Metro Anomalies

Metro Anomalies


Metro Anomalies image 1

Metro Anomalies image 2
Metro Anomalies image 3
Metro Anomalies image 4
Metro Anomalies image 5
Metro Anomalies image 6
Metro Anomalies image 7
Metro Anomalies image 8

Missing information board:

Object Disappearance


Man squating:



Bottle moved:

Object movement


Black hole:

Abyss presence


Floating Sanitizer:



Escalators moving in same direction:



Scary face:

Tv/Monitor Anomaly


Pineapple on vending machine:

Extra object



Metro Anomalies image 34
Metro Anomalies image 35
Metro Anomalies image 36
Metro Anomalies image 37
Metro Anomalies image 38

Metro Anomalies image 39
Metro Anomalies image 40
Metro Anomalies image 41
Metro Anomalies image 42

Extra can:

Extra object


Missing Exit sign:

Object disappearance


Different name on Monitor 'Pasta':

Tv/Monitor Anomaly


Scary face:

Picture anomaly


Big face in the floor:

Note: This Anomaly has an Audio Queue on any camera; A lady will announce "Intruder Alert!"



Fallen over ATM:

Note: This Anomaly has an Audio Queue on any camera as well as a visual Queue on the "Gate" Camera

Object movement


Bright light from trash can:

Light anomaly


Door repeatedly opening and closing:

Door opening/closing


Stairs replaced by escalator:




Metro Anomalies image 73
Metro Anomalies image 74
Metro Anomalies image 75

Metro Anomalies image 76
Metro Anomalies image 77
Metro Anomalies image 78
Metro Anomalies image 79
Metro Anomalies image 80
Metro Anomalies image 81

Picture changes:

Picture anomaly


Extra beer bottle:

Extra object


Bright light from entrance:

Light anomaly


Travel board missing:

Object disappearance


Wet sign board moved:

Object movement


Lady staring at camera phase 1:

Note: This anomaly you need to report it first as an intruder. It will then turn into a doll and no longer be an intruder. Once a doll report as an extra object.



Doll staring at camera phase 2:

Note: This anomaly you need to report it first as an intruder. It will then turn into a doll and no longer be an intruder. Once a doll report as an extra object.

Extra object


Eye picture on entrance:



Turnstile repeatedly moving:

Object movement



Metro Anomalies image 112

Metro Anomalies image 113
Metro Anomalies image 114
Metro Anomalies image 115
Metro Anomalies image 116
Metro Anomalies image 117
Metro Anomalies image 118
Metro Anomalies image 119
Metro Anomalies image 120

Box missing:

Object disappearance


Beer bottle moved:

Object movement


Extra train carriage:

Extra object


Man moving towards you:



Cat artefact:

Extra Object


Scary face on monitor:

Tv/monitor Anomaly


Bench disappeared:

Object disappearance


Trash can on fire!:



Scary poster face:

Picture anomaly



Metro Anomalies image 149

Metro Anomalies image 150
Metro Anomalies image 151
Metro Anomalies image 152
Metro Anomalies image 153
Metro Anomalies image 154
Metro Anomalies image 155
Metro Anomalies image 156

Suit case missing:

Object disappearance


Train carriage door is open:

Door opening/closing


Extra item on train seat:

Extra object


Graffiti on the wall:



Scary poster face:

Picture anomaly


Chubby Lady sitting on train seat:



Book moved:

Object movement


Whole train carriage distorts




Metro Anomalies image 182
Metro Anomalies image 183
Metro Anomalies image 184
Metro Anomalies image 185
Metro Anomalies image 186

Metro Anomalies image 187
Metro Anomalies image 188
Metro Anomalies image 189
Metro Anomalies image 190
Metro Anomalies image 191

Creepy guy staring at you phase 1:

Note: This anomaly can not be reported as an intruder when he is in the far top right of the tracks or viewed from train. He needs to move to the bottom left of the tracks to be reported. Will see him move in the train camera "phase 2".

No type of anomaly reporting


Creepy guy moving Phase 2:

Note: This anomaly can not be reported as an intruder when he is in the far top right of the tracks or viewed from the train. He needs to move to the bottom left of the tracks to be reported. Will see him move in the train camera "phase 2".

No type of anomaly reporting


Creepy guy staring at you phase 3:

Note: This anomaly can not be reported as an intruder when he is in the far top right of the tracks or viewed from the train. He needs to move to the bottom left of the tracks to be reported. Will see him move in the train camera "phase 2".



Tracks Distort:



Scary picture:

Picture anomaly


Protea plant growing in between tracks:

Extra object


Bottle moving back and forth:

Object movement


Bright light:

Light anomaly


New Writing on the wall:



Sleeping Rug missing:

Object disappearance



More I'm on Observation Duty 5 guilds