This is intended not as a guide how to complete each type of challenge fast, but to try to summarize which challenges help complete other challenges faster, and therefore are probably best to complete first. An attempt is made also to try to highlight which challenges can be done reasonably quickly early in the game, and which benefit most from doing them later when you have more power (pets/pet growth/crystal power/might growth) and relevant "helpful" challenge series complete.
Each challenge section will have the following information. Note that I skipped UAC (see UBC effectively) and the Day challenges - as you can always just repeat them if you think you can do significantly better than the last time, and they don't take long enough to bother scheduling them, unlike challenge series that will often take weeks or months to complete.
Reward: What the main long-term reward of the challenge is (ignoring clones/chocolate/GP/etc.).
Cap: How many of these can be done while increasing the main reward.
Prerequisite challenges: Any challenges that are either mandatory (in-game requirement) or speed things up so much they are virtually required.
Beneficial challenge rewards: Challenge rewards that will speed up this challenge series, but are not absolutely necessary (in some cases challenge series have circular benefits with each other) - note indirect boosts via raising clones, pet growth, crystal power are not considered here, and I have skipped mentioned UCC here as everything would be helped by the rewards that in some way (if they can be done after it).
Essential / Required for: Challenge series that either require in-game this challenge series (or some of them) to be done, or are made much faster and easier by doing this first.
Helpful for: Challenge series that will be helped by the reward but not to the point it seems essential to do this first. Again this only considers the reward for the challenge, not the incidental base power (pet growth, might boost gain, etc.) you are getting as a side effect of doing the challenge, and I have skipped mentioned UCC here as everything helps that in some way.
Estimated duration (early game): An extremely rough idea of how long each challenge is likely to take - especially rough for early game as you gain in so many areas so quickly that the time to do a challenge can drop massively even during the course of doing one series of challenges in some cases. Generally this time would presume you have done any challenge series listed as "Essential/Required" but not much else, but for all but the presumed earliest challenge series having done at least 1-2 challenge series before it (so with a few pets, training 1-capped, etc.).
Estimated duration (mid game): A rough estimate of how long each challenge will take having done about half the challenge series in the game (assuming not too much time spent speed running, growing pets outside challenges, crystal power farming, etc.) - probably including most or all of the "beneficial challenges" (apart from the circular ones), and time to build up a decent roster of pets with a fair amount of growth (20 at 10-15k?), might boost, crystal power (5-10k+?), etc.
Estimated duration (late game): A rough estimate of how long each challenge will take having done most challenges in the game (of course faster speeds will be possible if micromanaging heavily, or if buying divinity, or stocking up tickets, etc.), with something like 30 or more pets most of which are 20-25k+, 30k+ crystal power (unless looking at the CPC challenge where most of that likely comes from if only doing challenges), etc.
Comments: Some further waffle about when it might be best to do this challenge, what benefits it has or what things are best to do before it, etc.
DRC: Double Rebirth Challenge
Reward: Up to 50 free might levels whenever Might unlocks (60 with UCC rewards).
Cap: 50 (reward will rise to 60 with UCC4 done).
Prerequisite challenges: None.
Beneficial challenge rewards: AAC, CBC.
Essential/Required for: 1kC, NDC, GSC, CBC, UCC, TMC.
Helpful for: PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 12 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 6 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 4 hours
Comments: Essential for kickstarting might growth early on when you don't have the clones to level it manually, as well as making your rebirths much more powerful (both by increasing all stats via Total Might, and making unleash duration longer), so really want to do these before doing anything that is basically a series of might rebirths (except UBCs due to this challenge reward being specifically disabled) - of course most of those have doing at least one of these as an in-game prequisite, but beyond that they will be significantly easier with all of these done.
1kC: One Thousand Clones Challenge
Reward: Increased clone might building speed by up to 200% (250% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 40 (reward will rise to 50 with UCC14 done).
Prerequisite challenges: DRC.
Beneficial challenge rewards: AAC, CBC.
Essential/Required for: PMC, NRC, UCC.
Helpful for: -
- Estimated duration (early game): 16 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 8 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 5 hours
Comments: Difficult to place in the order - it will get faster as your base power boosters (pets/might boost/crystal power) grow more than anything, and is only really needed before the likely to be quite late challenges that require lots of might levels to do efficiently, but is also pretty nice to have during the mid-game to make building might levels manually more effective (especially during overnight rebirths), and after the very early game the power you gain is fairly gradual so doing it one or two challenge series later isn't going to make much difference to the time taken.
