A Few, Mostly Kind, Words To Start Before You Start
This game is free on steam, phone and i'm sure elsewhere. and it really needs to be said, repeatedly, Lava2 is a punny troll.
You pay attention to it, i recommend at least 15 minutes a day, but at this point, outside of events, i spend about 40 to 60 because i'm doing a lot of stuff. But i like that i can close it, or it uses so little bit of my machines brain power that i can min it and walk away and it keeps playing.
No, I am not going to be talking about events, the give quest, follow quest, get lots of cool stuff. though some drop # a day and in news/events tab in menu will tell you how many has dropped of the cap, "actively" fight for your right to party until both numbers match
I guess now is the time to say actively fighting is just not closing the game, there is only a few times when you are not allowed to use auto, if they come up, i promise to say as much.
This game also has a pretty good wiki where I go to double check my info or look for new goals. [idleon.wiki]
I will not lie, that wiki is great, and they update it pretty quick as new content comes out, about the new content. What they haven't updated is how to start the game with the new content in mind.
I also want to point out that I dont know everything, I can be wrong, and i will absolutely tell on myself when I say things I'm not sure about.
This guide is just my recommendation to new players and anybody else who is like me and likes to casually achievement hunt while doing other things
I want to point out somethings to note about this game
the gems, which is Lava2's currancy that you can use real money to buy stuff in game, helpful or otherwise, IS NOT NEEDED, like ever, he throws so many of those at you in game even outside of seasonal events that you can get whatever you want, you just need to save up. (btw, i would strongly recommend saving 69 gems in your chest until you get to world three, there is an achievement that you can get as soon as you make it in there if you do)
Spending the few bucks to have the "Auto Loot" is worth it, because you can leave the game up AFK and not worry about the loot despawing, i'm told after an hour, with the game up. .... it take a bit to kill 750 mashed potatoes actively (auto counts) min the game and walking away is what i did, and since i care about loot, this is a thing.
Also, i want to point out, that every penny you spend buying gems, you are paying Lava2 and encouraging him to make more epic content for the game, so i DO recommend throwing your hard earned pennies at him if you have a few to spare.
Do I recommend any purchases? yes, i do, I'll explain it when it comes up.
Seriously, this is your bestest friend in the whole world if you want to optimize and you have the math skills and time do so. Lava2 does try to make you not have to math so hard most of the time
but lets talk about this away window for a minute, its telling you what you are doing, because if you close the game its going to do whatever is at the top of the screen, and if you are in town that means nothing. (Btw, can someone tell em what the chance to do nothing is?)
But if go to a map and wanted to chop a tree or catch a bug and you dont start doing it before you close the game, your likely going to be fighting whatever monster is on that screen...
And when you get to the point where you chose which talent set you want to use (I haven't bothered to find out how to get the third to unlock yet, i plan to ask soon) I strongly recommend having a "i want to kill things" preset and a "I want skill things" preset.
Checking this window will help you figure out if you have the right set for your current goal.
I'll get the main info in a moment, but lets talk about the misc chance, now, I've gotten to world three and just a few. While i'm in this guide its a bit hard for me to check, i'll update this later i'm sure. My point is,your screen is going to look different than mine in some places.
What i want to focus on the info, the qty per drop or the monster hp, whatever chance, that is the hard numbers that get calculated in the whatever kills items per hour.
the card odds should be something that you should consider because i HIGHLY recommend you getting one card of everything as fast as possible. There is stuff to make it easier, including some of the cards, but every card HELPS and some even help passively. I'm not going to go into more detail about the cards because really, nothing i can say will be better than how it is said over on the wiki.
I guess I will have a section about the cards presets later, but that doesnt go here.
The active prayers bit is when you open the warlock skill (even before you have a warlock) and play the tower defense games more on that later.
the whatever required is really nice because it gives you something to aim for, the accuracy you need or the efficiency you need, now the wiki does explain this a bit, and clearly DrAri doesn't have the skill to always hit the tree, but they are aiming to help me get an achievement and 458 logs per hour is nothing to sneeze at.
