Gifting Guide ()

Gifting Guide ()

Chen Yuanzhou - 陈远舟 (9/10 Found)

Gifting Guide () image 1

Bighead Carp - 白鲢: 5❤️

Sea Bass - 花鲈: 5❤️

Black Carp - 青鱼: 5❤️

Goldfish - 金鱼: 5❤️

Braised Silver Carp - 红烧鲢鱼: 5❤️

Crucian Carp Soup - 鲫鱼汤: 5❤️

Steamed Bighead Carp - 清蒸白鲢: 5❤️

Steamed Sea Bass* - 清蒸花鲈: 9❤️

Bamboo Flute** - 山音竹笛: 9❤️

*Recipe can be earned through one of his early quests. 菜谱可从他的早期任务获得。

**Given as an early quest reward, can also be purchased from travelling merchant. 早期任务奖励,也可以从旅行商人处购买。

Mu Xia - 牧夏 (6/10 Found)

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Honeysuckle Flower - 金银花: 5❤️

Beef Shaomai - 牛肉烧麦: 5❤️

Xiaolongbao - 小笼包: 5❤️

Pearl Oyster - 珍珠蚌: 5❤️

Red Flower* - 仙芋花: 9 ❤️

A book on flowers(?)** - 四时百花宴: 9❤️

*Can be found in Sunset Forest. 可在斜照林找到。

**English name unconfirmed. Can be purchased from travelling merchant. 可以从旅行商人处购买。

Wei Hong - 卫泓 (6/10 Found)

Gifting Guide () image 24

Yellow Frog - 金线灵蛙: 5❤️

Ghost Mushroom - 鬼面菇: 5❤️

Dry Braised Frog - 干锅灵蛙: 5❤️

Shrimp Kebab - 明火虾烤串: 5❤️

Xiaolongbao - 小笼包: 5❤️

Machine Puppet(?)* - 机关偶: 9❤️

*English name unconfirmed.

Li Mengqing - 李梦卿 (5/10 Found)

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Preserved Fruit - 五果蜜饯: 5❤️

Jujube Cake - 红灵枣糕: 5❤️

Rice Cake - 年糕: 5❤️

Wolf Fang Sword(?)* - 狼牙剑: 5❤️

Collection of the Lost Stories** - 散佚话本汇编: 9❤️

*English name unconfirmed.

**Can be purchased from travelling merchant. 可以从旅行商人处购买。

You Jinghe - 游景和 (4/10 Found)

Gifting Guide () image 42

Liangpi (food) - 凉皮: 5❤️

Liquor* - 七香烧酒: 5❤️

Yellow Wine* - 珍玉黄酒: 5❤️

Sky Hammer(?)** - 天工锤: 9❤️

*Can be bought at the Inn. 可在客栈购买。

**English name unconfirmed. Can be purchased from travelling merchant. 可以从旅行商人处购买。

Ji Yaohua - 纪瑶华 (5/10 Found)

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Jujube Cake - 红灵枣糕: 5❤️

Scarlet Sage - 庆山红: 5❤️

Honeysuckle Flower - 金银花: 5❤️

Cloth - 布匹: 9❤️

Purple Embroidery(?)* - 云霞彩绣: 9❤️

*English name unconfirmed.

Yang Ziqin - 杨子勤 (9/10 Found)

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Tofu - 豆腐: 5❤️

Bamboo Shoot - 竹笋: 5❤️

Anima Herb - 灵心草: 5❤️

Health Elixir - 血气丹: 5❤️

Mana Elixir - 灵力丹: 5❤️

Wolf Fang Sword(?)* - 狼牙剑: 5❤️

Zhanyue Sword (?)* - 湛岳剑: 5❤️

Jingyun Sword (?)* - 景云剑: 5❤️

Records of Guiyun Sect** - 归云志: 9❤️

*English name unconfirmed.

**Can be purchased from travelling merchant. 可以从旅行商人处购买。

Special Thanks - 特殊感谢

Thank you for contributing to the guide! 谢谢以下大佬!

- 老贝

- namio

- 心理痛[HK]

- LaJosieJo


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