Mafia II - Usefull secret's of the classical game

Mafia II - The Out-Of-Gameplay

As you might noticed while playing Mafia II, the main Characters are Vito Scarletta and his best friend Joe Barbaro, besides the main Missions, you also can do alot of stuff besides just doing the missions one by one like you do in other games like Mafia I or so.

So, let's get straight to it!

Within alot of missions in the Winter or in the Summer, you always get more access to better cars, better weapons and also sometimes diffrent places where you live in, and the more you're playing, the better stuff you also wanna have or need to have to come further in the missions.

In all, exist about fifty diffrent vehicle, which will be unlocked to the player after starting up the Mission 2 (Where you're arriving Empire Bay) and after you left the Prison due your connections to Leo Galante (Mission 7).

Same also goes for the weapons the player unlocks within the missions, at Mission 2 if you enter the Gun Shop, you only can buy the good old 1911'er Colt and the small revolver, within these times while you're playing the game (Let's say you play through to Mission 10), if you enter now a Gun Shop, you can see, that the Gun Dealer also can sell the Pump Shotgun, the 357 Magnum and also the Sniper Rifle which is available at every Gun Store.

So goes for Harry's Army Shop, at the beginning only having access to the Pump Shotgun and the Revolver mentioned above, within the time, you also get the access to the specialist Rifle, MP40, Thompson 1928, Grenades and all that stuff, basically this shop fills you with stuff you need.

Not only Harry's Shop can give you usefull weapons though! Also Guiseppe's Store for Thiefs can give the Molotov Cocktail, the 1911'er Colt with 23 Bullets instead of the 7 Bullet consentrated 1911'er Colt, and as always the good old Revolver.

Tommy the guy who can upgrade the car of your grandma can make out of your car the best car which could exist (Some Cars require DLC's as the Las Vegas Car, The Military Vehicle DLC and the other one existing on the Steam Store).

With these cars (If you upgrade the Thunderbolt or other really fast cars without an upgrade) you can reach a speed of 160 km/h (Or even faster), best vehicles if the police should be bullying you.

Mafia II - Truck Secret

We all know, there exist in every game some kind of a secret which can be handy (Don't start telling me now that there is a truck in empire bay which shows 'Lost Heaven | Brno', everyone knows that)

So let's start up with the secrets!

The Hank B Truck (Which has the fuel in it) is highly explosive, as everyone knows pretty much, but many people haven't tested it out to drive it coz "What if I do a crime and the police starts shooting me?" - Therefore, I can tell you that the Hank B Truck only explodes if the Player is NOT inside of the truck, if you're driving 40 km/h on the highway with Four Stars and four Police Vehicles behind you including of a Street Blockade, simply just keep driving, you WILL NOT EXPLODE if the police should shoot 120 Bullets on you or more, the Hank B Truck is stronger and more effective in police cases, especially alot of helpfull, and it has a even stronger Engine, until that engine blows up (While you're in the truck), about five of these Schubert Metal Trucks are killed already.

Positives - Hank B Truck

- You are basically invinciable

- You can ram into tons of vehicles without even getting a scratch

- It does not blow up on the first sneeze (If Player inside)

- Usefull with killing Police Vehicles in the wrong lane (You drive in)

- If you're fast enough to leave the Truck and get away, you can blow it up while the cops are close to it

- Cops cannot ram you there where they always want

- Alot of fun!

Negatives - Hank B Truck

- On Leaving Truck, the truck explodes if people should be shooting at you

- Slow driving, max. speed 50 ~ 60 km/h

- Hard handling

- Not upgradeable (You really think it is?)

- Can explode if you're next to a gas station with it and someone shoots the fuelpumps

- You ram many times into something you don't want to ram in

Mafia II - Jimmy Vendetta's Secrets - Part I: Cops

This is one of these DLC's, Iam playing the most of the time, because there is unlimited fun you can have.

I'm going to explain you some secrets which are just so usefull for this DLC, so you barely get annoyed by these Cops.

The Kill-Trick

Have you killed alot of people with your car or with an grenade and now the police is annoying you because you commited a crime? Don't care will you? If the Officers caught you killing innocent people, then you should be focusing by shooting them into the head only, by a headshot, the police does NOT give the details of you further on, meaning no discription of how you look like or stuff like that.

If you should be busy by shooting civilians (Coz it's fun), and an officer does see you doing so, don't throw a grenade, molotov cocktail or kill him with a couple of hits, it DOES NOT MATTER which gun you're using, aslong as you require only one bullet for one officer (Headshot with any gun or with the specialist rifle a heartshort).

You also can be a sneaky bastard by going behind a patroling officer (Make sure no Police vehicles can come there) and just kill him all over nothing, aslong as you have a good feeling with it.