Why is the Away info so important alreadySo, why is this window important outside of do i have the right whatever set?
Why are you on this screen? You might want x ammount of items if you are skiling, you might just want to use this screen to level up because its giving you the most xp (when your efficiency is at 100% you are prob going to get more xp than the next screen if that is only 70) maybe you are worried about money per hour
if you are fighting the survivabilty is kinda a big deal, 100% is best, anything else, have food on you. The no dmg req is what you want your damage stat to be at to not have to worry about carrying around food (I am pretty sure a certain star skill does help this bit out, but more on that later
so to REALLY make the most out of whatever you are currently aiming for, that screen is your best friend. "oh this screen takes 80k to get to the next one? that is 86 freaking hours with me doing only 929 an hour... I need 54 million to level up and only get a million xp per level here killing sir staches, but i have penguins unlocked and they will give me 1.5 million per hour so 36 hours there will get me a level and i need those pens for whatever reason. or maybe you have 36 hours worth of time candies and you can just spend them there to level.
the AFK gains rate is if you close the game i think? Yeah, i dont really pay that much attention to that part. i hope its in the wiki, but one thing you might want to consider is how much inventory space do you have, you dont want to lose some of that sweet sweet loot.
Now, there are a few times where Lava2 is beinga troll and this window is so freaking wrong. when you see things like the card drop is NEVER going to happen or you wont kill any per hour, go check the wiki. *facepalm*
Time spent afk
Really, REALLY want to stress this point. if you click the stop watch, it will tell you the last time you looked at one of your toons to the SECOND and for certain things, this is kinda important.
So, the "AFK HERE" stuff? you have to be afk for that long in one go. one candy has to cover that time. twelve 1 hour candies does not count for an afk here for 12 hours, but one 12 hour candy does, so will a 24 hour candy cause more time is okay.
BTW, i do not think afk candy works with the trapping skill... I could be wrong, I haven't tested it, and I haven't looked it up, popping over to my hunter every 20ish minutes is fine for me.
Long story short
Know what your goal is whenever you click a toon or go to whatever screen
Your Toons And You.
Okay, okay, Lava2 call them "Characters" but i'm lazy and call them toons, unless Lava2 comments on this guide telling me to correct myself, its staying this way.
The wiki is really good about this, for the most part, but i'm going to briefly explain it because one stop to go off of for all the basics is really what I try to do for guide.
*name at least 1 toon with <=6 characters
when you get a new toon they ask for for THREE things, and you knowing where you want to take this char can be helpful.
everybody starts with the same 4 signs until you go to the tippity top of that really big tree by the slimes.
I'm assuming your a new player and havent gotten there yet, the wiki does a wonderful job about that, but at that point, you dont really need this guide so.... um, yeah, your starting star signs to chose from and which ones i recommend for what and why. I'll also explain other bits later.
The Buff Guy 0 1% Total Damage 3 str
Flexo Bendo 2% Movement Speed 3 agi
The Book Worm 1% main exp gain 3 wis
The Fuzzy Dice 3 talent points 2 luck
-- this also **should** be changed once you get to the top of the tree and unlock more.
GENDER bender time
you can be 5 genders, they dont change anything, because everybody is a stick figure, I have mentioned Lava2 is a troll right?
but still here is the thing
and yes, its a joke, i cannot tell you which one i chose for which, its not even written anywhere i can see as a casual player.
you can pick 5 options! and almost everythign you choose to wear has a some kind of boost so im saying what the boost is because I dont remember if it says on the starting screen or not
Baseball Hat +1 str
Grey Beret +1 agi
Propeller Cap +1 wis
Traffic Cone +1 luck
--- nothing
So, in case you haven't guessed it, there is Four main stats, STR, AGI, WIS, LUCK. and depending on what job, i mean class you choose, f it, i'm going to call it job, i am lazy, i like typing how i talk, these are important.
So, those are your starting options, as of right now, you can only have 10 toons.
