What Is Bleed?
The description for Bleed in Limbus Company is as follows:
"When tossing an attack Coin, take fixed damage by the effect's Potency. Then, reduce its Count by 1."
In other words, Bleed procs whenever the person with it applied to them tosses their coin. Ignoring the obvious in it reducing its count, this means the best way for bleed to be used is to maximize the amount of times the enemy is tossing coins, whether thats by clashing (Each round of clash counts for 1 coin toss) or by tanking hits, if you want the bleed to proc, the enemy has to be active. This means staggering the enemy, while not bad since it lets you get some free hits in, does not benefit a bleed playstyle since bleed will not proc while the enemy is staggered.
In this example right here, the bottom two enemies are staggered, meaning the bleed on them will not be able to proc. The top right enemy has no bleed applied, so no negatives will occur to them. The top left enemy has 1 bleed count and 2 bleed potency, and are tossing two coins, so what will occur is that they will toss the first coin, they will take 2 fixed damage, and then the bleed will disappear.
Result after blocking for a turn (one enemy got countered, but it was the enemy with no bleed on them so we will ignore them. They are now the enemy in the bottom left).
The enemies shuffled around because their speeds changed, but the top left enemy was originally the enemy in the bottom left, and as you can see, his bleed count and potency remained unchanged on the next turn. The same is true of our top right enemy, who was our bottom right enemy in the previous image. On the other hand, our original top left enemy, now bottom left, took the 2 fixed damage we accounted for and then lost their bleed count/potency. The key to bleed is to maintain that bleed count, such that all the hard work put into building that potency up isn't ruined.
This guide will be separated into a few sections:
What is Bleed? <-- You are here!
What are Nails?
Bleed IDs
Bleed E.G.O.s
Bleed E.G.O. Gifts (Just the MD3 ones, no story spoilers here).
Some team set-up/strategies
Now lets go over Nails quickly, since those are one of the sub-status effects that can increase Bleed.
What Are Nails?
The description for Nails in Limbus Company is as follows:
"At the start of the turn, gain 1 Bleed and increase the Bleed Count by this effect's Count. At the end of the round, halve the Count (Rounded down)."
In other words, 1 'Nails' on a target would make them gain 1 Bleed Potency and 1 Bleed Count, and then turn that 1 into 0.5, which is then rounded down to 0. 9 Nails on a target would make them gain 1 Bleed Potency and 9 Bleed Count, and then turn that 9 into 4.5, which is then rounded down to 4. So, as you can see, if you can stack up Nails you can get a good amount of Count going, something that most Bleed IDs lack the ability to do easily. The trick is to pair those who apply Nails with those that apply Bleed Potency, since Nails on its own cannot apply Potency effectively at only 1 Potency per turn.
All other Bleed-related Status Effects will be gone over when they are relevant; This status effect is just fairly common, and thus needed to be addressed.
Bleed IDs Part 1
Now, there are a LOT of Bleed IDs in the game (as of December 21st, 2023). I'll list them all out, but it'll mostly be up to you for what you want to choose. This isn't Burn, we have a freedom of choice here. If you click on the name of any of these IDs, it links to the Wiki page to read their stats and skills.
Note: These ratings are mostly subjective. If you want to make ratings in the comments, feel free, I'll probably 'steal' and credit you if you do.
Yi Sang The Pequod First Mate - Yi Sang[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He can apply Bleed Potency on every one of his skills, as well as an additional 2 per skill assuming he Crits through his easily enabled Passive (He gains lots of Poise on every skill). 2 Bleed Potency on S1, 1-4 Bleed Potency on S2, and 4 Bleed Potency on S3, with a potential additional 2 Bleed Potency every time he crits up to 12 total added Potency. I'd say he is pretty strong for Potency.
He only gains Bleed Count on his S3, but its 6 whole Count, so if you are able to get it off many times, then you should be doing mostly ok on Count.
His Support Passive is more of a Poise Support Passive, but it does add his normal Passive straight onto whoever has the most Poise. I would say he is better in the field than on the bus, however.
Overall, I'd say he is pretty good.
FaustThe One Who Grips - Faust[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
The only skill of hers that applies Bleed Potency directly is her S1, which applies 2 Bleed Potency. However, she applies Nails on every one of her skills (1 on S1, 5 on S2, and 2-4 on S3), so you can use her as more of a Bleed Count builder than a Bleed Potency builder.
