The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good.

The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good.

What The Hell, Dude.

Yeah, I don't know why I made this either, but I'm sure some poor sap trying to grind through The Experiment and The Offering would find this helpful.

Why's It Actually Decent?

The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good. image 3
The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good. image 4
The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good. image 5
The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good. image 6
The Okay Boomerang is actually pretty good. image 7

The Okay Boomerang kinda has doodoo stinka stats. Looking at it compared to the grappling hook... just doesn't compare. Sure, the boomerang has 50 extra durability, but that one point seven five extra damage is just too good to pass up.

So why is it when I beat the sin out of ghosts, the hook doesn't kill them in one throw...

...but the boomerang does?

Honestly, I have no idea. I have lethal blunt throw and everything...

...but it did less damage? Why? Well, that's not exactly important. What is important is the fact that this thing wrecks house at a nice price of—$290?!

Like, okay. That's cheap. Affordable, even. But cheap doesn't exactly mean good. Here's where the weapon's other attributes really come in to blast all the other returning options out of the sink.

Why This Thing Is Way Better Than Everything Else

So, if you've ever played Sanford and threw your meathook for a living, you can notice that the hooks stick inside of enemies. This time stuck inside of a guy's ribcage is time spent not throwing it again to crack some other bozo's skull wide open.

The boomerang doesn't get attached to people's chest cavities; like your father, it leaves right after making its impact on the world, or more accurately some punk's torso. This also has the added effect of not gluing you to the big baddy you really don't want to come within six feet of (social distancing!), so you can safely mash the left mouse button (or left bumper, you controller freaks) at a distance.

Also, remember that 50 extra durability? In certain instances such as my ghostbusting example, a hook would require two shots to Space Jam® that sucker back into Nevadian hell, but the boomerang only requires one. This makes the boomerang basically three times as durable as the hook for that instance.

The boomerang also functions like a regular melee weapon, too. You don't need to be The Massive (who can't even use this stuff anyways) to swing back at people that get too close, but that's not even important.

In Summary

Boomerang good, hook bad. Get out there and slaughter a medium-sized town, you Nevadian freak.


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