Do you remember the screen shot of my chars? no, here, have another, or maybe its the same one, I've been taking screen shots but i cant see them yet because i have to close the game and save them. They are going to get added in later, I promise. Its just easier to type and play at the same time to make sure I know what I want to grab.
I know i told you earlier that Lava2 takes pity on people and saves them from doing some math, well at the top left of this screen under the icon that lets you pick which background you want (you earn them via achievemtns) not the stopwatch explained earlier, but account lvl, which tells you the total number of CLASS levels you have which goes towards you getting a new toon. skill levels dont count towards toons, they count towards task and I'll explain that later.
The wiki does have the schart, but they aslo assume you are leveling all your classes instead of letting some focus on skilling, which honestly i recommend. You get so freaking many time candies, and other things that help you level your other toons that really, you dont have to get all your toons to level 32.5 to get your 6th toon, the basic jobs just have to equal that, and with a couple focused on fighting and using time candies, balloons and everythign else to your advantage, it works. Do it my way and you can get your 6, 7,and 8 toon lvl 30 stupid quick because you've done all the crap that i told you about that naked they can make it several screens before they die or you just decide to go back.
So the table is
# Level 1 0 2 8 3 30 4 60 5 130 6 225 7 330 8 470 9 600 10 900
11 and 12 are place holder as of this writing, plz ignore.
I have 8 toons currently, and here is the order I chose and why. Mind you, the why came in mind because i only knew about world three stuff at the time and really, i dont think i need to worry about world four planning from the beginning.
starting sign, starting hat. jobs
-- why
Buff with baseball cap. Warrior, Squire, will become a Divine Knight when i get that far.
-- This guy is my #1 fighter and squires do a pretty good at hitting everything in its range, because i pretty much ONLY want him fighting, that the squires skill is construction is not something i have to take away from fighting, this just makes sense to me.
Book Worm with Propeller cap. Mage, Shaman, will become Bubonic Conjuror
-- Chopping trees, omg, you need trees, so much, and when you take a break from the trees, this guy makes for a pretty fighter, i just mostly have him attacking harmless trees. Btw, there is achievements for having so many in your chest... yes, do this, it is worth it. I'll spend a little time explaining this later. But the reason why i wanted this to be second is because the second you get Alchemy open, USE IT, and that this guy has the bestest chance at getting those new bubbles? YES... - i'll explain more later, promise.
Buff with baseball cap. Warrior, Barbarian, going to be the best cook ever, i mean blood berserker.
-- I had this guy mine until i unlocked my little goblin or have enough ores for the stuff i want to make and then this guy will be focused on gaining levels until you tell that puppy to "sit noob" while laughing at its shattered pieces. Then I have had him do nothing but fish most of the time. He leaves the docks to party and play touch the anvil, but really, nope, his home is on the pier.
Book Worm worm with Grey Beret Archer, Bowman. one day, pirate, i mean Siege Breaker
--yes, book worm not flexo, i dont really care about how fast my guy is going, but the xp is worth it more than 3 agi. So why bowman next? Well, in world one, while yes, absolutely smiting is what you need, it doesn't take away from fighting, and catching is a world 2 skill.
FUZZY GOBLIN ROCKS with a traffic cone. Yeah, there is really only one class option for this dude, and i recommend it HERE instead of later because you really want to start working on those skills, and letting it do chopping so your poor wittle mage or warrior can go earn levels while you still get those logs or ores is a thing. I'll explain more in a bit with jobs and skills., but this is a thing.
Buff me up again dude and yeah, i wan another baseball cap. the Warrior, Squire, who dreams of become a Divine Knight if i ever let him leave the caves.
-- This guy mines, and almost only mines unless i take him out to level or do things. I chose squire for my miner because of the passive skill thing, i dont have to choose, he can mine and get bonuses for building at the same time, win win in my book.
You pick with who carest Archer, Hunter. one day, breeder, wait that sounds wrong, um Beast Master... is that really better?
-- Focus on leveling until trapping is kinda passive
You pick with who carest Mage, Wizard, and one day Elemtal Sorc
-- yes, everybody else had pretty good levels in worship, but that only helps them when you get here
Quick Little Thing About The Working Class
Yes, Lava2 calls them Classes, boo, unless he yells at me in the comments, i'm calling them jobs.
