not leaving dozens of robot parts in its wake.

Aerial Spike

Air version of Nutcracker, see description of said skill and add I needed to jump first.

Intrinsic Abilities

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All characters have intrinsic power and some do wildly different things, this one doesn't. It's in many ways like hulks rage with slightly different mechanics. The biggest difference being that hulk can sustain rage generation much more effectively in combat without having to use rage intelligently if he doesn't want to. It's almost poetic, immersion achieved.

PolymorphSelf explanatory, you'll wanna try and tap this on yellow or blue attacks(red bad dodge red) and reserve holding it down for healing or damage output. Passive Skill:

decent%basedheal that promotes high health builds.

Hip Check

Allows you to use tapping to dodge with no intrinsic meter(timing can be tight) Also turns your dodge into a Wait where's Parry.

Morning Star

Let's you do a counter attack after performing a parry. Good for continuing the punishment with low frame count.

Second on the list for best death metal band skill name till I googled it and found out it was taken in the 70's, so in honor it gets a participation ribbon.

Palm StrikeMy preferred key press when using hip check. Palm Strike feels much more powerful to use and does the right kind of crowd control. By disqualification this now wins second place.


Can be used in air!

I still can't tell if I love this ability or if it's a waste of meter. In large groups of weak or low health enemies and embiggen active. As you will see later on in mastery, this skill has the best potential to increase the length of embiggen indefinitely in an ideal world. Assuming an ideal world.

Seismic Slam

I don't particularly like this skill with zero empirical evidence to back it up and actively avoid using it, do with this information as you will. Very high up on the chopping block for that skill point to save, if this isn't locking you from getting anything good, since it overrides your embiggen charged power attack and it's too slow for lower range, no combo and the damage didn't blow my mind.

Heroic Abilities

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Heroic Support

I'm in love with this ability and am convinced it's the best heroic in the game without even playing cap and thor yet. tentative


Specialization IHere we find our first choose your own adventure skills.

Both of the specialization trees have an extra charge in the passive, "will to Live" and "Will to Fight." I typically Choose one extra charge from one side of the skill tree I or II and self revive for solo content, or extended buff duration on this tree with the "Will to Fight" extra charge.

Specialization IIMs Marvel can bank up charges of High Five and Healing Spirit in tandem with abilities that drop Heroic Orbs, this allows her to have high up time on heroics and is my preferred play style. Intrinsic build is looking viable as well.

Heroic AssaultVery good for taking out and controlling large groups of enemies. Be careful about using it to clump together enemies very close to you as the initial activation of this skill causes a slight knock back and stagger potentially causing enemies to not get hit by the damage and crowd control component of this heroic.

PassivesHere we have an extra charge as well as reset potential, has good synergies with a heroic orb build.

High Five Specialization IDown low has been the most effective for non-boss content, from my personal play experience. But your mileage may very, let me know in the comments.

High Five Specialization 2I prefer Patty Cake as I lean on a Heroic Orbs build but intrinsic orbs is looking to be a viably strategy.

Heroic Ultimate AbilityEver wanted to cosplay as your five year old sister when she would go into your room and break your toys while you were at school. Then this is skill for you!


Much needed upgrade as stock Embiggen does not last very long.

More survival during Embiggen windows.

Embiggen Specialization IBig Trouble is my choice, but there is definitely merit for Doctor's Orders in very tough fights where healing is at a premium. Taunt can be useful but overall it's not needed so increasing the Embiggen window seems to be optimal.

Embiggen Specialization IIEach of these can be viable choices based on your skill and stat build. I go for critical chance when I already have high crit to lean into that. Otherwise I go for Embiggen duration for large crowds or Fists of Glory to help recharge all my heroics.


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Utility Tree

Melee Mastery I Increases critical attack damage while air juggling. Pro Tip: Air juggling has a higher crit chance than other attacks.

I am uncertain which moves count as traversal attacks and as such do not use this. Once we get more information on skills I can update this accordingly.

