how not to die against axl low

how not to die against axl low

How Not To Die Against Axl Low™ Step 1

how not to die against axl low image 1

how not to die against axl low image 2
how not to die against axl low image 3

stop standing on the other side of the map you dumb dumb

this is not a good position to be against axl low™

this is also not a good position to be against axl low™ [unless he doesn't know how to anti-air]

this is a good position to be against axl low™

How Not To Die Against Axl Low™ Step 2

don't let him get p1 side, because his song will make him more skilled, trust me.

Congratulations You Now Will Die Less To Axl Low™

if you have followed this guide successfully, you have officially gained the knowledge of how not to lose against axl low™ and will go to heaven.