So everybody, and i do mean all 10 of your toons start off as a beginner, at level 10 there is a quest to pick your job, once chosen, there is not take backsies. You pick warrior, archer, or mage and your stuck. Or, in at least once case, you ignore him until you feed a peanut to a bush somewhere, more on that later.
one of the thing I love about this game is at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter, all toons can do all skills, just some do it/learn it better. there is one job that helps all of the other toons level any skill that is lower than them (which is why make my goblin when i do. actually, i didn't know that was a thing, but i did know that it was going to want "high" levels of all the skills and the sooner the better)
As soon as you can pick your job, DO IT... because it gives you talent points that lets to do things better, learn faster and so on.
i am not sure when, but you do get a second preset tab so you can have a fighting preset and a skilling preset, and this is a big deal because to get the better loot you want to focus.
One of the things I noticed, on warrior skills, they like strength, so you want that maxed for them, but if your fighting, you really need to worry about accuracy, so you def want to dump points into wisdom
Archers skills and owie points comes from those agility boot skills, but they need strength to know where to aim thier boos to hit that target
Mages, while thier prefered skills and owies comes from the tomb of wisdom, they have to think on the fly, so their accuracy comes from agi
... however, that doesn't start until you talk to the pack rat hanging out by the beans talking about some house on legs x.x until then, a high luck is damage and accuracy.
Sub and elite jobs have different attacks and like to focus on a shiny new skill,
every time you level you get to decide how to put points.
By the way, leveling your job gets you 3 points in the job tabs and one in the star, but leveling skills only gets 1 point in some job tabs and star. maybe they explain it more in wiki, if you care
Skill-tle Me This World One And Two
What, i like a bad pun every now and then
While yes, when you start the game you want head off and start killing spores on the next screen right until you get two bolt cutters? RIGHT?
the first thing you should always do when you load in that new toon, even before you talk to that scroll guy on the right side of your screen is click on the anvil, click on produce, and then tell it to produce thread. then click on spend points and notice how fast its going to put points into making the thread and what your cap is and if you like optimizing, come back before that caps out and hit quick deposit and it will throw the stuff in your chest. Also, you can (only) quick deposit from your anvil codex. more on that later. -- but this allows you to start working on your smiting asap, and you get xp whenever you deposit, so its a almost passive way to get points for leveling.
Though on one of your archers skill preset, absolutely max out the Godly Creation and have only them make the items that people where because they might accidentally add bonus while making the item. though on the fighting preset, let your archer have smelting erryday maxed because they will make more whatever on the progress tab.
now you can go talk to the scroll guy and start doing what he tells you to do. And i believe Lava2 has also made some really big HELPFUL signs also reminding you what do.
Smithing is pretty straight forward and sadly doesn't have a mini game. you scroll thorough the tabs look for what you want to make and then click it, hoping you haven enough resources in your inventory so you dont have to spend a few seconds running back to the chest.
Now once you have made an item, you can be lazy and make it from the anvil without ever opening the chest again, in fact, its a freaking quest from world too, you darn lazy gamer.
But the task wants you to have stuff in your inventory and make a whole bunch of itmes without using the chest at all i believe, and dont close the anvil to drop stuff.
Btw, you can only make stuff if you have at least one space of inventory open, doesn't matter if you will use up a stack and have one after you make it :D there ways to get bigger stacks and more inv space, i promise. BTW, hold off on making the tokens until you can make them all because its just going to take up space in your chest, and if your like me, there isn't enough room....
Chopping is the next skill you will prob notice because that scroll wants you to squish srooms and there is someone standing next to a tree trying to talk to you. I know you are told to ignore everybody, and until you can pick your job, and i think second toon being mage, just hug the tree and move on.
As far as this skill goes, logs are used for lots of stuff and for the zoomie achiment. start the chopping and walk away from your computer for 30 minutes, come back, click a green or yellow bar, its going to be zooming, if you hit a green or yellow bar again you get the achievement, if you fail, try again, i got it the second time.