So I could see doing it early as a continuation of DRC might unlocks to boost might without really considering the reward as useful in the short term, or leave it until just before doing PMCs if you don't find yourself wanting to put clones into might much.
Once you start putting a substantial proportion of your clones to level might up manually it makes a huge difference - even just half your clones in the might tab with this series of challenges done effectively doubles the number of clones you have in effect. Of course you will probably want to prepare by diverting some GP into build speed before starting these (or do it after CPCs so your CP is relatively high).
UUC: Ultimate Universe Challenge
Reward: Increased planet level to 50 (60 after UCC rewards, and then more from DBC score and ChP bonus).
Cap: 45 (reward will rise to 55 with UCC14 done).
Prerequisite challenges: None.
Beneficial challenge rewards: NDC.
Essential/Required for: PMC, NRC, UCC.
Helpful for: None.
- Estimated duration (early game): 10 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 1 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): <0.5 hours
Comments: Although the reward isn't very important early on (until you start needing powersurge, or have enough clones to spare to level it up for the extra stat bonus), doing UUCs early can work as a challenge-productive way of rising through P Baals if done while these challenges still take quite a few hours to do - if done later they will effectively just be might rebirth (or faster) challenges, just with the difference that every rebirth is a new challenge.
UPC: Ultimate Pet Challenge
Reward: Increase pet campaign rewards by up to 100%.
Cap: 20
Prerequisite challenges: None
Beneficial challenge rewards: NDC
Essential/Required for: UBC, CBC, NRC
Helpful for: DRC, 1kC, UUC, UPC, GSC, BHC, NDC, PMC, CPC, PBC, UCC, 1kBHC
- Estimated duration (early game): 48 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 24 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 16 hours
Comments: Definitely one of the earlier challenge series to do once you have enough pets/pet growth just because of upgrading the pet growth campaign feedback (which will help with almost all challenges via pet multiplier), but also due to the flexibility of pet campaigns the reward is helpful in almost every other challenge series - although maybe not enough for some to spare pets from more long term boosting campaigns to run divinity/multiplier campaigns that can often speed up the current rebirth/challenge a bit, at least until your pet roster gets fuller anyway.
Even in UBCs where the pet multiplier is disabled, the boost to the GP campaign and how much the early rebirths speed up with the faster rate you get extra creation speed (and then build speed, etc.) means it is still a major help there.
The UPC reward is also often doubled in effect as well on any campaigns whose rewards increase as growth/stats increase - your pets are higher base growth due to the boost to the pet growth campaign accumulated over time, but the rewards of the campaign are boosted as well (or the maximum can be achieved with a shorter campaign duration).
GSC: God Skip Challenge
Reward: Increases effect of crystal power by up to 100% (110% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 26 (effective count will rise to 31 with UCC20 done).
Prerequisite challenges: DRC
Beneficial challenge rewards: AAC, UPC, NDC (sometimes), CBC
Essential/Required for: NRC, UCC
Helpful for: 1kC, NDC, PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 16 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 8 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 5 hours
Comments: Estimated durations are even more wonky/approximate than usual here due to the nature of the challenge - the first half of the challenges will be the same time as DRCs, many of the rest allow some monument building so will be more like 1kC/NDC (getting worse once upgrades are disabled), while there are two or three that will be even slower due to the complete or near complete blocks of monument building.
Once the crystal power you have accumulated is reasonably high the reward can be approximated to doubling all your useful stats at any time (except for challenges that lock away GP and/or CP anyway), as well as the effect of increasing your creation and build speeds over time (or saving the GP you might otherwise have spent on them, whichever way you want to look at it).
BHC: Black Hole Challenge
Reward: Decrease cost of BH and BHU by 80%, increase passive GP by up to 200%.
Cap: 40
Prerequisite challenges: UUC
Beneficial challenge rewards: NDC, UPC
Essential/Required for: UCC
Helpful for: PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 16 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 8 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 5 hours
Comments: Although the reward isn't important for completing many challenges, it is probably worth doing these before certain long rebirth challenges (AACs, PMCs, NRCs) for the passive GP increase.
