[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players

[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players


My friends and I occasionally like to take a break and run some 'Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes' rounds. We've been doing this for a while now. The thing is, over time we have become more and more professional in the field - and with the help of others, we have begun to crack the method of succeeding to defuse the bombs effectively yet without affecting the pleasure.

While we have seen different and varied tools for more effective defusing, the tools we have come across are split into two groups:

Written guides, just like this one - without any sophistication.

Require the use of external tools or installations of some kind.So, I decided to take the reins in my hands and while it needed to be based on some 'smart' tool, I wanted something simple that would be available to most, if not all, of the cast.

Which is why I chose Microsoft Excel.

The next guide will not focus on the effective method or behind-the-scenes code simply because it is accessible to everyone. Feel free to choose a specific cell and see its contents in full. The guide will briefly explain how to use the custom manual to enable optimal use and save you and your friends valuable time in the crazy race to defuse your next bomb.

Let's get started?

Usage And Download Link

Usage:The manual toolkit is built so that each module is a spreadsheet on its own. To move from one module to another, a switch between the spreadsheets required.

Tip: To move between spreadsheets you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + PgDn / PgUp.

In addition to the modules, there are two additional spreadsheets: Defuser (Orange) and Introduction (Green), which include some tools to help the defuser and for operating the entire toolkit. A detailed explanation of all the spreadsheets can be found below.

At the top of each spreadsheet (except the main one - Introduction), you will find a "back" button in the upper left that will help you quickly access the Introduction tab.

Download link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJcTREgISoWImCRJhaFxicCCE-q2RUa3

A third-party toolkit made by TheGosh is based on my original excel sheet(s) and improves\changes some parts of Wires, Complicated Wires, Who's on First, Memory and Passwords modules.

Thanks for sharing the improvements!

Download link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c8yX0DlZ6VjpYrTXy07Vl3BQSnQjzn_L


This spreadsheet is not for you. It's in order to help your friend who is defusing the bomb in real-time. I concentrated on four pages of A4 useful tools that might help them during the neutralization.

The thinking behind the concentrated data is a multitude of actions so while you assist them with a particular module, the defuser can perform additional modules on its own, saving valuable time.

The layout is conveniently designed for printing on three A4 pages, and you are welcome to use them as you see fit.

The first page contains practical information for defusing different modules:

The Button.

Simon Says.


Morse Code.

Keypads.The second page contains abstract concepts for the various signs in the Keypads module.

The third page contains blank tables for manually filling the Memory module.

The fourth page contains some useful tips regarding some modules and communication.


[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 31

The introduction lets you make sure you're ready for the next round. It concentrates on all the operational things required of the expert before starting.

Reset Spreadsheets:Before starting a new game, and to save valuable time, I recommend resetting the following spreadsheets:


The Button.

Complicated Wires.




The fields below ("At the beginning of a round").Why these? Simple - because these are the spreadsheets where you will actively change things in.

At the beginning of a round:At the start of the game, some data should be filled in to help you defuse the various modules:

Last digit of the serial number: Wires, Complicated Wires.

Specify the number (0-9).

Number of batteries: The Button, Complicated Wires.

Specify the number (0-9).

If the serial number contains a vowel: Simon Says.

Specify "V" for true, "X" for false.

If there is a lit indicator with label FRK: The Button.

Specify "V" for true, "X" for false.

If the bomb has a parallel port: Complicated Wires.

Specify "V" for true, "X" for false.Depending on the modules that appear on your bomb, at the beginning of each game, you should enter at least the first two details by a quick scan of the sides of the bomb.

Entering the information in the appropriate fields will automatically enter the information in the relevant spreadsheets.

Table of Contents:To the right of the spreadsheet, you will find the list of all modules arranged in ascending order.


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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 56

The spreadsheet is divided into 3 sections:

Specify the wires:This is the main part of the spreadsheet. The bomb defuser tells you the order of the wires, and you enter the wires in the order indicated.

Tip: After each wire, press Enter to jump to the next one.

At the bottom, you can find a summary of the number of wires mentioned so far, which helps in calculating the operations.