Like I said above, she applies a lot of Nails, so she is ok to help build the Bleed Count while other Bleed IDs built Potency.
Both her Passives are based around N Corp synergy, not Bleed.
Overall, I'd use her to help build Bleed Count, or in an N Corp Team.
DonN Corp. Mittelhammer - Don Quixote[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This is a Tremor ID. It has no Bleed Potency (beyond Nails) application.
She does inflict a bit of Nails (2 on S1 Heads Hit, 2-4 on S3), but she is definitely more of a Tremor ID that can also help build Bleed Count rather than a Bleed ID. She can't even burst the Tremor she inflicts, so she isn't very useful for us, despite inflicting Nails.
Her Passive lets her inflict more nails if she is Fanatic (which she cannot get on her own), so we will focus more on her Support Passive, which synergizes with N Corp Teams. In a normal N Corp support rotation, her Support passive would be put on N Clair, since he gets Fanatic regularly and will usually have the least SP.
Overall, I would bench or pick a more general support passive ID.
The Middle Little Sister - Don Quixote[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
She inflicts quite a bit of Bleed Potency, 2 on her S1, 3 on her S2, and 0-3(Depends on Head Hits) on her S3. However, Mid Don has the unique mechanic of triggering her S3 when she blocks while at 6+ Envy Absolute Resonance, so you can get those S3 applications more consistently. Problem with Mid Don's uniqueness, is that most Bleed IDs don't tend to have Envy skills, so she isn't really at her full potential on a Bleed Team. She still is a strong ID, just not really 100% Bleed.
She doesn't apply Bleed Potency.
Her Passive and Support Passive are both not Bleed related.
Overall, I'd either use her or pick a more general support passive ID. I don't think she is great as a bench unless you have a lot of Envy/Blunt Skills.
RyōshūR.B. Chef de Cuisine - Ryōshū[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Not really a Bleed ID, but she can inflict Bleed Potency and Count, so I'll go over her. She inflicts 3 Bleed Potency on her S3 on Heads Hit. Thats all her Potency.
She also inflicts +1 Bleed Count on her S1, which, I guess is useful? You don't tend to use her S1 that often though, so overall she is mostly just there as extra damage support in case Bleed isn't weakening the enemy fast enough.
Her Support Passive is a more general support passive and not a Bleed Related one.
Overall, I wouldn't use her as a bench unless you really need the healing, and I would only put her in the field if you don't have anything else for Ryoshu or want some extra damage (her S3 is great, its just not Bleed).
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu - Ryōshū[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
She applies 2 Bleed Potency on S2, and on Heads Hits, applies 2 Bleed Potency on S3. Otherwise, she doesn't apply any more Bleed Potency. She does, however, deal extra damage depending on Bleed Count, so she can be a Bleed-Aligned Damage ID to add to your roster.
She is quite good for Bleed Count, applying 3 Bleed Count on S2 and 3 Bleed Count on S3, meaning half her skills will help you stack up Bleed Count on enemies. This means you can somewhat ignore her lackluster Bleed Potency, as long as you help build up that Count.
Her Passive lets her deal more damage to those with bleed, but it requires 3xLust Resonance, so its somewhat rare (Well, Lust is fairly common for bleed teams...). Her Support Passive, on the other hand, just requires 4 Lust owned, and lets you add 1 more Bleed Potency for the fastest person. It ain't much, but its something.
Overall, I'd field her if you need more Bleed Count application going, and bench her if you just want to boost your already powerful Bleed Potency reserves. It technically turns a non-Bleed ID into a Bleed ID if you think about it roundaboutly.
N Corp. Großhammer - Meursault[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Meursault...isn't great. He is a tank ID, which means he doesn't do a lot of damage, just redirecting attacks from your squishy DPS Bleed IDs to himself. He also doesn't apply any Bleed directly, only doing it through Nails. Because of that, I'll skip the Potency discussion.
He applies 3 Nails on S2, and 2 Nails (next Turn) on S3. Really, just not much, especially since he has to win a clash to apply those, and he doesn't tend to do that.
His Passives are both N Corp related, not Bleed related.
Overall, he is weak for Bleed and weak in general. Only use him if you really need a Tank ID that synergizes with N Corp, or are going for a meme build.
Bleed IDs Part 2
R Corp. 4th Pack Rhino - Meursault[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He does not apply any Bleed Potency.