Similar to UUCs, if you do the BHC challenge series relatively early it can work as a challenge-productive way of rising through P Baals if done while these challenges still take quite a few hours to do - if done later they will effectively just be might rebirth (or faster) challenges, just with the difference that every rebirth is a new challenge.
Conversely I could easily see putting them off until immediately before starting AACs if not done early as nothing else is really going to benefit much from them - even if you complete a challenge just before leaving the game overnight it will only occasionally be in a position where you have time to build a bunch of Black Holes to leave earning a few extra GP (and you often could have earnt a similar amount of extra GP by doing a quick extra rebirth/rebuild instead of taking the time to set them up).
AAC: All Achievements Challenge
Reward: Decreased time/score needed to reach each training/fighting achievement by up to 50%, 50% increase in multiplier awarded for each achievement gained (55% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 50 (reward will rise to 55 with UCC20 done).
Prerequisite challenges: UUC
Beneficial challenge rewards: None (itself)
Essential / Required for: UCC
Helpful for: DRC, 1kC, GSC, NDC, CBC, NRC, PBC, UBC(?)
- Estimated duration (early game): 42-84 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 42-84 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 42-84 hours
Comments: AACs are a fairly flexible challenge - as soon as you can build a universe in a couple of days and have 1 capped your trainings (or near enough you can spare the clones to run them at bb for a few days) you could start doing them, or you could leave them for ages as they aren't really necessary for anything, just nice for quite a few.
They also don't have a completion bonus so you could also do them in bits of pieces - either when you need a break from being active, or at the tail end of a P Baal climb to push a few more for that extra pet, then do something else rather than do them all at once. Whenever you do them they will take up the same amount of time as the only thing that makes them faster is your previous AACs.
The reward is broadly useful as many challenges gain from the increase stats (both current and through increased rebirth multipliers), but part of the benefit is somewhat patchy depend on exact rebirth times - basically the boosts from each "layer" of achievements starts after half the time has passed - so tier 1 is 15s instead of 30s, tier 2 is 2m30 instead of 5 minutes, tier 3 is 25m instead of 50m, tier 4 is 2h06 instead of 4h12, tier 5 is 8h25 instead of 16h50 minutes - each tier then runs for 1h35 (assuming Improved Next At is in use), so the early tiers overlap each other and creates a vaguely smooth increase for the first few hours, but later there can be no difference between having all the AACs or none in which achievements you have (6-8 hours for example), or a very subtantial increase (3-4 hours, 10-16 hours)*. Of course even when the number of achievements is the same there is still the +50% boost in their effect (which has a double effect as it affects the size of both current and rebirth multipliers).
Overall it is a tough one - there is no advantage to waiting for your power to grow, and the reward is fairly decent and has fairly broad usefulness in other challenges, but it is one of the longest challenge series to complete (if not the longest), so there is the opportunity cost of what other challenges could have been done in the same time.
*The mutlipliers also take the form 1x, 3x, 5x, 5x, 5x, 5x which are added to each other, so the fourth and later tiers of achievements have somewhat less of an impact than the early tiers.
NDC: No Divinity Challenge
Reward: Increased base DivGen conversion rate by up to 50, 15% discount for buying creations (60 and 18% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 50 (reward will rise to 60 with UCC10 done).
Prerequisite challenges: DRC
Beneficial challenge rewards: AAC, UPC, GSC, CBC
Essential/Required for: UCC
Helpful for: UUC, UPC, GSC, BHC, CBC, NRC, PBC, UBC, 1kBHC
- Estimated duration (early game): 20 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 8 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 4 hours
Comments: I generally found these are similar to 1kCs in difficulty once you can do them (having 50+ CC), as it will also get faster as your base power boosters (pets/might boost/crystal power) grow more than anything, and in both cases you can make some but not many monuments/upgrades.
After the very early game the power you gain is fairly gradual so doing it one or two challenge series later isn't going to make much difference to the time taken, so I would be tempted to do them relatively early as they benefit most other challenges due to the divinity boost - especially if you haven't climbed a huge amount of P Baals yet.
Equally you can wait until higher CC (or much, much higher) but each doubling of your CC isn't going to even double the monuments/upgrades you create due to the increasing cost each time, so it isn't like you are going to jump up more than the occasional extra god per rebirth by having more CC (of course you will also likely be getting more base power while getting the GP to buy it, which will also make it faster as well).
