Easy(Cheated) Way To Achieve MASTER MATCHER

Easy(Cheated) Way To Achieve MASTER MATCHER

Using Cheat Engine To Slow Down The Game

Easy(Cheated) Way To Achieve MASTER MATCHER image 1

Easy(Cheated) Way To Achieve MASTER MATCHER image 2
Easy(Cheated) Way To Achieve MASTER MATCHER image 3

Open the game process in Cheat Engine, check Enable Speedhack in right column.

Then you can slow down the game, giving more time to think and react.

Though you still need to get familiar with the game mechanics.

Only a >4 match or >2 combo will deal damage. Try to set up at least 2 sets of 4 match as much as possible.

And the arcade can custom keyboard controls. Make sure every button can be reached easily, including PAUSE.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3161578294					

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