So goes also for an explosion of an car and he's like covering himself behind it and the fueltank of the car is on your side, shoot the fueltank to avoid using alot of bullets onto a squad of cops.

Shooting a fueltank also counts for the police vehicle, if you should be shooting the tank while the cops are still about to leave their vehicle, you can simple shoot the tank with one/two bullets and then you just made a plus!

Mafia II - Jimmy Vendetta's Secrets - Part II: Robbery

We all do it, did it or will still do it, there are so many diffrent kind of shops in empire bay specialist in another Topic, some of the Vendors are armed (Like the Turkish Saloon or the Gun Shop (Obviously)), that also does not stop you from doing it, but all in all, it's annoying to maybe get killed just by drawning your gun to the shop owner, therefore, these hints:

The Un-Armed Shop Owners

Under the Un-Armed Shop Owners exist alot of categorys, so as the Empire Diner, Any Normal Clothing Shop and of course the Fuel Stations.

For these Shops you have diffrent kind of solutions to make an successfull and short raid to keep the cops away from you (Or not if you like if it's raining Bullets)

1. Run in the Shop - Push the Owner - Take the Cash - Run off

2. Run in the Shop - Aim a gun at the Owner - Take the Cash - Kill the Owner (Cop reason) - Run off

3. Run in the Shop with an Submachine Gun - Kill everyone - Take cash - Run off

4. Kill the Owner from far away - Run in - Take Money - Run away

If the Police should caugh you on (2) and (3), then you either fight or run away like a real coward.

The Armed Shop Owners

There are alot of Owners with a weapon, so let this be a pre-caution, sometimes even gangsters are inside of the shop, so goes for the Irish Gangsters, the Boomers or the normal city gangsters, so goes for these shops with owners who are armed:

1. Diner - Owner has a Rifle

2. Gun Shop - Owner has a Shotgun

3. Hill of Tara - Owner has a MP40

4. The Lone Star - Owner has a Shotgun

5. The DragStrip - Owner has a Shotgun

6. Vangel's - Bodyguard has a 1911'er

All Shops from 1 to 5 have always the same methods you can choose off:

1. You fight with them and risk that the police caughs you doing that or gangsters get involved in that

2. You shoot the owners directly in the head and also the gangsters who are involved in that

3. You wait a few minutes until the gangsters left (May drink one or two drinks to become warm) and then kill the owner and may even get their guns

As for Vangel's Shop

You can have even fun at this, you better take a vehicle for this, then just drive down the windows and the bodyguard if possible, the bodyguard does not give a crap if you're inside of the vehicle and still in movement, all you gotta do, is driving in the shop a couple of times, kill the bodyguard, and kill maybe the shop owner (If you like to kill people) and steal the expensive suits, coats, vests and also the money from the cash register.

You also can have even more fun at this...

1. You take a Tank B Truck with you and blow it just up in the middle of the shop

2. You fight with the bodyguard because YOU broke his holy windows

3. You just rush in, kill everyone, throw some molotov cocktails and destroy everything

Mafia II - Jimmy Vendetta's Secrets - Part III: Cop Vehicles

You like the police vehicle in empire bay? You also wanna drive around it just to feel like these people who destroy your fun? Then follow these methods to become the real Police Chief who even kills his own teammates!

For this, you have more than just two solutions, but I'll list them here, of how you can become a real cop (Well, not really).

1. You show a cop your weapon - he leaves his car, may even calls assistance - you run a few metres away, then back to the car, grab it at the first place - drift carefully away, if you want the car SO BADLY then you also gotta make sure, that it does not have a scratch.

Within this way, no other cop vehicles will spawn somewhere, make sure you're not killing anyone, damaging anything what-so-ever, if you crash someone to death, other vehicles will spawn, giving you the oppurtunity only to have a gangster-police-vehicle.

2. Let yourself be caught by commiting a minimal crime (Crash someone's car, drive to fast or fight with someone on the street), the cops will run to you and give the usual speech, then you pay something and all that, while the cops are hunting you so they can have their donut money, you can use the same trick as on (1) stated, run away, run back to the vehicle, steal the vehicle and drive home.

Make sure, that no patroling cops will see you getting into that vehicle, even though you 'Found' the vehicle in the middle of nowhere, they are still looking after it, if you should surpass another cop-vehicle, the blue bar does fill up, but aslong as you're not driving to fast with that vehicle, or do anything else stupid, the cops don't care at all (They do... but... they can't do much)

You also can kill the officer, but that just calls for backup without giving an detailed information of you, as soon as you enter the vehicle of the killed officer, other police cars will come around the corner and will automatically detect your vehicle - No Plus for you at all.


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