NRDC: No Rebirth Dungeon Challenge
Reward: Decrease the time to clear a dungeon room by up to 20%, increase max rooms per delve to 60.
Cap: 20
Prerequisite challenges: None
Beneficial challenge rewards: None
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: None
- Estimated duration (early game): 24-96 hours (1st to 20th)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 18-48 hours (1st to 20th)
- Estimated duration (late game): 12-30 hours (1st to 20th)
Comments: Rather than challenges when to do this is mostly derived from your progress in dungeons as more teams going to deeper levels and difficulties is almost the only factor in how long it will take, and the benefits are to dungeons - so only indirectly benefiting other challenges where stats that can be boosted by equipment by accumulating inventory faster.
TMC: Total Might Challenge
Reward: Increase the effect of Total Might by up to 100%.
Cap: 25
Prerequisite challenges: DRC
Beneficial challenge rewards: 1kC, 1kBHC (at least one)
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: NDC, PBC, NRC
- Estimated duration (early game): 10-48 hours (1st to 25th)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 4-16 hours (1st to 25th)
- Estimated duration (late game): 3-10 hours (1st to 25th)
Comments: Depending on when you do these you might just be doing might rebirths for the 700 DRC "free" might levels and immediately rebirth, or if done a bit later once you have clones for it and have done the 1kC series then rebirths in the 2-4 hour range will tend to be faster - the exact duration depends on how much faster you can manually build might compared to this 442/hour base value.
While not essential for your progress in the challenges if you are planning to do more substantial rebirths where your clones increase might levels for a while after it is unlocked it might be useful to also have done CPC and other crystal factory boosting challenges before this one - as it is one of the rare challenge series where you can efficiently complete the challenge series with rebirths while building up a decent amount of Crystal Power.
CBC: Clone Build-Up Challenge
Reward: Up to 50 "virtual" extra might levels applied on top of the existing might from DRC or earned by clones (60 after UCC rewards).
Cap: 50 (count will rise to 60 with UCC20 done).
Prerequisite challenges: DRC, UPC
Beneficial challenge rewards: GSC, NDC, AAC
Essential/Required for: UBC, UCC
Helpful for: DRC, 1kC, GSC, NDC, CBC, PMC, NRC, PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 96 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 36 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 18 hours
Comments: Probably a safe bet for a mid-game challenge series whose reward becomes very useful once you have enough clones to start sending them to the Might tab in numbers and for a large chunk of most rebirths, particularly for challenges that really need many hundreds of levels in might like NRC and PMC.
Because each might level is slower than the previous one the virtual levels from this tacked on to what you have earned become worth many times as much as the free levels from DRC in such situations (of course both are nice combined in some situations like might rebirth based challenges where you don't have time to put clones on the might tab).
There is also the special case of UBC where the DRC reward is disabled, but CBC works - this means unleash is 55 seconds instead of 5 seconds (and you are unlikely to spend much clone time raising it during each rebirth), among other things.
In terms of prerequisites UPC for the GP campaign seems fairly clear, especially if done before the late game (where you will jump up quite a lot of gods every rebirth anyway) - it makes the first few rebirths much more productive when you can buy creation speed boosts every rebirth, and then getting to build speed boosts faster means you climb gods faster to reach the bb creation mutliplier target in less rebirths.
DRCs are probably even more of a requirement for the way they build your might boost right from the first rebirth, which again helps via pushing you up through the gods much faster, as well as the direct stat boosting effects of the might levels during that current rebirth.
As a special note I don't think doing CBCs extremely early on for the clones is a good idea at all - with neglible pet growth, might boost, no DRCs, etc., you could do a UBC in about the same amount of time as a CBC, and could spend the 100 GP side reward on 40k clones instead of the getting the 20k clone side reward from this challenge, and would be saving yourself time later once CBCs become significantly quicker and easier than UBCs.
NRC: No Rebirth Challenge
Reward: Increased UB cycle time by up to 20% (25% with 20 UCCs done to unlock 21st-25th).
Cap: 20 (25 with 20 UCCs done).