I use this ability to further lean into a heroic build, air juggling is a viable option with a crit build but I try to avoid air attacks. However air juggling can be done with a grounded character depending on your move set. Ms Marvels launchers tend to also have her go airborne as well making Heroic Energy Mastery edge out over Air Combat Mastery in my eyes.

Melee Mastery IIThis can cause your combo finishers to hit very very hard, with the way combo damage scales with hit count this can provide some extremely high damage finishers, especially in conjunction with the applicable perks. The downside being it's much harder to get off a full five to six hit combo at challenge 4.

We'll just pretend this doesn't exist, effective for a fringe ranged power attack build. not an optimal choice in my eyes.

The more I've been playing the more I have been opting into increasing stun damage in my builds. Take downs provide free stats, orbs and invincibility frames all very very useful in challenge 4 content. If you aren't leaing into that, go for Combo Finishers.

Takedown MasteryViable option in a polymorph build.

My personal choice as this is the one move in the game that gives a guaranteed heroic orb and with takedowns already providing willpower and intrinsic energy I feel this is the most powerful option.

Dead to me.

Ranged Tree

Ranged Mastery IIncreases crowd control and stun damage. Not my choice but a viable option.

My choice adds aoe to attacks to clear out grouped up flyers and ground based trash. Also makes the ability more forgiving as the damage will still connect even if the skill misses.

Not my personal choice as it forces you to always do the full whip fist animation locking you into place to receive potential retaliation.

Ranged Mastery IIMy personal Choice.

Another viable choice but this whole skill tree is lackluster making your choices largely giving no impact on your character performance.

Ranged Mastery IIIMeh


Best? I use heroic orbs but I gotta be honest I think only my companion procs these.

Efficiency Tree

Intrinsic Mastery IGood skill

Trap skill, you're looking at maybe a 2-3% increase in health per second.

My personal choice but efficiency might be worth more in the long run.

Intrinsic Mastery IIGood choice to increase polymorph uptime.

Can help push damage over the top in a might/crit build and help bring your damage up to acceptable levels in a tankier build.

Flat damage reduction is quite nice, but typically taking damage drains all of your polymorph bar and as such I feel this is a wasted skill most of the time, helps with getting one shot in a glass canon build.

Intrinsic Mastery III

Increase your total bar size, good choice for increasing polymorph uptime.

The more I play the more I have been putting value into the stun mechanic, necessary at chellenge 4 as the stun thresh hold is a lot higher.

Great skill effectively increasing your crit chance by 100% or even increasing it by 150% or more depending on gear stats while polymorphed.

Intrinsic Ability Tree

Intrinsic Mastery IVAll of these skills are going to be based on preference and I can see arguments for why each of these is the best. At the end of the day they only effect a handful of skills so ultimately its not a make or break choice.

Intrinsic Mastery VMy personal preference, you might prefer the next skill instead.

The best use case for this skill is to get you out of a zero polymorph state since hip check can be used used with no intrinsic meter. Pro Tip: Most Intrinsic meters get stuck at zero meter for a brief cooldown period till you can begin to regain intrinsic meter again, your bar will be red, indicating you cannot gain intrinsic energy passively.

Dead skill.

Defense MasteryIf you find yourself missing the timing on parrying with intrinsic grab this to help yourself out a bit to avoid that damage.

Another garbage shining will with pathetic modifiers, waste of a skill point on a character with 3 potential charges of heal and a heal over time component.

A good choice to increase polymorph uptime if you're particularly adept at using hip check. Keep in mind the frequency of yellow and blue attacks is very low at challenge 4.


v0.01 Dumped assets and uploaded to steam.

v0.10 Made basic Skill tree's and set up guide sections and outlined flow

v0.20 Finished Light and Heavy attack sections

v0.30 Basic skill trees complete

v0.40 Text pass through to make reading more enjoyable, cut out unneeded verbiage, formatting

v0.50 Heroic support completed

v0.60 Heroics section completed after making assets I missed

v0.70 Mastery section completed removing work in progress tags as guide is largely complete as of 9/11/2020 (this guide was an inside job)


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