He can apply 2-3 Bleed Count on his S2 (3 if he is 7+ Speed, which is beyond his normal max. Crow's Eye View or his Passive will help you here.), and can apply 2-6 Bleed Count on his S3 (It costs 10 Charge total to get 6 Bleed Count, which is two applications of his S2 or 4 of his S1). Overall, thats a lot of Bleed Count, but he does rely on his charge gain to get there, so you need to think about it a bit closely to make sure you get that Charge in order to apply Bleed Count effectively.
His Passive helps him become a Tank ID, as all Meursault IDs naturally are in the end. It also helps him reach that 7+ speed for 1 more Bleed Count on his S2. Otherwise, its not important for us. His Support Passive is for Charge teams.
Overall, he isn't bad. I wouldn't bench him ever, but I'd either put him in the field for Bleed Count application (and make sure he is U4), or pick one of his other IDs, like Middle Little Brother.
The Middle Little Brother - Meursault[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Little Brother Salt can apply 2 Bleed Potency on S1, 2 Bleed Potency on S2, and 2 Bleed Potency on Counter. Thats all he has for bleed, including Count.
Overall, I'd say his main advantage is that he has Bleed on demand, since you will always have access to his Counter. Otherwise, he synergizes well with Mid Don.
Hong Lu
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu - Hong Lu[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He inflicts 3 Bleed Potency on S1, 3-6 Bleed Potency on S2, and and 1-5 Bleed Potency on S3.
He has no Bleed Count application.
His Passive requires 3x Lust Resonance, which isn't that hard, and it gives 3 more Bleed Potency, which is alright. His Support Passive is similar to Kurokumo Clan Ryoshu, and by similar, I mean the exact same. So go back and read that haha.
Overall, he looks good on paper, but he actually has ANTI-synergy with Bleed IDs, with his S2 suffering if the enemy has too much Bleed Count. As such, I'd say don't use this ID for Bleed teams, only bench him or pick another Hong Lu ID (his other ones are good!!!)
Hook Office Fixer - Hong Lu[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He inflicts 1 Bleed Potency on S1, 0-2 Bleed Potency on S2, and 3 Bleed Potency on S3. A reasonable amount.
He inflicts 0-1 Count on S1, and an indeterminate amount of Bleed Count on S2 (Difference in speed if he is faster).
His passive might as well be ignored, since its an on kill effect. His support passive is the same.
Overall, he is probably one of the best Bleed IDs, since he inflicts a solid amount of both Bleed Potency and Bleed Count, while having good rolls. Only problem is that he is only available during festival, so support him from a friend if need be. Put him in if you can, and if you want to be optimal, always put him in.
Tingtang Gangleader - Hong Lu[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He inflicts 0-4 Bleed Potency on S1, andddd thats it. No Bleed Count. His passives are both general passives.
Overall, he is a good Bleed-Adjacent ID, where he benefits from Bleed being on a target (extra damage for S2 and S3, and better Evade). He also does great damage, so if you need more damage to help boost your pure Bleed team and don't have Hook Lu, this is a good pick.
N Corp. Kleinhammer - Heathcliff[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He inflicts 1-2 Bleed Potency on his S1, and 1-2 Nails on his S1, with one of those Nails/Potency being mutually exclusive. He has no more Bleed-related stuff.
His Passive is N Corp related, but his Support Passive adds Nails to your fasted team member for practically free, adding one free Bleed Count to an enemy. I'd say this is better than the Passives the Kurokumos have, despite being similar, since it applies Count and Potency.
Overall, this is a bench unless you are using one of Heath's stronger IDs. No real reason to field him unless you plan on doing a full N Corp team.
R Corp. 4th Pack Rabbit - Heathcliff[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This is NOT a bleed ID. He can inflict 3 Bleed Potency on his S2 (while consuming ammo), but thats it. I only put it here because it has a CHANCE to inflict Bleed. Hell, it inflicts more Rupture than Bleed.
Overall, I'd still say use him if you want to steamroll enemies cause he is just that powerful, but as a Bleed ID, he sucks. At least he will tend to be the fastest, so he will benefit from those Kurokumo Clan Support Passives.
Bleed IDs Part 3
The Pequod Harpooner - Heathcliff[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
He inflicts 2 Bleed Potency on S1 and 2-6 Bleed Potency on S3. Thats about an average amount of Bleed Potency, bit on the low end if he is at maximum HP.