Mining The scroll will actually tell you to do this with every toon pretty early on. go over to that screen, talk to the 6 frame goblin and hit the rock a few times. By the way, you can make the copper bar without the oil it gives you... try it out.
the mini game is a minecart going across the screen, jump over pits, land on top of the rocks to score points, the golds ones give a bit,
ores are good for stuff almost as much as bars are do not smealt every single ore you get, dont do it.
WORLD TWO You tell that pile of rocks to "sit noob" and hand the shiny rock to the byrb in the town and go to the next world where there is a cauldren I dont care who reaches that world first, grab a stack of copper bars, danger noodle skin, jungle logs, gold ore and stand next to the pot and just throw them out of your inventory they will try to drop in hte pot. You'll thank me later. But vials are your friends, and while the pot will tell you the next vial it recommends you unlock, you can unlock them in any order. those are bubbles i actually took the time to level. there is a list on wiki if you actually care more than i do.
But after you do that, actually click the tub and you will see a few pots, one for each skill.
This is the Alchemy skill. And right now you prob have at least 4 toons, if not 5, one per pot is what you want, but if you have a 5th one, i would so strongly recommend you put the one you plan to hae specialize in this skill and the one who fed a peanut to a bush int his pot. this gives you the bestest things and as soon as you can get 4 bubbles on this pot everybody might get a gift when they level whatever. There are certain things that only drop when you have this, so getting it asap is yes please.
Outside of that i so strongly recommend clicking boost and leveling cost and speed. bubbles costing less and speed for it charging faster (not to mention its a thing you get things for having it fast)
Luck comes into play once bubbles get hard, i mean 5% chance to level up? you might want a few leves here
also, the chance to get two bubbbles instead of one? yeah... okay... all good things.
For the liquid, buy four waters every day... and then make your pot regen and have a cap so you can afford that book, it boost your afk using star points, and you might have to buy it a few times to get it to at least 96
Obels are good, buy them, and for the npc in this town later, you are going to have to make a few donations to the starving orphan monsters that you have been killing the parents of.
I really dont get the weak upgrade stones, you get SO MANY stones that this doesnt make sense.
if you run through the door on the left from the pot you find a whale just chilling and having a whale of a time wanting you to play the fishing mini game over and over until you catch a whale.
This skill is a bit complex, there is a doodad where you pick your bait and line, depending on your goal, this is a thing. considering how useful jellyfish are, picking the stuff that gives you get best red score can be a plan. However, there is stuff that will boost how much xp you get and you might want that because as long as your efficency is good enough, you can catch anything that is availve at that dock. the third screen is a bit harder, and might as well no.
lets take a minute to talk about the mini game. so you have a meter that goes up up and down, and depnding on how high it goes, it goes that far out. You want to land on the fish, as long as you TOUCH a fish, its okay if you touch a mine. Do not touch a mine without also touching a fish. Its also okay to catch two types of fish or just one... after casting your line out a few times mines appear, and a few more and things move.
If you miss and dont touch anything, your counter goes to zero and have to build up to being offered better fish. both times i caught a whale i hit a mine the next round and so i dont know what happens, can you catch two whales in the same mini game. There is also something about missing 100 times and then FINALLY catching a fish...
speaking of catching
I really hope you like puns, because the game is making every single one it can think of, catching rubs it in if you haven't caught on yet. while flies is borings, butter flies, fruit flies..
anyways, this mini game is pretty much flappy bird with whatever bug you are catching. try to get 21 hoops in a row, i keep missing hte 21st, its really annoying. dont hit the ring or the ground and you can keep going, my high score is like 92 i think... but i cant get 21 in a row and i'm annoyed.
Skilling In World Three
Did you know there was a char cap when making steam guides? I didn't, but i have hit it TWICE now
hmm... maybe i need to break this down a bit more if i want to add all the screen shots...
anyways, lets talk about World Three skills, which i'm working my way to the boss, so this is gonna freeze for a bit until I get to world four.
