If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude

If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude

Well, Let's Get Started / Hora De Empezar (En Español Mas Abajo)

If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 1

If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 2
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 3
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 4
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 5
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 6
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 7
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 8
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 9
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 10
If the game doesn't open, look at this, may this serve you. / Si el juego no te abre mira esto, capaz te ayude image 11


Step 1

So I was able to open the game smoothly by downloading this two DLL files



Once downloaded from this page: https://es.dll-files.com/

Step 2

You have to put it inside the folder of the game nothing more, where the .exe is and if you had the same problem as me the game can start quietly.

Step 3

Don't open the game from the .exe because it will pull error you need steam to open the game

Step 4

just open the game from steam and its done.


Go to the no more heroes folder, once in that folder starts the game .exe, once you start the game if it throws error telling you that dll files are missing Use this page to find that same file you're missing: https://es.dll-files.com/

Once you downloaded your DLL files only there you paste them into the game folder where the game launcher is and there should go everything normally. Don't open the game from the .exe because it will pull error that you need steam to open the game, open the game from steam.

Enjoy this beautiful game



Paso 1:

Bien descargando estos dos archivos DLL pude hacer que el juego iniciara sin problemas.



Una vez descargado de esta pagina: https://es.dll-files.com/

Paso 2:

Una vez descargado ahi que ponerlo en la carpeta del juego.

Paso 3:

Si te sale este error no entres en pánico, solamente inicia el juego desde steam y no desde el .exe

Paso 4:

Disfruta el juego


Vayan a su carpeta de No more heroes, una vez ahí ejecutar el launcher.exe, si les tira error de que les falta archivos DLL, vayan a esta pagina: https://es.dll-files.com/

Una vez que descargues los archivos DLL que te tiraba error el launcher, solamente pon todo en la carpeta principal de no more heroes

después de eso no tienen que ejecutar el .exe de la carpeta si no que tiene que ir a ejecutarlo desde steam o tendrá este error.

Y con eso estaría todo, disfruten el juego.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2512639257					

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