He inflicts 0-10 Bleed Count on S2, depending on Criting and on how much Potency is on the enemy. Thats a great amount of Count, especially if he Crits while there is plenty of Potency built up (at least 30).
Overall, I'd say trying to use him as a Bleed Count/Pure Damage ID is best. He is also a tank that benefits from being at lower health, so he can distract for your squishy Bleed Potency DPS Units.
SHE HAS NONE.None of her current IDs apply Bleed...for now. I expect a certain Pequod ID in the future will be a Poise/Bleed mix.
LCB Sinner - Rodion[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
The first Base ID we are talking about!
She inflicts 2 Bleed Potency on S1, 4 on S2, and 0-3 on S3.
She also can inflict 0-1 Count on S2.
Her passive lets her inflict 1 more Bleed Potency at a 50% Chance. Her Support Passive is one of the better general Support Passives.
Overall, well, she is a base ID. You probably shouldn't be using her in general. Her Support Passive is a nice one, even if not Bleed related though!
N Corp. Mittelhammer - Rodion[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
She inflicts 2 Potency on S1, and 0-3 on S3. Not great for Potency.
She inflicts 2 Nails on S1, if the enemy already has Nails, 1 Nails (next Turn) on S2, and 1 Nails on Counter.
Her passives are N Corp related or general.
Overall, not really a strong Bleed ID. I'd say she is more for a meme N Corp team than anything else, but at least she applies some Potency. I'd say either use her for the N Corp, bench base Rodion, or use a better ID.
Kurokumo Clan Wakashu - Rodion[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
She inflicts 5 Bleed Potency on S2, and On crit on S3, inflicts 10 Potency.
No Bleed Count.
Passives aren't Bleed related.
Overall, she is more of a Poise ID than anything else, but straight up adding 10 Potency on S3 (where her Crit chance is doubled at 6+ Potency, so you only need 10 Poise Potency to guarantee the Crit, or 2 S2 uses. Rodion doesn't really have any other good IDs for Bleed directly, so this would be the one I use.
The One Who Shall Grip - Sinclair[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This is a Burn ID that can technically inflict 2 Bleed Potency on S2. The only other Bleed related thing is that, if the enemy has 5+ Bleed, he will inflict 7 Burn on S3.
Overall, this isn't a Bleed ID. But this is still Sinclair's best ID, so theres no harm in using it, especially if you are going full N Corp.
Blade Lineage Salsu - Sinclair[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This is a Poise ID that can technically inflict 3 Bleed Potency on S3.
Overall, this isn't a Bleed ID. Use Nclair on the field, or Mariachi as a support. Don't use this unless you want to multiclass into Poise.
SHE HAS NONE.None of her current IDs apply Bleed...for now. I still hold out hope for Pip Outis. (Canto V character name spoilers).
Twinhook Pirates First Mate - Gregor[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This is a Poise/Bleed ID, that relies on Crits to inflict Bleed.
On Crit on S1, it inflicts 4 Bleed Potency. It inflicts 3-7 Bleed Potency (based on Crit) on S2.
On Crit on S3, it inflicts 2 Bleed Count.
Overall, this ID is more of a Poise ID than a Bleed ID, but unlike Blade Lineage Sinclair, it has a lot more synergy with Bleed. If you need an extra person on the field, this isn't a bad choice. His support is Poise related though, so don't bench him, either Field him or pick another Gregnant ID.
R.B. Sous-chef - Gregor[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
And finally, our Chef Greg.
He inflicts 1 Bleed Potency on S1, and 1 on S3. No Count, nothing else.
His passive is about healing, and his support passive is basically free healing.
Overall, he does inflict a lot of Paralyze, but it has a lot more Bleed Synergy rather than direct Bleed application. Everyone who has used this ID though, knows its weak and can't really clash. Bench for free healing, or pick a better Greg.
Bleed E.G.O.s
Before I even introduce the Bleed EGOs in the game, know that they all are terrible. I'm just introducing them to show that they exist, technically. I could do ratings for them, but I'll just say what little they do.
FaustHex Nail - Faust[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
It applies 3 Nails. Thats it. So, doing the math, thats 4 Bleed Count and 2 Bleed Potency over 2 turns. The Bleed Count ain't bad, but this is a pretty expensive EGO for 6 Envy, and its usually just something you throw on right before doing a nuke skill like Quick Suppression or Rip Space. Its better than nothing though I guess, since Faust doesn't have other Teths.
