Modder's List of Madness


This is eventually going to be a mostly full list of all the important assets you might want to modify.

I'll be adding things here whenever I change or need something.

For a guide on how to use and extract these models go here:

<Important Notice>

AssetStudio looks like it isn't doing anything while sorting.

Don't panic when you hear the error sound, it's normal.

Missing Textures?

You forgot to export them aswell dummy, go do that.

They're almost always using the exact same name as the model they belong to.


Basic Grunt

These are the common grunt assets.

Export these to get your basic grunt.

Models: Char_Grunt_Head_HD





Char_Grunt_FootLTextures: Char_Grunt_Head_darkerLine




Note: working on complete grunt rig


LevelXX.asset List

A list of what all the LevelXX files refer to.

--Needs a closer look in model editor like blender--

--Should be mostly accurate--

--As of now all were checked only in AssetStudio and named based on the layout--

--If I'm unsure of something it gets a italic font.--

Level0 - Loading Screen

Level1 - Title Screen

Level2 - Arena "Imprint Room"

Level3 - Playground

Level4 - Tutorial

Level5 - Story Mode | New-Game video of Phobos

Level6 - Story Mode | Truck Chase

Level7 - Story Mode | Nevada Outside Freeroam?

Level8 - Story Mode | Nexus City Merc Freeroam

Level9 - Story Mode | Nexus City Rooftops Freeroam

Level10 - Story Mode | Nexus City Commercial Freeroam

Level11 - Story Mode | Nexus City Mines Freeroam

Level12 - Story Mode | Nexus City Tower Freeroam

Level13 - Story Mode | The Escape?

Level14 - Story Mode | The Escape?

Level15 - Story Mode | Power Play?

Level16 - Story Mode | Nevada Outside Freeroam?

Level17 - COULDN'T IDENTIFY (Assumed Warehouse Raid)

Level18 - Story Mode | Boom Factory?

Level19 - Story Mode | Boom Factory Final Room?

Level20 - Story Mode | The Station Fortress (Inside)

Level21 - Story Mode | The Station Fortress (Outside)

Level52 - Story Mode | Kristoff's Flashback with Phobos

Level60 - COULDN'T IDENTIFY "Resuce" (Assumed Pilot Episode)

Level62 - Arena Mode | Fickle Friends

Level69 - Arena Mode | Murder Room

Level72 - Arena Mode | The Heist


The Science Tower is named


and can be found inside SharedAssets1


More MADNESS: Project Nexus guilds