Core's balance patches and gameplay fixes.


This guide will be used as an official tracker of unofficial patch by me. These changes will be tested before merging to the main game, but as it's rpgmaker, we are dealing with, this might yield me a headache and it's amazing! . Note! if you decide to play no the unreleased version of my patches, make sure to back up your saves, as i'm unaware of all rpgmaker f***ery.

Get the latest version on our discord[] !

You can beat me up all you want because the game isn't easy, or my early builds are written with English mastery of an infant.These things will change, as the development proceeds further, some builds will be harder, some easier, but the game should become more interesting without grinding your way up.

Main focus of upcoming patches will be as follows, but not limited to:

Combat flow and battle game play

Item economy

Armor and skill balances

Stats and growth

Enemy stat balance

Patching exploits

more features


Here will be some useful info for older players that decided to come back. And some general hints on what to look for to get that edge on the enemy.


>version number only shows how many times patch was denied to be merged on any level of approval after release on the discord server.

>[{status}] will indicate at what level of development the patch is.

Magic Patch v1 [merged]

Armor Patch v1 [merged]

Item Patch v3 [play-testing] (changes might be made)

Combat overhaul

Magic Patch V1 Notes:

Patch was needed as the magic was totally broken, and many values didn't change since play testing stage.

Damage of all spells is reduced on average by 2 times.

Physical attack damage buffed, and made more dependent on stats.

Dark Flames no longer make ultimate attack blush in shame, overall massive nerf, but get their use in attacks that need to bypass high magic resistance (for future).

Magic cast costs are made higher, to reflect current game balance.

Low tier healing spells can now fail to heal a body part.

Armor Patch V1

I didn't know there was such a thing as armor, nor was it like... needed, but making them better will help with upcoming balance changes that will make the game harder for casuals for sure.

Armor just became useful.

Every type now has a special build in mind, keeping it on the back of your head, might make the play though easier.

Nothing much else, just some tweaks to boss armors, if I didn't mess it up.

Upcoming: Items & Economy Patch (current V3 In Testing)

This patch will be the biggest as of yet, and it will require to fix the most broken thing in this game - economy. With my first play through ending on level 22, i had so many unused potions and items that it was possible to fight an immortal being until the end of times. Same was with other players who finished the game. Alchemist nun was used if people wanted to get some things, but wasn't required, healer was optional, and items in general were only useful to grow stats on chapter 4-5 when enemies start to pack a punch.

Changes are not set in stone, yet, some might add, some will be removed.

Girl saving now takes an effort! Holy sh*t, that's unseen! Cure them with potions from the alchemist nun, or rather watch them enjoy their flesh prison and collect some rare material! (Note: to get the full reward you need both magic and regular potion)

Item drops were reduced, in average it's 4 times less likely to get times, and armor pieces are pretty rare to find, so make sure to use them once acquired!

Ignoring girls exploit for inf corruption, exp and items is patched ( only partially, as it's replaced with other feature, needs testing)

Alchemist inf potions and mana potions are patched, now it's only provided after you get some material, and only if you have enough of it (needs testing, magic value is 3 secretions).

Milk nun rates are reduced, and if grinded, I will limit her rates too, use a healer, keep yourself in check .

Milk is now more potent healing item, but not good enough for efficient combat use.

Semen now has unique to it's type abilities, some are useful in combat. (locales might be broken sometimes)

Birthing now reduces mp and hp, leveling up reduces max mp and hp faster, don't abuse it, or you might f*ck up your run. will be revisited on a later patch, leveling isn't balanced well.

Upcoming: Combat Overhaul [in Research]

This patch should make it easier for you to stay in the field for longer, but overstaying your welcome will most certainly prove to be dangerous. Body parts will take damage instead of you suffering the full price, their KO won't be healed after battle, or with regular healing spells. Some solutions might be added later. Enemies will no longer go down easily and just sponge up damage, bosses will provide a more unique experience through buff/debuff system with some removing skills or gaining 100% resistance on some attack types/elements. Regular enemies won't be a cannon fodder for late game characters, as it's not really an issue to avoid combat altogether if you are careful enough. Different enemies will require different approaches, as their helping parties will supply more help to main body, and some may even be decoys, that will regenerate infinitely until the secret main body is disposed of.


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