DonLa Sangre de Sancho - Don Quixote[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
It just applies 8 Bleed Potency. So I guess its a good, and fairly cheap, Zayin EGO to get some quick Potency off, but it really is less useful than anything that applies Count and Potency. Also it is terrible damage-wise, so its just mostly there if you need it.
What is Cast - Rodion[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Even worse Bleed wise than Don's EGO, this one applies 4 Bleed Potency. It does a bit more damage, but again, its preferable to just use the actual skills that apply stuff, only using this if you really need it to clash, that way you at least keep stacking bleed.
Impending Day - Sinclair[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
This applies Bleed Potency to yourself on failed Corrosion kill. I'm only including it in this list cause it still applies Bleed...just not to the right person. Maybe it'll be useful when we get some Rusted Chains IDs, but for now, useless in terms of Bleed.
Ebony Stem - Outis[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Applies 2 Bleed Potency on Awakening, and 5 Bleed Potency on Corrosion. Its not much, but the AOE of Ebony Stem does mean you get that Potency spread out very quickly, and if you are dealing with 7 enemies, thats 35 Bleed Potency total, a good amount of damage dealt. Problem is, is that Potency is usually not a problem with Bleed builds, its Count that is the problem. So its nice in terms of spreading out Bleed, but still doesn't tackle the core issue. Oh yea, and Outis has no bleed IDs, so I'm not sure why you'd be bringing her just for this E.G.O.
Suddenly, One Day - Gregor[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
It has a random chance to apply any random negative status effect. So, technically, you could get 10 Bleed Potency on something, a very solid amount. However, thats a 1/9765625 chance if I did my math right, so, pretty unlikely. Not that you'd be using this EGO anyway with Legerdemain as an option, so lets move onto that.
Legerdemain - Gregor[limbuscompany.fandom.com]
Oh, its definitely better than the random chance EGO we looked at before this, but it still only applies Bleed Potency on Corrosion. It does benefit from the same thing Ebony Stem benefits from though, in that it is AOE, so those same 4 Bleed Potency get multiplied by the 3 targets it hits, for a total of 12 Bleed Potency applied. For a spammable EGO like this, that is not a bad amount. I do think that Twinhook Gregor's skills would still be better overall comparatively, but it isn't terrible.
Bleed E.G.O. Gifts Descriptions
Wound ClericTier: II
Sin: Wrath
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 202
Abno Events: Coffin Return
No Upgrades:
- Base.
When hitting an enemy with a Skill that inflicts Bleed, inflict 4 Bleed.
+ Upgrade:
- Adds Wrath Affinity, and increases bleed potency by 1.
When hitting an enemy with a Skill that inflicts Bleed, or with a Wrath Affinity Skill, inflict 5 Bleed.
++ Upgrade:
- Adds 1 bleed count.
When hitting an enemy with a Skill that inflicts Bleed, or with a Wrath Affinity Skill, inflict 5 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count.
Smoke and WiresTier: III
Sin: Wrath
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 261
Abno Events: 4th Front of the Smoke War
No Upgrades:
- Base.
Allies inflict x2 Bleed with Skill effects.
Turn End: enemies with Bleed lose 2 Speed next turn.
+ Upgrade:
- Lowers speed by 3 instead of 2.
Allies inflict x2 Bleed with Skill effects.
Turn End: enemies with Bleed lose 3 Speed next turn.
++ Upgrade:
- Increases to 2.5x Bleed.
Allies inflict x2.5 Bleed with Skill effects.
Turn End: enemies with Bleed lose 3 Speed next turn.
Grimy Iron StakeTier: I
Sin: Lust
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 147
Abno Events: Hurting Teddy Bear
No Upgrades:
- Base.
When hitting an enemy using a single-Coin skill, inflict 1 Bleed. Inflict 2 Defense Level Down until the end of the next turn.
If the target already has Bleed, inflict 3 Bleed instead.
Not Upgradable.
Rusted Cutting KnifeTier: III
Sin: Lust
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 244
Abno Events: N/A
No Upgrades:
- Base.
When inflicting Bleed with Skill effects against non-Staggered enemies, inflict 1 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count.
If the Skill's Affinity was Lust, inflict 3 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count instead.