Prerequisite challenges: 1kC, UUC, UPC, GSC
Beneficial challenge rewards: AAC, NDC, CBC, PMC, CPC, UCC
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: PMC, CPC, PBC, 1kBHC
- Estimated duration (early game): 240+ hours (NRC+5: not available)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 48 hours (NRC+5: not available)
- Estimated duration (late game): 12 hours (NRC+5: 72 hours)
Comments: Increasing the UB spawn rate means both faster divinity gain and faster crystal production, so it helps with most of the challenges that rebirth later than might unlock (and even for some of those it causes a second wave of UBs with three times the divinity to appear a few minutes after might unlocks, so might still be useful) - either directly because of more divinity (and monuments), or indirectly through energy because faster and bigger crystals give a number of boosts (or for CPC directy through faster rate of CP gain).
Conversely defeating Baal in a single rebirth from a standing start can be very time consuming until you have lots of other challenge rewards, and lots of pets, pet growth, crystal power, might boost, clones, build speed, etc., so while in theory this challenge can be cleared at any point once UBs can be killed basically, it is almost certainly best to leave it fairly late in the order of challenges, my guideline would probably be under 2 days, i.e. once all the achievement related boosts have been gained assuming you have done all AACs, and with all or nearly all of the UB kill counts at 9 or higher, so you don't spend any/much time "suwesh"ing over the finish line from a mix of UB kill boosts and further slow additive grinding upwards of monuments/planetsurge/might levels, etc.
Once the UCC challenge series is complete five more of these are unlocked but require going 1 P Baal extra each time - at the time I did them I was doing regular NRCs in 10-12 hours, NRC+1 took about 18 hours, NRC+2 was 24h, NRC+3 about 36h, NRC+4 about 2 days and NRC+5 nearly 3 days.
PMC: Planet Multiplier Challenge
Reward: Increased energy dropped by UB by up to 100% (120% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 50 (count will rise to 60 with UCC7 done).
Prerequisite challenges: 1kC, UUC
Beneficial challenge rewards: CBC, NRC
Essential/Required for: UCC
Helpful for: NRC, CPC, 1kBHC
- Estimated duration (early game): 48 to 240+ hours (1st to 50th)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 14 to 48 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 10 to 22 hours
Comments: Probably a mid-late game challenge which requires plenty of clones, especially after the relatively low target early challenges are done - for levelling up planet surge and the stat boosting might levels to help kill the UBv2s.
While these presumably can feasibly be done without bbing planetsurge or not killing all five UBv2s, having half or third of the speed of planetsurge growth, or dropping the x6 multiplier from ItRtG v2 will extend the run time of each challenge signficantly - not as much as by x2 or x6, because the UB kill bonus stacks multiplicatively, so you can effectively "suwesh" your way to the target of each challenge no matter how far short you fall once the bonuses start dropping to their minimum levels (after 9 kills of each). However doing this for a significant part of the 50 of these challenges is not likely to be the best option unless you need a challenge you can just leave running for days once it is set up.
In terms of the circular reward with NRCs probably doing the NRCs first is likely to make more difference - on long NRC runs extra energy and thus crystals to upgrade aren't really going to make a huge difference due to the multiply diminishing returns (due to the massively rise cost of upgrading to the next level combined with the additive nature of the crystal bonuses making each extra level have less impact), whereas the NRC reward will mean you kill 5 sets of UBs for every 4 you would have killed.
As with some of the other long normal rebirth challenges (particularly AAC), it might make sense to do some of these challenges as part of a P Baal climb, possibly splitting them up and doing the series in multiple groups at appropriate times when you have gained enough power or rewards from other challenges to push further.
CPC: Crystal Power Challenge
Reward: Reduces clones needed to build crystals by up to 50%, and reduces time taken by 25% (60%, 30% after UCC rewards).
Cap: 25 (count will rise to 30 with UCC20 done).
Prerequisite challenges: None
Beneficial challenge rewards: PMC, NRC
Essential/Required for: UCC
Helpful for: CBC, UBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 18 to 48 hours (1st to 25th)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 9 to 36 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 6 to 30 hours
Comments: CPCs are somewhat of an oddity - doing them gives a reward that somewhat helps do more of them quicker (well it would if the target didn't grow each completion), but doesn't help much directly in other challenges - it allows you to build a couple more crystals from the first UB kill in a might rebirth scenario, but probably you will be doing these challenges after most or all of those are cleared. Conversely in longer rebirth challenges you will end up generating about 33% more crystals, but due to the diminshing returns of the conversions, this will only occasionally give you a one higher level crystal by the end, so the benefit there is limited as well.
