Character Creation: What You Should Consider & Know
RoguePriestMageThe very first choice you're given, and for most, the hardest. Which ever class you choose at the very beginning, will determine whether your gameplay is a pleasurable one, or a, not so pleasurable one. Don't get to nervous though, cause this section of the guide is dedicated to help you choose the right class to play with!
Class Difficulty Entertainment Diversity Warrior ★★ ★★★ ★
★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★
Warrior The Warrior class is by far the easiest class you can select. Although it is very monotone, if you're just starting Knight Online (For the first time), I highly suggest this class. They have very good Health, Defense, and Attack. They do have access to a wide variety of weapons (Probably the most choices out of all classes), and are typically your front line. The most popular Warrior skill line is Attack and Defense (Attack as primary, Defense as secondary).
The class is probably the most skill demanding class in my opinion. It is also one of the best classes for solo play. They have outstanding burst damage, high mobility, and much more in their skill kit such as healing and curing. The class has the choice of Archery and Assassin in their skill tree. Archers are very good at long range, and deadly at close range with the Arrow Shower/Multiple Shot combo. Assassins are typically known as the 'VS' class, since it's a very difficult class in PvP. It is most famously known for it's unique combo, 'Minor Combo', which is guarenteed to give you finger cramps if you're just starting.
The class is an essential class for team play. You're the hero that Gotham needs. s have the ability to increase (& Decrease) users Health and Defense, the ability to Heal, and the ability to revive players. The priest class has the choice of Buffer or Debuffer. Buffer's are priests who increase their team's health and defense, while Debuffers (Also known as Duffers) are priests who decrease enemy user or monsters health, defense or attack. There are also two different types of priest. INT or BP (Battle ). INT s are priest who use higher grade armors, with a mace and shield. BP's are priest who focus their stat points on strength. They are usually wearing lower grade armors, with a Two-Handed Mace or Sword.
The class is an class for group play. With a full team of mages, you will be able to incinerate anything in front of you. s have the ability to choose between three elements, Fire, Ice, and Lightning. There are two types of mages. INT s and Paper s. INT s are mages who use higher grade armors and staffs. Paper s are mages who puts all their stat points into Magic Power (MP) for higher damage. They are usually wearing lower grade armors and staffs. s have Single Target skills and AOE (Area of Effect) skills, which makes them great for farming items and gold.
Leveling Up: The Road To Knighthood
GrindingEXP Premium ControversyAfter you've created your character, your adventure begins. The first thing you should know as a player is, There isn't one way to play this game, you can play however you want. You can focus primarily on money, you can focus on items, or levels, or national points. Which ever you choose, and that's the beauty of it. EXPing can be catagorized in two ways, Questing and .
Questing This is probably the most effective way to level up throughout knight online. Especially at lower levels (Level 1-70). If you're just starting out, there is absolutely no need for you to grind at lower levels. Quests give you enormous amounts of EXP at lower levels (Some even give you a full level), and they also give you quest weapons, armors and accessories which is very helpful. There are also chain quests, which when you complete, another one begins. So make sure to read the quest information, as they may tell you to talk to a certain NPC.
This method is usually used in the higher levels, as there aren't as many quests available (Level 70-80). A lot of people tend to hate , so they choose to stay level 59 or lv 69 (See the PvP Section for more information as to why they do this). is usually when you stay at a spot, and kill the same monster for hours. This is usually done in a party, to kill monsters that reward higher EXP.
There is a lot of controversy about EXP Premium (As you probably saw in the game reviews). It's a purchasable power-up, that gives the user 300% EXP bonus for 30 days. Yes, 300%. It is very helpful, but it isn't as serious as people make it seem. If you start at the same time as someone with EXP Premium, when they reach level 80, you will probably be level 74. There is still a gap, but it doesn't make the game unplayable if you don't have Premium.
Gearing Up: The Road To Knighthood
Farming ItemsFarming Money & Buying ItemsNo matter your level, no matter your skill level, your items play a vital role on how effective you will be in PVE and PVP. There are some ways to get your items, and the items you will need heavily depend on what your class is, and what your role is. I'm going to separate this section into two different parts, one for items, and one for money.
This is probably the most known, and tiresome method in Knight Online. This requires a lot of grinding, but not for exp, but for drops. The drop rate for good items in Knight Online is relatively low. There are many places that drop high class items, such as (But not limited to!): Harpy Family (Harpy/Raven Harpy/Crimson Wing/Falcon), Troll Family (Troll, Troll Warrior, Troll Captain, Troll Berserker), Golem Family (Stone Golem, Giant Golem, Dark Stones, Titans), Dark Mare, Dread Mare, Centaur, Gargoyle (Or Gagoil?), etc. I plan on making a full list of good places to farm later on, but not in this guide.
This is probably what everyone wants to do, but don't know how to do effectively. One thing KO users have to realize, is that in order to make money, you have to have good money management. That means knowing when to repair, what pots to buy (720 HP Pots isn't always necessary!), and what to buy. One thing I always recommend is having a spare weapon or two, that way you don't have to repair every two seconds. There is 'set in stone' way to farm money, but the most effective way for newer players who can't camp and kill good bosses are:
Hobgoblins (Loot Noahs, Blessed Upgrade Scrolls), Cardinals (Loot Asga Fruit [For Humans], Loot Cardinal Jewel [For Orcs/Karus]), Mastodons in Colony Zone (Loot Blood of Glyptodont, Sell to shop), HORNETS in homeland (Loot Noahs), Saitoros/Aioncolo in Eslant (Loot all Garbage, sell to shop), Burning Stones [NOT FLAME ROCK] in homeland (Loot all Garbage, sell to shop).
