Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game - How to Get Unique Leaves

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game - How to Get Unique Leaves

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game - How to Get Unique Leaves image 0

Details on how to get all the Unique Leaves

Guide To Unique Leaves

Unique Leaves

Crystal Leaf
  • +2 daily reward gems.
  • Use Hands in Neighbors Yard
  • Requires 1 c Platinum Leaves
Fire Leaf
  • ALB Enemy Damage increased by 800%.
  • Use the Lazer in the void.
  • Requires 1 C void Leaves.
Ghost Leaf
  • BLC Value Increased by 500%.
  • Use the Blowfish in Space.
  • Requires 1 d Cosmic Leaves.
Glitter Leaf
  • Increases Combo Rewards by 300%.
  • Use any rake on the mountain.
  • Requires 1 D Bismuth Leaves.
Heart Leaf
  • Increase all fruit reward by 1000%.
  • Use Basic Leaf Blower in your Own Garden.
  • Requires 100 e Gold Leaves.
Rainbow Leaf
  • Increases seed reward by 50%.
  • Use the Rocket Engine in the Celestial Plane.
  • Requires 100 k Celestial Leaves.
Robot Leaf
  • Increases Printer Output by 5000%.
  • Use the Graphics Card in the Abyss.
  • Requires 1 m Exotic Leaves.

Leaf Blower Revolution - Idle Game - How to Get Unique Leaves image 18

Important Things To Note

  • The leaf has to be blown off the screen. Just stay behind it and inch slowly, no need to keep going past it to drag it along.
  • You can only equip one Unique Leaf at once. You can keep a leaf equipped at all times.
  • If a relevant leaf is not spawning, teleport away and come back.
  • You need the 20mil BLC upgrade before unique leaves will spawn.
  • The leaf will spawn instantly once you equip the right tool in the right world providing you have the required amount of leaves.
  • The leaf is giant and impossible to miss. It's about the size of a medium enemy and spawn right in the middle of the screen.
  • The unique leaf will not de-spawn so you are safe to AFK.

What Does 1 C Mean?

This is the number of leaves you have. It goes in order (each one lower on this list is a factor 1000x).

  • 1
  • 1000 = 1e3
  • 1 m = 1,000,000 = 1e6
  • 1 b = 1,000,000,000 = 1e9
  • 1 t = 1,000,000,000 = 1e12
  • 1 a = 1e15
  • 1 A = 1e18
  • (b is missed out because b = billion)
  • (B is missed out because ?)
  • 1 c = 1e21
  • 1 C = 1e24
  • 1 d = 1e27
  • 1 D = 1e30
  • 1 e = 1e33

For whatever reason this game does not have an option to change to the scientific mode.

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/9162-leaf-blower-revolution-idle-game.html					

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