OMG Stop Asking "how To Get The DLC Girls!"
This will be the WORST guide I've ever written. You will all hate it and IDGAF. I'm just sick of seeing this question in the forums and on comments on other peoples' guides. Also, I'm disabling the comments on this one because I don't care enough about this game to respond. If you have questions after reading this, go ask on the discussion board or check the developer's Patreon page.
So here's the thing...
"But how do I get the DLC / updates with the other girls?" you ask.
OMFG clean out your ears and learn to listen please. This question has been answered seventeen times at least. YOU CAN'T. This is the "demo" version of the game. It only takes you through the beginning, the first few missions/girls, and that is all it will ever do. That is why this prologue/demo version is free. It's basically meant to be an advertisement so you will want the full version when it is finished.
The "official" version is still in EARLY ACCESS right now and only available on the developer's Patreon page, which you need to pay in order to access. What you get from that includes occasional updates as he finishes new parts of the story and adds new girls/scenes. Plus depending on how much you want to pay you get certain other benefits such as having your name listed in the game's credits as a supporter for "special thanks", or being able to write a note to other players that will possibly appear as an in-game item, and some artwork. When the final release version is ready, he will probably put it on Steam BUT IT WILL NOT BE FREE, YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT like most other games.
I hope that clears up that question for everyone. If you see anyone else asking this question please gently smack them upside the head and show them this "guide" to set them straight.
Developer's Patreon Page
The game's developer, known as "Redamz", is running a Patreon site where fans of his work can donate or pledge money to support his efforts. His site can be found here:
He offers three subscription levels for $1, $5, or $10 per month. Bear in mind this is a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION not a one-time payment, if you want to continue getting the benefits from being a supporter you will have to pay every month.
I personally do not use Patreon, just as a general rule, so I cannot speak to the quality or frequency of new game updates for this project. But feel free to check out the page and see for yourself.
Happy gaming!
When Will The Full Release Be Done?
I don't know. I have nothing to do with this project, I'm just a schmuck like the rest of you. I only got the demo because it looks silly, it's free, and I'm bored. But according to others who apparently have been paying attention to the Patreon site the best answer for now is "it will be a while." So hang in there.
Someday it will be released in the full version. Honestly when that day comes I will probably forget to come back and edit this "guide" to include a link to the full release version's Steam Store page. But whatever, it's not going to be done in 2020. If you're reading this in 2021 or later, you can just search the Steam Store and see if the full version is posted there yet. Good luck.
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