To save time, instead of entering the entire wire color, only the first (or second) letter is required:

R = Red.

B = Blue.

W = White.

Y = Yellow.

L = Black.

Result:Depending on the data you enter, the required result will be calculated immediately. The result will appear in the relevant row (3 wires = third row, 4 wires = fourth row, etc.).

Required data:As mentioned in the Introduction, the Wires module requires the last digit of the serial number. If you filled out the data at the beginning of the round, there will be no problem. Conversely, if you forgot to do so - you will not be able to get the result until you enter the data required.

Therefore, instead of going back to the Introduction tab, you can enter the data in the spreadsheet itself.

Note: Entering the data in the table overrides the Introduction input.

In case you want something more simplified, you can find the abstract explanation for the calculations made at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

The Button

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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 75

The button has two options:

Press and immediately release.

Releasing a held button.Choosing an option:

This is the main part of the spreadsheet. If one of the first three conditions is met, you must press and release the button immediately.

Note: each of the three conditions has 2 sections. Only if both are true, the condition is necessarily true.FYI: There is an edge case where the third condition for 'Press and immediately release' may exist while the button will be white and with a 'CAR' label. In this case, hold the button. The case is described in the toolkit, but the odds of it coming out are almost nonexistent.

Otherwise, wait for the color band to appear in the side strip. Once it appears, release according to the color so that the countdown timer has the specified digit in any position:

Yellow = 5.

Blue = 4.

Any other color = 1.

Required data:As mentioned in the Introduction, the Wires module requires both the number of batteries and if there is a lit indicator with label FRK. If you filled out the data at the beginning of the round, there will be no problem. Conversely, if you forgot to do so - you will not be able to get the result until you enter the data required.

Therefore, instead of going back to the Introduction tab, you can enter the data in the spreadsheet itself.

Note: Entering the data in the table overrides the Introduction input.

Wire Sequences

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Wire Sequences is a relatively simple module, so all I did is create a neat table showing the cases where the wires needed to be cut. Now all that remains is that the defuser reads the wires in order (for example: "Red-A, Black-A, Blue-C") and you track the number of wires of each color by holding Ctrl + pressing the left mouse button.

Note: if you want to be on safe side, you can paint the cell in the color of your choice.

Complicated Wires

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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 94
[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 95

The Complicated Wires module is just called so, it's not really that complicated.

Is required to cut:This is the main part of the spreadsheet. Very simple - if it says "cut", cut it. Otherwise, don't.

Note: White wire with another color combination (red / blue) is irrelevant.

Meaning: white+red / white+blue = red / blue.

Required data:As mentioned in the Introduction, the Wires module requires both the last digit of the serial number, number of batteries and if the bomb has a parallel port. If you filled out the data at the beginning of the round, there will be no problem. Conversely, if you forgot to do so - you will not be able to get the result until you enter the data required.

Therefore, instead of going back to the Introduction tab, you can enter the data in the spreadsheet itself.

Note: Entering the data in the table overrides the Introduction input.


[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 104

There is not much to do about the Keypads, so I made sure to mark the unique signs for each column and give simple names for each one of them.

The table is color-coded to help you identify duplicates, but the original table is still available next to it in case you prefer it.

Note: No matter what names you give the signs, make sure you and the defuser understand what it is.


[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 109

Having trouble remembering orally? Just for that, the next spreadsheet was created. Choose the configuration you like (right or left) and enter the appropriate details in the lower fields.

Button labeled = the label number on top of the button.

Location pressed = The button position on which the defuser pressed.

In the top table, you will see the results that the bomb defuser is required to click on.

Button labeled = the label number on top of the button the defuser is required to click on.

[position] position = The button position on which the defuser is required to click on.

Who’s On First

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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 118

Unfortunately, there is no effective way to remember all the words that match.

Step 1 (Display):

I arranged the existing words a little more readily. The words are arranged in ascending order and similar words are color-coded.

Step 2 (Buttons):

I have omitted words that are not required. The words are arranged in ascending order and similar words are color-coded.