Trading: Moradon, The Wall Street Of Knight Online
Protection Against Scammers!How To Make A ProfitBuy Low, And Sell HighBarteringThe GamblerMoradon is known for being the Trade Zone (It's also where you start in the game). Moradon is a very dangerous place, it is known to make or break people. The Anvil is also located in Moradon, which gives you a chance to increase the power of your weapons, but please know, that the Anvil is a double edged sword. It does have the chance to make your weapon a lot stronger, but it also has a chance to destroy your weapon too. This guide is to give you a general run down of how Moradon works, and what to do to double your money & protect it.
Be wary, just like Wall Street, there are sharks lurking in Moradon, trying to take everything from you. These are a couple of methods that are known so far (Note, there is probably a lot more scamming methods, so be careful):
Placing an item you want to trade inside the trade box, for example an Iron Cross Bow +7. Then they cancel the trade, and trade you again. This time, they put a regular bow +8 (Same Icon as Ironxbow) and trade it to you. You end up losing the item you traded, for a useless item.
USD Trading is also a known scamming method to be wary of. People will tell you to trade them the item, and they will send you money on PayPal or another website like it, only to log off as soon as you trade them the item.
3rd Party Websites, saying that they can sell you Gold Bars (A lot of Noahs) or items. Most are untrustworthy and will just take your money (Real Money), and leave you empty handed.
Ripoff artists! Make sure you know the true value of the items you are selling, because there are people who will offer only 10% of what your item is truly worth, or sell you an item for double what it's worth. Do not try and trade items in the market unless you really know their true value.
There are many opportunists in Moradon, and you can be one. One thing you have to realize, is that there is someone behind every character, and anyone can be socially engineered. Some people want to make a quick buck, some people are really patient. You can exploit every single one of them, which is why Moradon is dangerous.
This is probably the most used method in Moradon. With proper stalking, and knowledge, you will be able to use this method effectively. Some people are desperate to make a quick sale for money, as a result, they sell their items cheaper than what they are worth. As a BuyLowSellHigh User, your job is to swoop in like an eagle, and buy these items quickly before someone else does, and resell them at their market price, or a tad higher. Please note, Selling high doesn't mean to sell the item for 4x it's market price. It means, if the item is worth lets say, 40,000,000 noahs, you resell it for maybe 45,000,000 noahs.
This is also a common technique within Moradon. Instead of buying items with noahs, people trade items. This can also be used to your advantage because some people desperately need, or atleast think they need an item. Use this to your advantage and squeeze every penny you can out of them. This requires a bit more knowledge of the Moradon market, as you need to keep in mind how much the items price will inflate (Value increase) or deflate (Value decrease). Please note, some people will give you an offer, and when you decline, they will say something like "Ty" or "Bye". Some people who reply that, are just bluffing, so you can lower the price of your item, while others are serious. You have to learn the difference between the two to be an effective trader in Moradon.
This is the most risky of them all, as your investment isn't guarenteed. '' is a player who buys an item and upgrades them to resell. For example, the would buy a Raptor +5 for 10m, and try to upgrade the Raptor to +7 to resell for 100m. This method is extremely risky, as it is far from guarenteed. They also buy items like Blue Treasure Chests, Silvery Gems, Fragments from Bifrost and turn them in, for a chance for a unique item to resell. If you're an extremely lucky player and the Anvil Gods love you, then this may be for you.
PvP: Where The Spartans Charge
Ardream (Currently Disabled)Ronark Land Base (Currently Disabled)Ronark LandAfter you're all geared up, or at least comfortable with your current status, you will probably head out to the PvP Zone. Without the proper knowledge of PvPing, you will probably just get wrecked. So I'm here to break down the three PvP Zones, and what to expect.
Ardream is the zone that allows level 30-59 players to PvP with each other. Most of the items people use in ardream will not compare with the other zones. Ardream gives you a taste of what the PvP World is like. There are still people who are 100% committed to Ardream though. These people do not level up and stay 59 and pk all day for a variety of reasons. Ardream Players also have access to the Dark Lunar War, which allows level 59 and under players to participate in a war.
The Base zone is the zone that allows level 69 and under players to PvP with each other. The items are a bit more advanced than ardream, but typically the same (Just 1 or 2 grades higher?). You also have access to the Master skill tree line at level 60+, so expect stronger people in Base.
is the god father of all PvP Zones. It allows anyone above the level of 55 to enter and PvP. In this zone, you will see everything, and if you aren't properly geared and have some knowledge of PvP, chances are you will be a little fish, swimming in a ocean filled with sharks and killer whales... You will see a wide variety of items (Good to Godly), and the strongest of the strongest lurking within . They also have access to Lunar War, which is available to everyone above level 35 (I think?). Level 70+ Players also have access to events like Juraid Mountain (Which is also Disabled at the moment), and are able to wear powerful items like Krowaz Armor and Weapons.
[More will be added within this section soon, to talk about classes and their role in PvP]
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