+ Upgrade:
- Removes the non-staggered requirement, and adds 1 to bleed.
When inflicting Bleed with Skill effects against enemies, inflict 2 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count.
If the Skill's Affinity was Lust, inflict 3 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count instead.
++ Upgrade:
- Adds 1 to bleed, and 1 to bleed count when the affinity is lust.
When inflicting Bleed with Skill effects against enemies, inflict 3 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count.
If the Skill's Affinity was Lust, inflict 3 Bleed and +2 Bleed Count instead.
Red-Stained GossypiumTier: IV
Sin: Lust
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 382
Abno Events: N/A
No Upgrades:
- Base.
First Turn Start of an Encounter: inflict 1 Bleed and +15 Bleed Count to all enemies (or all Abnormality parts).
Turn Start: enemies with Bleed lose (Bleed/3) 'Offense Level' and 'Defense Level' for the turn. (Maxes out at 30 Bleed stack)
+ Upgrade:
- Adds 1 to starting encounter bleed.
First Turn Start of an Encounter: inflict 2 Bleed and +15 Bleed Count to all enemies (or all Abnormality parts).
Turn Start: enemies with Bleed lose (Bleed/3) 'Offense Level' and 'Defense Level' for the turn. (Maxes out at 30 Bleed stack)
++ Upgrade:
- Adds 1 to starting encounter bleed, and 5 to starting encounter bleed count. Turn start, they lose bleed/2 Offense/Defense level instead of bleed/3.
First Turn Start of an Encounter: inflict 4 Bleed and +20 Bleed Count to all enemies (or all Abnormality parts).
Turn Start: enemies with Bleed lose (Bleed/2) 'Offense Level' and 'Defense Level' for the turn. (Maxes out at 30 Bleed stack)
White GossypiumTier: II
Sin: Gluttony
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 201
Abno Events: Gossypium Flower
No Upgrades:
- Base.
Turn Start: If there are Staggered enemies, un-Stagger enemies. Then, inflict (8 + Stagger LV x 4) Bleed and (8 + Stagger LV x4)/2 Offense Level Down on them. (Activates once per enemy per Encounter. Does not activate against certain enemies that do not recover from Stagger)
+ Upgrade:
- Adds 2 to bleed and multiplies stagger lvl by 5 instead of 4.
Turn Start: If there are Staggered enemies, un-Stagger enemies. Then, inflict (10 + Stagger LV x 5) Bleed and (10 + Stagger LV x5)/2 Offense Level Down on them. (Activates once per enemy per Encounter. Does not activate against certain enemies that do not recover from Stagger)
++ Upgrade:
- Adds 2 to bleed and multiplies stagger lvl by 6 instead of 5. Also adds Defense Level Down.
Turn Start: If there are Staggered enemies, un-Stagger enemies. Then, inflict (12 + Stagger LV x 6) Bleed and (12 + Stagger LV x6)/2 Offense Level Down and Defense Level Down on them. (Activates once per enemy per Encounter. Does not activate against certain enemies that do not recover from Stagger)
Little and To-be-Naughty PlushieTier: II
Sin: Pride
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 191
Abno Events: N/A
No Upgrades:
- Base.
Deal +10% damage against enemies with Bleed at Combat Start
Take -20% damage from enemies with Bleed at Combat Start
Allies with Pride Affinity Attack Skills deal +20% damage against enemies with Bleed instead.
Allies with Pride Affinity Attack Skills take -30% damage from enemies with Bleed instead.
Not Upgradable.
Rusted MuzzleTier: I
Sin: Envy
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 164
Abno Events: ?
No Upgrades:
- Base.
When hitting and dealing 12+ HP damage to an enemy with a Skill, inflict 2 Bleed.
When using a Slash skill, inflict 4 Bleed instead.
+ Upgrade:
- Increases bleed potency by 1 when hitting with 12+ HP damage.
When hitting and dealing 12+ HP damage to an enemy with a Skill, inflict 3 Bleed.
When using a Slash skill, inflict 4 Bleed instead.
++ Upgrade:
- Makes it apply when dealing any HP Damage, and adds 1 bleed count on slash.
When hitting and dealing 1+ HP damage to an enemy with a Skill, inflict 3 Bleed.
When using a Slash skill, inflict 4 Bleed and +1 Bleed Count instead.
