How To: Increase FOV in First-Person

How To: Increase FOV in First-Person

Step One

How To: Increase FOV in First-Person image 1

Enter Capture Mode by going to it from the main menu or if you are using a controller click both the thumbsticks. Next, go into Video Mode by pressing the correct button. (R on keyboard Y on controller)

Step Two

How To: Increase FOV in First-Person image 4
How To: Increase FOV in First-Person image 5

Increase the FOV in the camera settings tab and then switch to the show HUD tab then press the proper button (enter or A) to start playing with an increased FOV! Press V or double tap down on dpad to enter first-person while driving.

Step Three

How To: Increase FOV in First-Person image 8
How To: Increase FOV in First-Person image 9

Have fun driving in this immersive and challenging way!


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