But once you pass off that stone run up to the table and tell it to start building. Honestly, building the yellow sign, and then MAXING that first thing, is worth it... because it lets everybody use the printer, and free items hourly is a thing you didn't know you needed until now.
Building the bookshelf is good, is there any talent you want over 100 because you just cant get enough? that's how, for most.
After that i started alternating between making things on the red and yellow rows until i got a third slot and started focusing on the green one. Since I wanted to work on warlock asap, red row lets you do that better.
but after you have chosen your two things to build click the cogs tab. it doesn't really matter right this second, that i know of,
I had 7 people, i threw three into making cogs and 4 into that big open area. This is the construction skill btw. you are gonna want to pop over here every now and then to grab the cogs until they fill your board, then just let them sit and stew.
as soon someone gets to level 15 tell one person to make gold cogs, or leave at least one person in nooby cogs, because there is an achievement for having 16 unclaimed and .... well.... its been DAYS. if you hit the eye a few times it tells you how much work a cog is doing and it could build, xp or something else that i'm not worried about at the moment.
Placing flags is important and there is a recommended way to place them because some spots cost less
trash cogs you dont want to use. dont worry, its easy to get more... i want to say even now they aren't worth keeping, maybe when i get purple ones, but my highest person is 28 so meh.
you have to do the icrecreams quest AND buy the tools for trapping and worship,
Everybody needs a trap and a skull, while eventually your warlock and wizard will handle those skills. The hunter actually has a doodad pick up and place everybodys trap (and there is a drone i haven't unlocked yet) and everybody gets some xp, and you get some of animals.... which is why i seriously click on the hunter every 20 minutes when i am actively playing the game...
The trapping mini game is you have a window and animals are escaping and you make sure they go to thier home. the better you do in the game the better your overall whatever is, i think.. meh
the worship, which i was doing with every toon on the goobo thing until i finally got my warlock, has a skill where it steals all the points from the other players so it can use them instead of them.
its mini game is tower defense and kinda fun. there is achievements linked to the prayers to make the game um, more interesting.
Number one has giants turned on because there is a quest that ask for one and well, this guy can handle that
on the items menu, there is a little thing that says giant mob odds, 1 in x amount...
also in the items menu the player info is pretty useful, because on the skills tab it tells you what level every skill is at and if you click the icon you get more info and going to the storage, clicking carry cap to see how much you can carry of each type is just a whee bit important... o.o what do you mean this guy never got a critter bag... um.... hold on I need to go fix that
Some Things To Do Daily
in world one, once you can talk to the person by the task bar or the clown who honestly prefers hotter weather, talk to them, once a day.
the clown gives you balls to drop in his peg board and give you lots of goodies, that shop icon which i wonder if its ever going to be updated again, gives you perm perks that seriously help out, accuracy, multikill, bigger sample size, heck, better chance of getting shiney critters? yes please.
the task board should be opened as soon as you can every single world and checked every day, the bottom right task might not give you trophies but it gives you points towards unlocking the better equipment, i was able to unlock almost all the tab three task as soon as i got the anvil to tab three.
The other task are worth doing, quite a bit in world one are passive, your gonna do them and not realize and then come over to this guy and go yeah, okay and some of them you do it and it tells you to do new thing, like fight this with no weapons, beat the boss in less than 2 minutes, upgrade your stamps a stupid amount of times.
About the only one i get stuck on is the let the boss hit you with his strongest attack, and its let the elefant use his finger gun on you, now you get one free respawn per toon per day, so you can let him hit you, respawn and then destroy him. There was also the world three critter dailies, where you manually deal with the trap and since i have the earlier critters set to DAYS and to lazy to move my traps just for a daily, meh.
btw, to get the desert guy to talk to you you need the ax, bow, and wand staff thing from unlocking task one.
another thing to do every day is to make sure you pick up your tickets and keys from all the worlds, you dont have to use them, just pick them up. Yes, they hold them for three days, but go every day so you dont forget. there is ways to unlock the ability to get the stuff from codex menu, yay achievements! Also you get a key and ticket for each char that has done the required to unlock it.... i think? crap now i'm not 100% but how else are you able to do chaotic mode so many times...
