Lumberjack's Dynasty - How to Complete Restart

Lumberjack's Dynasty - How to Complete Restart

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Following these procedures will completely clear the game & make sure there is nothing that is carried over from previous game play.

Restart Guide

Reason To Do A Clean Slate Restart

Sometimes games can carry over parts of previous saves, or settings, which would interfere with a new game. Especially with early access games & major updates. For this reason these procedures outlined in this guide will make sure that there is nothing that carries over from previous saves of the game.

Note: This will completely wipe out any saves that you may have a desire to use at a later date. For those saved games that you desire to retain, make a backup prior to completing the steps in this guide. Check out the section of what files to retain & how to make backups.

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Step 1: Uninstall The Game

  • Uninstall the game in Steam.
  • Right-click on the game's name in Steam.
  • Select Manage.
  • Next select Uninstall.

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  • Verify that you want to uninstall, then click on the button.

This game will remain in your Games Library, but to play it again, you will need to first redownload all of its contents. This step will be done after all the games files have been cleared from your computer.

Step 2: Deleting The Save Folder

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This step will delete the saved games for Lumberjacks Dynasty.

Note: If you desire to create backups of some of your saves, do this prior to following the the procedures outlined here. See below, which files to backup for those saves.

  • Press Windows key.

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  • Alternative: Ctrl + Esc performs the same function, in case the keyboard lacks this key.
  • Type "run"
  • Shortcut: Win + R will take you directly through the above steps.

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  • Type "%appdata%".
  • Open the LumberjacksDynasty folder.
  • Delete the Save folder. Caution If desire to create backups, follow the steps outlined below first!

Caution If desire to create backups, follow the steps outlined below first!

Backing Up Your Game Saves

In the Save folder is the various saves.

There are 7 files for each game save. The files are all named "". The number denotes the saves number (zero 0 thru nine 9). Here is an example of save game 0 files (or the 1st save slot):

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  • save0.blk (BLK File)
  • save0.fld (FLD File)
  • save0.lgs (LGS File)
  • save0 (MTS File)
  • save0 (SAV File)
  • save0.sks (SKS File)
  • save0.trn (TRN File)

Copy these save files to a safe location. Later they can be replaced back into the Save folder to resume playing that save.

Note: You can change the number following the word "save" in the above files if you don't want to overwrite the save files in that number position. Just make sure that all the above seven files have the same number.

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Step 3: Deleting The App ID Files

This will clear out the App ID file for Lumberjacks Dynasty. These files will be re-created when you reinstall the game later.

  • Press Windows key.

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  • Alternative: Ctrl + Esc performs the same function, in case the keyboard lacks this key.
  • Type "run"
  • Shortcut: Win + R will take you directly through the above steps.
  • Type "regedit"

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  • Click Yes on the popup box for the Registry Editor.

In the Registry Editor navigate to the folder for Lumberjacks Dynasty:

  • Software
  • Valve
  • Steam
  • Apps
  • Look down the list to find the 968970 folder.
  • Delete 968970 folder.

Step 4: Finishing It All

Restart computer.Open Steam & reinstall the game.Once installed you can start a whole new game save.


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