Bloody MistTier: IV
Sin: Sloth
Type: Bleed
Base Cost: 421
Combination: Smokes and Wires + Rusted Muzzle
No Upgrades:
- Base.
Encounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Bleed. (Not counting E.G.O. Skills)
Allies inflict double the amount of Bleed and Bleed Count.
Skills that inflict Bleed: Coin Power +2, damage dealt +100%.
+ Upgrade:
- N/A
+ Unknown
++ Upgrade:
- N/A
++ Unknown
Bleed E.G.O. Gifts Discussions
For a MD3 bleed run, you want EGO Gifts that can help you apply that sweet sweet Bleed Count. Other Bleed Gifts are useful still, but go out of your way for the Count.
Wound Cleric
- If you can upgrade this to ++, then you basically no longer need to keep track of your bleed count, since you now increase it whenever you attack them. Very powerful gift even at the lower levels, since it makes it all the faster in applying potency, but especially powerful at ++.
Smoke and Wires
- This is more of a snowball-type E.G.O. Gift. The better your team was set for applying Potency already, the better this E.G.O. Gift is. Its a 'win-more' type. Will make it so that you get to those fun 99 Bleed numbers fast though. Count is still an issue. It is worth it to go out of your way to get it though, if you have the fusion gifts unlocked, since the fusion gift is basically a free win.
Grimy Iron Stake
- This only procs on single coin skills, and bleed based decks don't tend to be single coin, so not very useful. At the very least, you'd almost always be inflicted the 3 extra potency, so it just boosts whatever single coin skills you already have. Not something to go out of your way for.
Rusted Cutting Knife
- This can apply bleed Count, and thus is very useful, especially at +, since it removes the non-staggered requirement.
Red-Stained Gossypium
- You no longer have to worry about Count.
White Gossypium
- Only really powerful for Bleed Builds, so its a good thing that is what we are running. This will absolutely decimate anyone you stagger, and fits in neatly with what we already got. Remember, an enemy has to be unstaggered in order to flip coins and thus take bleed damage.
Little and To-be-Naughty Plushie
- Extra damage and defense, but not something to go massively out of your way for. The enemy is gonna die regardless, this just helps you make it slightly faster.
Rusted Muzzle
- Its useful at ++ since it adds Count, but the rest of it is mostly just superfluous to what we already have. If you need count desperately, then this can be upgraded, but its better to give those upgrades to others. Of course, its an ingredient for the fusion gift, so I'd take it anyway, and avoid upgrading it since upgrades won't go into the fusion.
Bloody Mist
- The Fusion gift for Bleed, is obviously incredibly powerful. Basically a free win for bleed if you get it, and you'll definitely trigger the encounter start activation condition with a bleed team.
Some Bleed Team Building Tips
I'll give you a few Bleed teams here, but the main thing for any team is to make sure there is synergy between them. Make sure you have IDs that can boost up that Bleed Potency, even if they don't apply a lot of Count. Make sure you have IDs that can boost up that Bleed Count, even if they don't apply a lot of Potency. Together, those IDs can do both.
If you are doing MD3, you can be a bit more lax about it since those Bleed EGO Gifts are powerful, and make a weak Bleed ID into a strong one, and a strong one into a top-tier one. That means you can experiment a lot more in terms of team composition.
Usually, when making Bleed teams, you decide between a Poise/Bleed team, or an Envy/Bleed team. You can mix and match with MD3, but those are the two large groups.
First, an N Corp (mostly) Meme Team;
A more real Bleed Team (Still not optimal lol):
And finally, another Bleed Team (This is me trying to get both Kurokumo Clan passives to be applied to R Heathcliff. Mostly a meme build, a better team for bleed would be to replace R Heath with Kurokumo Ryoshu):
For reference, these are not the only Bleed teams you can or even should make. Experiment! Have fun! Don't be fully optimal (these teams aren't). These are just some examples. And remember, theres more to take into account than just whether an ID has good Bleed application or not. Damage, EGO Resource Gain, and general synergy are all important.
Thanks For Reading!
Note: These ratings are mostly subjective. If you want to make different ratings in the comments, feel free, and I'll probably 'steal' and credit you if you do so. Overall, I tried to give a fair approximation of each of the Bleed IDs in the game as of December 21st.
Hopefully you have a better understanding of Bleed as a mechanic now. Don't try to be optimal, just try to have fun. I believe in you.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the help!
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3117516645
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