In fact the primary benefit I found from this challenge series was that it boosted my accumulated CP by about a factor of four, due to the limited amount of CP you get if you are doing other challenges, which almost all have limited or no CP gains for various reasons (might rebirth not giving enough time, too few clones to kill UBs, lack of divinity to build crystals, or at the other extreme long rebirth challenges). This might not be so much the case for newer players (where crystals have been in the game since they started), but it still will presumably give a fairly hefty boost to stats, build and creation speeds.
Doing them early might have a benefit of the other part of the reward - reducing the clones needed in the crystal factories would be pretty helpful in the early-mid game while clones are always scarce, but the numbers involved are not that critical once you start having tens of millions of clones and above, at which point it will only be the faster crystal output that will be of interest.
The reduced clone count can also be useful for the later rebirths of CBCs/UBCs to build more crystals simultaneously (if you can get enough divinity for the materials for that many anyway).
UBC: Ultimate Baal Challenge
Reward: Reduce the growth of P Baal stats by up to 50%.
Cap: 50
Prerequisite challenges: UPC, CBC
Beneficial challenge rewards: GSC, NDC, AAC
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): 96 hours
- Estimated duration (mid game): 36 hours
- Estimated duration (late game): 18 hours
Comments: While these challenges are very nice to have outside of challenges, and some of the benefits (extra GP from more P Baals killed, higher DivGen base conversion rate, earlier unlock of the P Baal pets) indirectly feed back into making other challenges easier, they are a very long challenge series to complete, especially given they require high activity - might rebirths most of the way, lack of clones for pet training (exacerbated by the regular rebirths), disabling most of the TBS boosts making frequent trips to that tab necessary (or if skipped, more rebirths and longer time to complete each challenge).
This seems to lead to a very wide range of when they are done - some people suggest doing them pretty early to get them out of the way before you get used to all the "comforts" GP can buy, while others leave them almost to last.
Completing UPC first seems worthwhile - the extra rewards from GP campaigns will be a big boost to progress in the early rebirths, getting creation speed boosts faster, and then also boosting build speed earlier, and then finally picking up 1 or 2 extra CC to make (re)building clones for killing UBs for the energy/crystals much faster and easier, as well as building your clone cap to 99999 much quicker.
The other big boost is the CBCs reward - unlike DRCs, these still work in a UBC, which will make progress a bit easier generally (via boosting stats, etc.), but especially by extending the full set of might unleash to 55 seconds instead of just 5, which is fairly frequently going to allow you to clear an extra god per rebirth, significantly reducing the number of rebirths needed per challenge, and of course the time taken.
PBC: P. Baal Challenge
Reward: Increases the GP reward for killing a P Baal by up to 100% (200% after UCC20 complete), increases rebirth multiplier cap of monument upgrades by 100% (200% after UCC20 complete), also adds 50% to Black Hole rebirth multiplier if all 25 completed.
Cap: 25 (50 after UCC20 complete).
Prerequisite challenges: DRC
Beneficial challenge rewards: UPC, GSC, BHC, NDC, AAC, CBC, NRC, UBC, UCC, 1kBHC
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: UBC(?)
- Estimated duration (early game): 24 to 240+ hours (1st to 25th)
- Estimated duration (mid game): 5 to 24 hours (1st to 25th)
- Estimated duration (late game): 4 to 14 hours (1st to 25th), then 14 to 36 hours (26th to 50th)
Comments: A challenge series that could easily be started relatively early on, given the first ones are basically not much more than DRCs with a rebirth cap of 4 - although if done too early even the very first ones will be virtual UACs. Early in the game the amount of P Baal kills are fairly few anyway, so a few done for a low chance of a bonus GP here and there probably isn't worth the trouble.
In the latter part of the early game and mid-game you kill P Baals significantly more frequently (for example during a CPC with it's 3-4h rebirth cycle you could well be killing 20 or 30 P Baals each time, which if you have done all this challenge series is an extra 5-10GP per hour. It also makes any time outside challenges generate more GP.