There is also a boss that only spawns once every 24 hours, and the next screen if you pick up a set of bolt cutters, will respawn some critters
If you some how end up in a guild, in the guild tab of the codex you click GP and it gives you a list of goals to do every day, as well as every week (which starts on monday) some things rotate, some dont. btw, the claim 5+ hour afk, yeah, if your toon has ten hours, it only ocunts as one. and i have been playing more than 5 hours today as i make this guide so i have been able to click through most twice with 5 hours afk time to really earn this this fast.
i really dont worry about doing to boss one until the end of the week. Now, if you can do all the things and earn 500 points in one week then you get an achievement and it starts counting how many points you have earned and there are several achivevements for earnign points, there is also bonuses for being in a guild and that is more of a you pick what you want, unless you own the guild, and i really dont know that much abou this. i'm to casual of a player.
Honestly this is the most time i've spent "actively" playing the game and paying attention to it...
Shop stores also reset once a day, there is some stuff that you are gonna want to buy out of stock depending on what you are working on.
in world two there is a weekly thing with the skull pile that i wish i would have started paying attention to sooner... but you have to use the skulls it drops before the week ends or they go poof x.x
also do the dungeons at least once a week during happy hour, i cannot give them enough credit... and while getting a full party is a pain... at least three people does up the odds greatly. I can solo world two party dugeon except the last snake has 8 million health and i dont have paitences to try to solo that with my low score...
but do the dugeon, focus on getting purple monies until you have all the books at 100, and then focus on getting your defense and accuracy skill up...
with the blue money MAX BLOCK and id also try to get the starting weapon as strong as possible. those items are great! you get more with achievements... and are absolutely worth it.
What Else Should I Talk About?
I dont really want to tell you how to put your talent points, or what gear is best gear... I think you should decided that for yourself, but i absolutely do think that the order that you pick your people can be maxed better than the guide they made before world three was a thing.
so feel free to tell me in the comments if you want me to explain anything else, i'll add screenshots to this in a day or two to try to help things along.
OHHHH the piggy under the clown... yeah, absolutely, as soon as you can find him and then look on youtube for what the heck he is talking about. Just dont do what i did. watch it all the way until the end to see if only a certain class can do it because you have to wear a specific shirt or something. how annoying.
also, check out whats in the grate behind scroll dude in first one. this part of the map drops stuff you need, has a stuff for chop and trap in here.
get your number one fighting guy skills all to level 15 with all gold tools. balloons are your friends with that though.
DO NOT IMPROVE YOUR WEAPON OR TOOL UNTIL YOUR CHAR IS HIGH ENOUGH LEVEL TO USE THEM *facepalm* I made the icebow, realized that neither archer is hight enough, had to make a new bow, didn't have enough to make the step below it x.x like fml. just because you can make the thing doesn't always mean you should
gold food is your friend, but normal food is needed to not die until you have really good defense, find your balance or buy the food slots
you do get more chest slots in game in shops and building... you get more food slots in world three task buy
oh, wait before you upgrade how fast things respawn... there are quest that want you to empty the screen before respawn...
Loney in world three wants the leaves from world one and two of the chopping skill
Star signs are worth unlocking and help... having two presets of everythign also helps...
some monsters you want to leave people at until they drop the stupidly rare thing, like mimics and the tab two scroll, or the stupid frisbee
Not only buy the sculting tools and give it to the stone block asap with every toon, but as soon as you get to world two and can, buy the golden tools and unlock lots of the share statues
there is several have a stack achievements, you can make two stacks and split stack
the money achievements needs to be on your first toon when you open the game (three days to figure THAT out)
i totally bought all the card slots
*face palm* teh secret class... yeah, later
.... anything else?
... i realize i promised to talk about this... but gods, its been over 6 hours and nope, not today....
but i'm gonna drop screenshots later and talk then. sorry x..x i need off my comptuer
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982857483
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