How to bring back multiplayer by cloud-sharing saves. (No dedicated server)


Requirements :

Dropbox (or google drive or any other cloud-based storage)

Your friends also gotta have a dropbox account.

Making Dropbox Save Folder

In this guide, I'll be talking about Dropbox since it was the most familiar to me.

---Making dropbox save folder---

1. Once dropbox is installed,

2. Make 1 folder where your saves are going to be e.g. "Icarus saves".

Finding Save Location

---Finding save location---

3. Go to windows search and type in %appdata%.

4. It will open the "Roaming" folder, go one folder back

5. You should now be in "AppData" folder, open "Local" folder

6. Find "Icarus > Saved > PlayerData > [765... Your steam ID] > Prospects" folder

Copy, Paste, Delete Save File

---Copy, Paste, Delete save file---

7. The "Prospects" folder is where your save files are,

copy the "Prospects" folder to dropbox in "Icarus saves"

8. Make a backup of the "Prospects" folder, you don't want this lost.

9. Delete the original "Prospects" folder that is within "Appdata"

Making Symlink A.k.a. The Magic Dust

---Making Symlink a.k.a. The Magic Dust---

10. Open CMD in administrator mode (Type in windows search "cmd")

11. Type in mklink /D "path/to/original/folder" "path/to/dropbox/folder"

Sharing The Dropbox Folder

---Sharing the dropbox folder---

12. This one is easy, in the dropbox folder, where your save folder is, right-click the save folder and press "share". Share with your friends that folder.

13. Your friends will also have to repeat this.

Video Link

Here is the video link that explains it but it's for another game.

Hope this guide helps you bring back the "No original host" experience back.


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