However in terms of directly benefitting other challenges it is fairly limited - the GP benefits won't directly help, so there is only the rebirth multipliers part of the reward, which requires both that you build enough monuments that you would exceed the base cap, and that increasing your rebirth multipliers will help finish the challenge more quickly - while this could help DRC-likes with their might rebirth to climb an extra god per rebirth occasionally, the ones you might consider doing after completing these, for example NDCs, you won't tend to be building enough upgrades even in the later rebirths of each.
The last couple of rebirths of CBCs/UBCs might build enough upgrades to benefit depending on your progress/strategy, although with CBCs even if it does that only indirectly helps anyway, but in most cases challenges that let you build lots of monuments/upgrades are either very early challenges like DRCs, or doing so doesn't directly help you win the challenge.
One particular note is UBCs - if doing these relatively early then having done the UBC series will fairly substantially reduce the time taken for the later challenges of this series particularly (to the point it could be considered a requirement/pre-requisite). However if left until towards the end game, so nearly all of the other of the listed helpful challenges are done, and with lots more base power (pets, pet growth, might boost, crystal power, clones, etc.) then UBCs will have a much more limited impacted - by the late game you should probably be able to do 5 might rebirths and reach P Baal 25 even with only 1 UBC, so all having the rest of the UBCs would do at that point is allow you shorten a couple of the early rebirths to 1 hour instead of might rebirths or something like that.
Once all 20 UCCs have been done a further 25 of these are unlocked, meaning needing to go all the way to P Ball 50 - at that point having the UBCs done will really be essential.
UCC: Ultimate Challenge Challenge
Reward: Increase the rewards of UUC, PMC, NDC, 1kC, DRC, CBC by 10 each (if all 20 done, increase rewards of GSC, AAC, CPC by 5 each and unlocks 5 more NRCs and 25 more PBCs).
Cap: 20
Prerequisite challenges: UUC, PMC, NDC, 1kC, DRC, CBC, GSC, AAC, CPC
Beneficial challenge rewards: Virtually everything else.
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: Almost everything (except you will have virtually done them all to unlock this series)
- Estimated duration (early game): Not available
- Estimated duration (mid game): Not available
- Estimated duration (late game): 2 to 240+ hours (1st to 20th)
Comments: Given the rewards nature of additively increasing the rewards of other challenges, it isn't going to be critical for anything, but due to the increase in nine different challenge series rewards it is going to help almost everything else somewhat - that is if you do them before you have completed everything else first. Of course most of the challenge series are explicitly in-game prerequisites, and even for the ones that aren't, there isn't going to be a huge advantage to doing the UCCs first anyway.
So this is pretty much guaranteed to be one of the last few challenge series to do and, well, it was designed for that purpose basically, so I guess that is to be expected.
1kBHC: 1K Clones Black Hole Challenge
Reward: Increase the Black Hole multipliers by up to 0.2% per level gained in new Black Hole+ might training, increase in Black Hole passive GP gain by up to 100%.
Cap: 20
Prerequisite challenges: UPC, UUC
Beneficial challenge rewards: NDC, PMC, NRC
Essential/Required for: None
Helpful for: TMC, PBC
- Estimated duration (early game): Not available
- Estimated duration (mid game): Not available
- Estimated duration (late game): 2 to 240+ hours (1st to 20th)
Comments: While doing just one of these to unlock the new might training category helps get a few more levels during a DMC and slightly speeds up TMCs, completing this challenge series doesn't usually have much in the way of directly benefits to other challenges - levelling up the might training and the extra boost to rebirth multipliers are beneficial during a P Baal climb, but few challenges are really going to benefit from this (especially given how late this challenge series almost has to done due to the build speed requirement).
The only real exception is probably the second half of the PBC series (after UCCs are done) - the extra rebirth multiplier boost should speed these up moderately.
In terms of challenges that are worth having first, it is mostly ones that boost divinity because those 1000 clones (or slightly less that are free to assign) aren't going to be building up your DivGen very far. Once you have enough divinity then it is just a matter of build speed (so CPC might have helped a bit, if you had enough clones to build a crystal...or kill an UB, and if the tab wasn't locked if I remember correctly), so no other challenges really matter at that point - except indirectly UPC and it helping accumulated some extra Chakra Pills during past item campaigns.
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/4945-idling-to-rule-the-gods.html