Tip: It is not possible to expedite processes or remember the word sequences. At the same time, it takes a long time for each word to change and reappear. The recommendation is to press a button, leave for another module and return later. You will be surprised by how much time you can save.


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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 127

Mazes is a module that takes some time but is not too complicated.

Choosing a preferred method:

You can choose your preferred method of displaying the data, either as a spreadsheet (A, 1) or coordinates (1, 1).

Choosing the right maze:Because there are no similar mazes, ask the bomb defuser to tell you the coordinates of the nearest green dot to the left side.

Note: Whether you prefer to say the column number first then a row or vice versa, make sure you both are on the same page.Tip: To facilitate the targeting process, aids can be used on the spreadsheet left side and dragged to the relevant place.

Simon Says

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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 135

Self Explanatory.

For your convenience, there are also graphic diagrams for those who prefer them.

Required data (not really):As mentioned in the Introduction, the Simon Says module requires the if the serial number contains a vowel. If you filled out the data at the beginning of the round, there will be no problem. Conversely, if you forgot to do so - you will not be able to get the result until you enter the data required.

Therefore, instead of going back to the Introduction tab, you can simply ask the defuser if there is a vowel or not.


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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 142

The method is based on the fact that there is not a large number of words with the same third and fifth letters:

Enter all of the options for both the third and fifth letters.

Using the list that you've created, choose the first third letter option and see if it is relevant. If the table is empty of words, you should move on to the next letter.

Then, using the same method, choose the first fifth letter - until the appropriate word is found.

Tip: Disregard the letters J, Q, X and Z (these letters will be colored in red).

Morse Code

Self Explanatory. Just follow the chart.

Note: 6-letter words are highlighted in red because each password consists of only 5 letters.


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[Microsoft Excel] The Ultimate Manual Toolkit for Experienced Players image 153

There are two options, both of which are based on the same principle that only the six left LEDs are required. Each word refers to a column (two vertical LEDs), with the beginning being from the leftmost column.

Method № 1: Simplified ColumnsFollow the six left LEDs, each time indicating the light bulbs ratio of a specific column - and find out the correct knob position.Top = Top LED is on, bottom LED is off.

Bottom = Top LED is off, bottom LED is on.

None = No LEDs are on.

Both = two LEDs are on.

Method № 2: Counting lit LEDsBased on 'Method № 1', each knob position has its own unique pattern(s), which has a different number of lit LEDs between 0 and 5 (2 specific patterns).

Up = 4 lit LEDs.

Down = 3 lit LEDs / 5 lit LEDs (top-left LED is off).

Left = 1 lit LED / 0 lit LEDs.

Right = 5 lit LEDs (top-middle LED is off).


v1.2 [2020-02-10]Additions:

Keypads: Color-coded table

Simon Says: Graphical diagrams

Who's on First: Similar words are color-codedImprovements:

Morse Code: Lighter presentation (without using images)

Passwords: Unneeded letters will be colored in red.Fixes:

The Button: Reference to edge case where rules #3 and #4 are met

v1.1.1 [2020-02-07]Additions:

Defuser: 'Useful Tips' section

Morse Code: Words data-tableImprovements:

The Button: Removed repetition of 'white' color strip and 'any other color (red)'

Simon Says: Better presentation using images and cells arrangement

Passwords: Better cells arrangement

Knobs: Better presentation using images and easier decision making

v1.1 [2020-01-23]Additions:

Introduction and Button: Icons

Mazes: 'Preferred method' (Coordinates/Spreadsheet)Improvements:

Who's on First: better presentation by using underlines, colors and arrows

Knobs: better presentation by using colors and arrows

Keypads: icons as individual images for easier selectionFixes:

Memory: Fixed an issue with wrong cell reference (Stage: 4, Display: 4)

Wires: Fixed an issue of the wrong check for red wires

v1.0 [2019-12-01]Release


This project would not be possible without:

Shortened Version of Manual for Experienced players by Xgpmcnp

Assorted Cheat Sheets for Bomb Manual Version 1 by Cypher

The Visual Bomb Defusal Manual[fizzystack.web.fc2.com] by TheFIZZYnator

KTANE Discord Community[discord.gg]

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1924009737					

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